From: "Dallas Gunman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Homeless Activists:

I am a former resident of the Ann Arbor homeless shelter, listed in the 1998
edition of WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA.  All of my references can bechecked through
public and university libraries.

I have recently made statements on the JFK assassination which have
been inaccurately reported by the Wireless Flash news service of San

Here is a recent posting marginally related to my JFK statements from
the New Media Cafe Group in Plano, Texas, a.k.a. Globe Daily...


My publicist, Robert Sterling cited in the Wireless Flash news release
has his TCB/JFK site at:


Still another TCB/JFK page has just appeared at:


What follows is an e-mail I sent to the International Labor
Organization in Geneva; the other sites are included.  Flashnews
accurately reported that I am now a dishwasher; not included were such
matters as reference to my work in the U.S. Senate CONGRESSIONAL RECORD and
the UN's WORLD HEALTH magazine, or the fact that my family has been tortured
and killed.  In the context of the manner in which my statements have been
reported, I would hope for the intervention of
your newspaper in addressing this matter.

Sincerely -- T. Casey Brennan

The e-mail following is what I ACTUALLY said, as opposed to what
Wireless Flash claimed I said.

T. Casey Brennan (in 1998 WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA)
317 S. Division St., No. 181
Ann Arbor, MI  48104-2203 USA

Dear International Labor Organization:

I am sending copies of this e-mailing to the World
Health Organization and American Psychiatric Association, noted herein, and
selected law enforcement offices including the New Orleans District
Attorney's Office.  I am writing this to protest the poor
treatment received by former World Health Organization official Peter
Ozorio as noted at these postings by the ILO:


I would also like to point out a further factor in Mr. Ozorio's case,
which the ILO surely has not considered. In the October 1983 (page 30)
and January-February 1986 (page 9) of WHO's WORLD HEALTH magazine, Mr.
Ozorio wrote about my supposed campaign to ban the portrayal of smoking in
comic books, and, in each case, sent me a check from a UN bank account in
Zurich for my providing research for the articles.  The articles followed
accounts of my work in CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE, Vol. 128, No. 131.
September 28, 1982, page S12435,
and preceded numerous legislative and gubernatorial documents in my
honor, including a Proclamation designating January 1990 as T. CASEY
BRENNAN MONTH in the State of Arkansas, signed by then Arkansas
Governor, Bill Clinton. Unfortunately, Peter Ozorio was aware that
throughout this supposed anti-smoking campaign, I was penniless, living in
homeless shelters and eating at free meals, and was in desperate need of
employment.  Add to that the fact that my family had been tortured and
killed, I had suffered crippling injuries as a result of an attack (see the
newspaper article at the T. CASEY BRENNAN ARCHIVE), and was being refused
any kind of welfare or medical treatment, and you have a pretty good idea of
how much Peter Ozorio knew about a matter directly related to the Kennedy
assassination. I am partially amnesiac before 1975, but I'm reasonably
certain I shot John Kennedy, under the direction of osteopathic physician
and hypnotist, J.H. Earnshaw of Port Hope, Michigan. I've dealt with the
matter in CONJURELLA at...


These are the T. CASEY BRENNAN Fan pages (about me, not by me), from
California, Canada, the Netherlands, and Texas...


The last address, the Texas T. CASEY BRENNAN ARCHIVE, deals with the
disappearance of Katherine Schlorke, who should be considered a witness if
CONJURELLA is true.  By the account given me, she was ordered committed to a
mental health institution during the Garrison
investigation.  She was dragged from her home screaming "Casey shot
President Kennedy", whereupon she then "disappeared into the mental
health system", and her family has not been able to contact her since.
This matter should not be considered unconnected with the
well-documented CIA MK-ULTRA experiments in Toronto in the late 1950s,
predating the JFK assassination, and discussed at length in the
American Psychiatric Association volume, PSYCHIATRY & THE CIA, by
Harvey M. Weinstein.

I would like the ILO to reconsider Mr. Ozorio's case in the light of
what he truly is, a Kennedy witness.  The American Osteopathic
Association is receiving a copy of this mailing.


T. Casey Brennan

See articles on my work in UN/WHO's WORLD HEALTH magazine, October
1983, page 30, and January-February 1986, page 9, and ICA NEWS March
1988, page 3, the former newsletter of the International Cooperative
Alliance, also in Geneva.
From the Eagle 1 news group
Norman Thomas, the Socialist Party's presidential candidate in every national election from 1928 through 1948,  understood that 'Socialism' under that name would never be accepted by the American people.  He wrote:
"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism,  but under the name of 'Liberalism',  they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program until one day America would be a Socialist nation without knowing it happened."

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