Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Johannes Schmidt III" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Mechanical. Maybe something in the car, a nut or bolt or
 something, snapped and whacked you under the ear? Was it that
 sort of car.

Not sure what you mean by 'that sort of car' was a 1976 Plymouth Volare Sport 
Coupe.  Sweet little car
that I kept until 1989...

I was parked in a parking space in the garage, just about to get out of the car.  If 
it had been anything hard
that had hit my ear -- whether the object was metallic, mineral, plastic, glass, 
whatever, it would have hit
the glass of my car after hitting my ear...yet nothing did.

 Insect: Could it have been a bee sting, insect bite or sting?
 You stated the windows were closed, but could something have
 gotten in through a gap or the airconditioning?

Possibly.  Believe me, that is one of the many possibilities/excuses I considered over 
the years, but for the
same reason above that I dismiss the hard object from within the car, I dismiss the 
insect theory, since my
windows were up and I was in a parked car.  There was no insect buzzing around inside. 
 Also, the sensation
was of some hard object hitting my ear (the outer ear actually bent forward), not of 
something sitting on my
ear and stinging me.

 Physical/Psychological: Could it have been some sort of twitch
 or muscle spasm you hadn't experienced before?

If it was, it was something I'd never experienced before, and never have experienced 
since.  It was a 'twitch'
that caused my outer ear to be pushed forward and flattened against my ear canal 
opening, and also magically
produced a bruise only on the back of the ear and not on the front...

 There might be some sort of neurological explanation, perhaps it
 was due to stress or something? You said it was bruised, but did
 you have a mirror with you to check?

Yes, I did.  I first checked it in the car mirror, and a compact I carried with me, 
and could see 'something',
but not much.  I then checked it in a larger mirror in the ladies' room at work, about 
15 minutes later.

 If you bruise easily,

I don't.  It takes a lot for me to bruise, but once I am the bruise stays a long 
time...this bruise didn't
completely fade for almost a month, although after 2 weeks or so it had gone from ugly 
black/blue/purple to

any subsequent bruise might have been caused by you rubbing
 the spot when the pain occured.

I never rubbed it, only first touched it because I really thought I'd been shot and 
expected to see blood, and
when I didn't I then bent the ear forward and tried to see the back of it in my car 
mirrors and in my
compact...I could see that there was some sort of mark, but like I said couldn't 
really see a lot (the
lighting wasn't the best in the parking garage), and when I got into work I 
immediately checked it in the
ladies room, and it was already very 'colorful'...

Besides, it hurt like the dickens immediately when it happened, and for the rest of 
the day (and was hard to
sleep on that side because of the pain).  No 'touching' or 'rubbing' on my part caused 

 Just a few ideas to try and convince you you're sane.

Oh, I'm reasonably sure I'm reasonably sane...but I still have no idea what it was 
that occurred that day, and
still am searching for a theory that would fit.


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-13 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

June wrote:

 Oh, I'm reasonably sure I'm reasonably sane...but I still have no idea what it was 
that occurred that day, and
 still am searching for a theory that would fit.

Forgive me if someone else has suggested the following - I'm pretty
behind on my emails, but find your experience intriguing.

When I was a teenager I was at a party (at my own house) and a friend
across the room called my name. I turned my head to look and suddenly
'heard' a loud 'snap' and felt intense pain shoot up from the back of my
neck to the top of my skull.  It was *incredibly* painful.  My neck and
skull were sore for days after.  The doctor I saw told me that we have
tendons in our neck, and that one of mine had 'snapped', probably simply
due to the simple movement of my head to look at my friend.

So I accepted that explanation.  Then years later I read about something
called 'mini-strokes' that can sometimes occur in the (sorry forget the
medical term) large artery that leads up the neck to the brain.  I
though back to my 'snapped' tendon and wondered if instead of that I had
experienced a mini-stroke.

In any event, it has always puzzled me, and the location of it - the
'snapping' was close to the side of the neck near the back of the ear
area that you describe.  However, I don't remember any bruising,
although I have very thick and long hair - there easily could have been
some and would have been more surprised than not if their hadn't been -
that was how powerful the force of the snapping was.  Indeed, as you
say, it would be easy to think of it as being shot.

Not sure if this is of any help to you - but if you ever do find out
what caused yours, let me know!


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

 When I was a teenager I was at a party (at my own house) and a friend
 across the room called my name. I turned my head to look and suddenly
 'heard' a loud 'snap' and felt intense pain shoot up from the back of my
 neck to the top of my skull.

What I experienced did not entail pain in the neck or on the top of my head.  It felt 
like a small, hard
object hitting the back of my ear at an extremely high rate of speed, with such force 
as to bend the cartilage
and lobe forward over the opening to the ear canal.

The pain was sharp but localized to the back of the ear.

If it WAS an external object that hit my ear, what was strange was that it managed to 
hit my ear but nothing
else.  Even stranger was the fact that only the back of my ear was bruised, and 
extremely bruised at
that...we're talking mostly black, with a little patch of ugly purple.  And yet the 
front of my ear was fine.

It's this last fact that causes most theories I and others have considered over the 
years to be
rejected...anything that would have caused that extensive amount of bruising should 
have caused the bruising
to also appear on the front of the ear, at least on the lobe...

 It was *incredibly* painful.  My neck and
 skull were sore for days after.

Again, this description is nothing like what I experienced.

As I mentioned in another post, put the tip of your index finger on the back of your 
earlobe.  Then move it up
the back of your ear about half an inch, and then push your ear forward so that the 
cartilage and lobe cover
your outer ear canal.  Now imagine this being done quickly and sharply by what felt to 
be a small, hard
object, and you'll get an idea of what I experienced.

 In any event, it has always puzzled me, and the location of it - the
 'snapping' was close to the side of the neck near the back of the ear
 area that you describe.

In my experience, it wasn't a case of being 'near the back of the ear area', but of 
BEING the back of the ear,


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-12 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

 I meant a vigorous sexual encounter.

Unfortunately, no.  ;-)

And I've never heard of any sort of vigorous physical activity resulting in a burst 
blood vessel behind the
ear, especially a burst vessel that didn't show anything in the front of the ear...

 ??? What do YOU think it was?

Other than STRANGE, I really have no idea what cause it.  I've ruled out being shot, 
since no skin was broken,
neither was there any sign of a bullet, and it would have been nigh on impossible to 
have shot me based on my
location in that parking garage (being on the 2nd level and the walls having extremely 
narrow openings).  But
it really FELT as if something hit me externally, especially since I felt the 
cartilage portion of the ear
move forward, albeit quickly and sharply.

I suppose that if it WAS something like an 'implant', if it COULD 'explode', it 
perhaps could have cause the
sensation of something hitting my ear...but such a premise then opens up a whole can 
of worms as to when, why,
and by whom such a conjectural implant would have been done.

Quite frankly, I put 'implant' low down on the list of possibilities...but I don't 
rule out anything entirely.
I just thought anyone who has any knowledge of such things could perhaps offer an 

 Well I think you've possibly answered your own conundrum June?  Reagan was
 already infected with Powell's ideology, which he had dialogued and argued
 with Reagan on many an occasion.  Therefore, the seed planted, the sales
 delivered by Powell over a long period, Reagan could have easily been
 crunched into submission within a relatively brief 20 - 30 minutes. But
 obviously the
 sales pitch had been delivered over a much longer period by Powell.

Perhaps, but unlikely.  Everyone who knew Reagan was extremely surprised by his 
180-degree turn politically at
that time, and no one, not even his wife, could explain it.

Surely Powell wasn't the only person who'd argued politics with Reagan over the years, 
and the fact that week
after week he couldn't sway Reagan doesn't lend credence to the claim that one night 
he was able to lock him
in his den -- and again, why the need to separate Reagan from their wives, and lock 
the door to boot -- and
magically change Reagan's mind in 20 minutes.  Something else had to be at work that 
night, something both
Jane Wyman and June Allyson commented on later in their lives.

 By the way, where was this Powell character educated?

I have no idea.  The only thing I know about him is that he was the lead tenor in 
Busby Berkley musicals in
the 1930s, then surprised everyone with his dramatic performances in the late 
1940s...but due to his extreme
rightwing politics, he found getting movie roles more and more difficult, and so made 
what was considered a
career-killing move to television in the late 1950s, but ended up being very 
successful and able to thumb his
nose at his nay-sayers...

But his politics never changed, and if anything got more rightwing...

 Further, according to other reports, Reagan was extremely superstitious, and
 consulted mediums and astrologers for his personal and politico guidance,
 and was quite serious about such matters.

It may perhaps be more precise to say that Nancy Reagan seems to be the really 
superstitious one, and that her
husband went along with it.  I've heard of astrologers being used, not sure about the 


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Found this item June that may be of interest - re pesticides and death
of Dick Powell and a movie they made...he died in 1963 but his last
appearance in Columbus, he had "hives" and thought swiss cheese caused
an allergic reaction.   Look at cast of characters re this movie and
what happened to them?

What Everyone Should Know

Corporations spend millions on campaign contributions to block tougher
pesticide regulations. Their investment has paid off:
*In 1958, congress passed the Delaney Clause which prohibits all food
additives shown to cause cancer. But congress also allowed the continued
use of all pesticides approved before 1958.
*In 1970, the EPA assumed responsibility for setting safe pesticide
limits. but congress again permitted the continued use of all pesticides
approved before 1970.
*In 1978, more accurate testing procedures were adopted. But all
pesticides approved prior to 1978 were again exempted.
Several older sprays grandfathered into use without adequate testing,
persist for years and would not be allowed on the market today. The
National Academy of Sciences estimates that 90% of the cancer risk from
pesticides stems from those approved before 1978. In contrast to other
industrialized nations, breast cancer deaths in Israel (which had been
rising for 25 years) dropped sharply between 1976-1986. During this same
period, known risk factors actually worsened: Israeli alcohol, fat and
total calorie consumption increased; fiber, fruit and vegetable intake
declined; and childbearing was delayed.
The apparent reason for Israel's declining breast cancer was their
program to ban organochlorine pesticides (DDT and lindane) in 1978. the
pesticide level in Israeli breast milk and cow's milk has fallen since
the ban. Scientists believe organochlorines are "complete" carcinogens,
which both initiate and promote cancer growth.
U.S. breast cancers increased sharply in recent years, despite a drop in
consumption of fat and alcohol. U.S. pesticide exposure worsened during
the past decade. Pesticides contribute to breast cancer risk independent
of fat intake. Countries with toxic waste sites have elevated breast
cancer rates. Our government has failed to curtail dangerous pesticides,
not because we lack information, but because we lack political resolve.
The Delaney Clause requires the EPA to deny approval of new pesticides,
that are less carcinogenic than older pesticides currently in use.
Congress inflicted this intolerable situation on the public and only
Congress can undo the damage.
- Immediately revoke the registration of all pre-1978 pesticides not
tested under current standards. (Manufacturers could re-apply for
registration.) - Ban the production and export of any pesticide not
allowed on American food. - Regulate and phase out estrogenic chemicals.
- Require growers to disclose which pesticides they use. - Require a
country-of-origin labeling law. - Mandate civil and criminal penalties
for violators.
There are those who still cling tenaciously to tenets of the past. the
chemical industry with its powerful lobbies, legislative cohorts, and
indentured academic consultants, has relentlessly pursued profits with
little regard for biological consequences. While lives are being lost,
members of congress accept campaign contributions from pesticide
companies. The government's pesticide regulatory system is fundamentally
compromised by special interests, an approach not compatible with public
health. A sustainable society cannot place corporate profits and
campaign war chests over cancer risks to the public at large. A
sustainable society tempers technology with accountability and gives
people a voice.
In 1954, John Wayne, Susan Hayward, Agnes Moorehead and producer Dick
Powell filmed, "The conqueror," on the sand dunes outside St. George,
Utah about 150 miles downwind from atomic bomb testing. for three
months, the filmmakers breathed dust laced with radioactive fallout. Of
the 220 people in the cast and crew, 91 had contracted cancer by late
1980, and half the cancer victims had died of the disease. These
included John Wayne, Susan Hayward, Agnes Moorehead and Dick Powell.
The U.S. government apologized to the citizens of Utah for the lives
lost in the name of national security . . . 40 years after the fact. We
cannot wait for the same apology with pesticides. the stakes have grown
too large in this macabre game of poker. The seeds are sown and nothing
short of concerted national action can halt cancer from becoming our
nation's leading cause of death.
Every time history repeats itself, the stakes go up.
"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life . . . It hopes we've
learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne (1907 - 1979)
Lee Hitchcox, D.C. is a researcher, author and chiropractor. The
material presented here may be found in his recently released book, Long
Life Now: Strategies for 

Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-12 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:50:17 -0400 Ynr Chyldz Wyld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

  Perhaps an exploding implant?  ;-)

 Prolly a burst blood vessel  maybe too much "thinking" June ...

Perhaps.  But that 'burst blood vessel' moved my earlobe flat against the FRONT of my 
ear...IOW, my earlobe,
and a good amount of cartilage above it, was pressed FORWARD over my ear opening, 
which is why I actually
thought I'd been shot with a BB gun...

Ever experience getting your ears 'boxed'?  That was how my ear felt, as if something 
had hit it at high
speed, pushing the lobe and cartilage forward at high speed...

Maybe it was the pressure in your ear caused it to rupture? This usually only happens 
in aeroplanes, but if some localised pressure difference happened, you might have 
partly ruptured your eardrum (which can be very painful). Did you experience any 
lasting hearing damage? A handy martial arts technique is to slap both your attacker's 
ears at once, hard, which if done properly can rupture the eardrums and certainly puts 
him off balance for a while!

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-12 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Johannes Schmidt III" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maybe it was the pressure in your ear caused it to rupture?
 This usually only happens in aeroplanes, but if some localised
 pressure difference happened, you might have partly ruptured your
 eardrum (which can be very painful). Did you experience any lasting
 hearing damage?

Nope, it wasn't IN my ear.  It was BEHIND my ear, where the cartilage meets the skull. 
 The whole BACK of my
ear was terribly bruised, including a portion of skin over my skull where the ear 
cartilage meets the skull
(about the size of a 25-cent piece), but the front of my ear, including the outer 
portion that enters the
skull, was fine.

It was definitely just on the surface, not deep down.

My ear didn't even 'ring', let alone have any effect on my hearing.

Put the tip of your index finger on the back of your earlobe.  Now move your fingertip 
up about half an inch
and press your ear forward.  Now imagine a 'something' that is made of a hard 
substance performing the same
action at an extremely high rate of speed, and you'll get an idea of what I 
experienced (plus an idea of where
the worst of the bruising was located)...


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-12 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

You know, now that I think about it I can think of a few possible explanations. Now 
you are the only one who was there, so these may seem ridiculous to you, but there has 
to be some explanation:

Mechanical. Maybe something in the car, a nut or bolt or something, snapped and 
whacked you under the ear? Was it that sort of car.

Insect: Could it have been a bee sting, insect bite or sting? You stated the windows 
were closed, but could something have gotten in through a gap or the airconditioning?

Physical/Psychological: Could it have been some sort of twitch or muscle spasm you 
hadn't experienced before? There might be some sort of neurological explanation, 
perhaps it was due to stress or something? You said it was bruised, but did you have a 
mirror with you to check? If you bruise easily, any subsequent bruise might have been 
caused by you rubbing the spot when the pain occured.

Just a few ideas to try and convince you you're sane.

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000 21:07:24 -0400 Ynr Chyldz Wyld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

From: "Johannes Schmidt III" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maybe it was the pressure in your ear caused it to rupture?
 This usually only happens in aeroplanes, but if some localised
 pressure difference happened, you might have partly ruptured your
 eardrum (which can be very painful). Did you experience any lasting
 hearing damage?

Nope, it wasn't IN my ear.  It was BEHIND my ear, where the cartilage meets the 
skull.  The whole BACK of my
ear was terribly bruised, including a portion of skin over my skull where the ear 
cartilage meets the skull
(about the size of a 25-cent piece), but the front of my ear, including the outer 
portion that enters the
skull, was fine.

It was definitely just on the surface, not deep down.

My ear didn't even 'ring', let alone have any effect on my hearing.

Put the tip of your index finger on the back of your earlobe.  Now move your 
fingertip up about half an inch
and press your ear forward.  Now imagine a 'something' that is made of a hard 
substance performing the same
action at an extremely high rate of speed, and you'll get an idea of what I 
experienced (plus an idea of where
the worst of the bruising was located)...

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

  Perhaps an exploding implant?  ;-)

 Prolly a burst blood vessel  maybe too much "thinking" June ...

Perhaps.  But that 'burst blood vessel' moved my earlobe flat against the FRONT of my 
ear...IOW, my earlobe,
and a good amount of cartilage above it, was pressed FORWARD over my ear opening, 
which is why I actually
thought I'd been shot with a BB gun...

Ever experience getting your ears 'boxed'?  That was how my ear felt, as if something 
had hit it at high
speed, pushing the lobe and cartilage forward at high speed...

 perhaps some extra serious ... ahmmm ... ahmmm "activities" ... the night
 before ()!  ... which quite prolly would have been associated with an
 "EXPLODING implant!" (GGG)!!!

I'm not sure what you're implying, but the only activity the night before was coming 
home from work, making
supper, watching some TV, and then going to bed because I had work the next day.

 I am not all that familiar with US politics, but I can hardly imagine Reagan
 being a "Leftie," except for the purposes of SPYING on his fellows.

He was, back in the 30s and 40s, which is why he was elected president of the Actors 
Union.  Even Jane Wyman,
to whom he was married at the time, expressed surprise...and not a little disgust, 
since she's been fairly
left-leaning all her his sudden about-face from strident leftist to 
goosestepping rightist.

When Reagan was elected president, much was made of this 180-degree turn, and much 
speculation was done as to
what caused it.  The article where June Allyson revealed this tete-a-tete between 
Reagan and Powell was not
specifically about Reagan, it was something revealed in the course of the interview 
about her life...

She and Powell apparantly had dinner at least once a week with the Reagans back in 
those days, and Allyson
revealed that often Reagan and Powell would get into heated political arguments, 
Reagan sticking to his
leftist philosophy while Powell would argue his rightist opinions.  So it hardly seems 
a case of Powell being
a persuasive arguer that changed Reagan.  That only occured, Allyson recounted, one 
specific night when after
dinner her husband made it a point to take Reagan alone, behind locked doors.  
According to her, they were
only in the room (I believe Powell's home office) 20 to 30 minutes, and when they came 
out, Reagan was
suddenly a convert to the rightwing political spectrum, and never deviated from it 
from that day...

Allyson presented it as an 'odd' tidbit, and I got the feeling that perhaps she was 
hinting that perhaps the
reporter should delve into this further, but of course the reporter didn't and the 
article went on to other

So again, I wonder what it was that Powell said or did in those 20 or so minutes, 
behind locked doors (and why
lock the door, when the only other people around were his and Reagan's wife?), that 
resulted in such a
dramatic conversion, when months of after-dinner arguments had failed to do so?


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Mark McHugh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I doubt the monitoring station could have been a problem.  Radio
 intercept is a passive endeavor, you can't "suck" the radiowaves out
 of the air.  Transmitting, maybe interference there, but not

Be that as it may, the fact remains that my fellow physical therapy recipients 
reported the same phenomenon,
namely being able to HEAR radio (and sometimes TV) broadcasts in their heads 
immediately after their
accidents, and for some weeks thereafter (apparantly it also faded with time as it did 
with me).

What I heard was definitely in a Middle Eastern language (perhaps more than one), and 
once I 'picked up' the
BBC (replete with ads for upcoming shows) and once I picked up Radio Moscow 
(identified as such by the
announcer).  And the fact remains that the strongest 'signal' was smack next to where 
the Air National Guard
has their listening outpost.  Perhaps they not only were listening to worldwide 
broadcasts, but then also
rebroadcasting them to somewhere else?


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 William Powell used to play the Thin Man but it was the singer Dick
 Powell who married June Allyson.

I stand corrected.  The person I am referring to is Dick Powell, not William.

 Dick Powell never seemed politically incliined

He was EXTREMELY politically inclined, so much so that he was considered possibly a 
Nazi-sympathizer -- but he
always worked behind the scenes, politically.  That was one reason he couldn't get 
good movie roles in the
1950s, even though he had turned in such excellent performances in various 'film 
noires' of the late that is why he went into television, and was successful in developing his 
own television production

It was good timing, too, because his move into TV coincided with the McCarthy witch 
hunts, and TV more than
welcomed someone with the 'impeccable' political credentials of Dick Powell.

 Will see if I can find out about Dick Powell - but never heard of him in

Yes, one never heard of him IN politics, but apparantly he was quite active behind the 
scenes...had quite a
few 'influential friends', according to a biography of him on some show not long 
ago...which makes his ability
to suddenly change Reagan's political views, after months of after-dinner political 
arguments, all the more


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Something happened to you that day - I do not like music in automobiles
 either, or tapes - if your automobile window was open that day, you
 could have been hit by something - maybe BB gun...

The windows were up, and no glass was broken.  I was actually parked in a commercial 
parking garage (thank
goodness, because if it had happened while I was driving I would probably have had an 
accident), and just
about to get out.  The garage had cement block walls with very small openings, I was 
on the second level
parked next to an outer wall, and there was no building directly across the street.

Believe me, I investigated, because I really thought at first I'd been shot at...the 
only way for someone to
have shot me would have been to have been on the same level as I was (in other words, 
on a second story), and
be directly across the street...but as I said, there was no building there, just a 
parking lot for a Holiday
Inn.  The hotel building itself was a half-block down the street.  The only other 
building more than one story
in the area was the local federal building, a half-block up the street.  But no one in 
either building would
have had a direct site to me, because of the narrow openings in the cement blocks of 
the parking garage

Also, I didn't hear anything hitting any of the other cars in the packed garage, nor 
was there any ricochet
off of either vehicles or cement walls...

And my skin wasn't broken...extremely bruised, but only on the back of the ear and a 
portion of skull by the
ear, not on the front of the ear...


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 I believe somehow these celluar phones you pick up stuff,

I found getting rid of my cell phone to be extremely liberating. Not
only the $30 a month, but it is nice NOT to be reachable sometimes.
New Jersey is finally going to pass a law making it illegal to drive
and talk on the cell phone at the same time. Hooray! They are worse
than drunk drivers. I had a "lady" almost broadside me while she was
talking on a cell phone. When I honked, she stopped, flipped me the
bird, and went off on her merry way, never missing a word of her
conversation. But even better than a law would be a provision that if
you are eating, drinking, smoking, or talking on the phone while you
are driving, and you get into an accident because of same, your
insurance WILL NOT PAY for any damage you cause, to property or people,
leaving YOU personally liable for your carelessness. If it's that
bloody important, pull over. Besides, if you don't eat, drink, or smoke
in the car, your car will be much cleaner, making it easier for you to
find the implants "they" put in your car. And I think cigarettes are a
NWO elite tool for depopulating the planet, but that's a whole 'nuther
thread. :-D


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe that day Powell got with Reagan a TV deal was cut?   Powell had
own TV show and Reagan had Death Valley Days..

This experiment with Jonestown, though, Reagan was in that to his turtle

Reagan maybe is a chameleon like some of the others?   High degree Mason
- and Irishman whom they called "Dutch"?

Now I always wondered about that one - but Jean Dixon, the psuedo
political religious propagandist declared Reagan, was a man of destiny.

So Reagan got to be President and the CFR stomped on him nearly taking
him out.he was warned.

The many masks of a demigod?

Or is that demicrat?

When Reagan was shot he was NEVER the same; and now Alzheimers - his
memory was never the same - especially when it came to the drugs and
Contras thing.

Then I thought Jonestown with the Rabbi Washington of the Black House of
Israel next door.his followers looked drug addicted - little kids
with greata big eyes and frozen faces.later that guy was picked up
in USA for murder, old warrant.

What if Jonestown was a set up half way house for more drug running?
This grand experiment with people, Nazi doctors on board, cyanide in
kool aid - white nights, and the worksall timed - and Mark Lane CIA
lawyer the one who always gets away, at Jonestown ..the storiy of
the implant behind their ears and I will try to find if there was
mention which earthink left, maybe?  You know how a dog turns its
head left first when thinking - at least mine does.left side of
brain maybe easier to control?   Regardless, my friend said there were
slits behind the ears of many of the victimsJonestown was a front
and experiment also for thresholds of pain.wonder too about Waco -
was this too a drug scenario in disguise - drugs and guns.

So Reagan could have been in this drug stuff deep - he knew all about
Jonestown and maybe he knew how to play the game.

Noted too the Mormon Church had his family tree back to Brian this simply means he has a family tree authenticated and
someone in his family kept careful family records - our family records
were always kept by the women but only 10 percent of people ever kept

Why would Reagan be a man of destiny?   He was in a sense, but made no
great mark - and he was nearly killed at high twelve, coming from the
Temple of Labor like a Brother Hiram in the biggest set up since JFK.

So who is or was, Ronald Reaganmaybe Dick Powell got him into TV?
Dick Powell had lots of underworld connections no doubt because when he
made his first movies the mob thrived..for the writers write of
things they know and what they have seen first hand...but guess that's
show biz/

Am really curious about Dick Powell, for I remember in Columbus watching
that show and he died shortly thereafter - but he thought he was sick
because of allergy to cheese he had eaten..

Wonder how masonry or rosicrucianism fits here, for it surely
does...there are those, right wingers, who detested the John Birch
Society for they say they were front for organized crime.a man with
Attorney General Office once told me this, but I often agreed with the
JGS more than my own democrat party, at the time.   For I can no longer
be a democrat - CFR took them over .there is no democrat party -
just puppets but now and then one flies over the cuckoos nest and a real
one gets elected.

But then hasn't thisi CFR and Cronkite type figures given the American
people a choice - fascism or communism?   No in betweens where majority
sit and if they voted could swing any election but what do you get?   As
they say, Meet the new boss - same as the old boss?

Murder Inc. Meets Murder Inc.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maybe that day Powell got with Reagan a TV deal was cut?   Powell had
 own TV show and Reagan had Death Valley Days..

This was before Death Valley Days, when Powell was only just starting out in TV and 
hadn't made his mark there it's unlikely that after months of after-dinner political arguments, Powell 
suddenly hit the key to
Reagan's brain by locking him in his den and saying "Hey, buddy...I'm thinking of 
switching to this
new-fangled thing called television, and if you stop being the liberal SOB you've been 
all your life and join
us rightwing Nazi sympathizers, maybe I can swing you a TV deal, too...hell, you 
wouldn't even have to act if
you don't want to, just show up and introduce the shows every week...I'm thinking of 
doing the same thing with
stories about private dicks and other dramas, so why don't you think about doing a 
western anthology series?"

Nope.  I doubt THAT was what changed Reagan's life-long political stance in 20 minutes 

 This experiment with Jonestown, though, Reagan was in that to his turtle

Yep, because Jones gained his power and gathered his followers under Reagan's watch as 
guv of CA...took
advantage of Reagan's draconian measures regarding the state's mental health system...

 Now I always wondered about that one - but Jean Dixon, the psuedo
 political religious propagandist declared Reagan, was a man of destiny.

And perhaps it was Powell's cronies and handlers who made this decision?

 What if Jonestown was a set up half way house for more drug running?

That was the least of what was going on.

 This grand experiment with people, Nazi doctors on board, cyanide in
 kool aid

The cyanide in Kool Aid seems to have been a cover story, and not really what 
happened, based on evidence that
has been coming to light over the past couple of years...

The very first reports out of Jonestown at the time had a relatively small number of 
dead being declared to
have been the days went on, the number grew, and the excuse for the first 
early numbers was that
there were bodies under bodies which had been missed in the initial count...

But look at all the photos taken of the death 'bodies under bodies'...and 
according to those who
managed to escape, there were death squads roaming the countryside for days, 
slaughtering those who'd escaped
into the woods rather than drink the poisoned Kool Aid...

And if you listen to some of the tapes of "Jim Jones" exhorting his followers to drink 
the Kool Aid, you CAN
here shooting and screams in the background...

 - white nights, and the worksall timed - and Mark Lane CIA
 lawyer the one who always gets away, at Jonestown ...

And intimately tied up with the JFK assassination, to boot...

 ...the storiy of
 the implant behind their ears and I will try to find if there was
 mention which earthink left, maybe?  You know how a dog turns its
 head left first when thinking - at least mine does.left side of
 brain maybe easier to control?

FWIW, my 'ear thing' happened on the left side...

 Why would Reagan be a man of destiny?

Who knows, but more importantly who DECIDED this?  Surely not Jeanne Dixon on her own.

And perhaps this 'destiny' was communicated to Powell, who one night after one of 
their weekly dinners, took
Ronnie into the den and locked the door (what was it that he didn't even want Jane and 
June to hear?), and
presented this 'destiny' to his buddy...a 'destiny' that would only come about if 
Reagan made a 180-degree
about-face politically...

But if this was what happened, what ELSE did Powell have to reveal?  I mean, surely it 
wouldn't have been
enough to say "Hey buddy...change your politics and I'll guarantee you'll be elected 
president of the United
States within 30 years!"  Reagan would have fallen on the floor laughing...Powell 
would have had to present
'something' to show Reagan that such a claim was definitely in the realm of 
possibility, something that had Re
agan convinced in less than 30 minutes.

 Dick Powell had lots of underworld connections no doubt because when he
 made his first movies the mob thrived...

In Dick Powell's first movies, he was nothing but a pretty boy lead with a good 
singing voice in a Busby
Berkely musical, usually paired with Ruby Keeler...

He didn't get to break out of that mold for a good 15 years...


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: "Mark McHugh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I doubt the monitoring station could have been a problem.  Radio
  intercept is a passive endeavor, you can't "suck" the radiowaves out
  of the air.  Transmitting, maybe interference there, but not

 Be that as it may, the fact remains that my fellow physical
 therapy recipients reported the same phenomenon,  namely being
 able to HEAR radio (and sometimes TV) broadcasts in their heads
 immediately after their accidents, and for some weeks thereafter
 (apparantly it also faded with time as it did with me).

I don't doubt that you were receiving, just that it was generated by
what you believe was a monitoring station.

 What I heard was definitely in a Middle Eastern language (perhaps
 more than one), and once I 'picked up' the BBC (replete with ads
 for upcoming shows) and once I picked up Radio Moscow (identified
 as such by the announcer).  And the fact remains that the strongest
 'signal' was smack next to where the Air National Guard has their
 listening outpost.  Perhaps they not only were listening to worldwide
 broadcasts, but then also rebroadcasting them to somewhere else?


Guardies and Reservists usually don't do foreign radio intercept,
unless they are on temp duty at a major strategic listening post.
Also, intercept isn't rebroadcast, it's recorded and stored for
reference.  The interceptors pick out the info in realtime and send it
on to the analysts.

Perhaps some strange radio energies were being manipulated there,
indirectly facilitating your cranial reception.  Weird shit happens
while fooling around with various spectral energies.  I remember one
of our radio jammers frying wildlife that came too close to the rig.
I wonder if the GLQ-3B is still in use?

Mark McHugh

First to know, last to glow!

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Mark McHugh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Guardies and Reservists usually don't do foreign radio intercept,
 unless they are on temp duty at a major strategic listening post.

Remember, this was during the height of the Gulf War...

 Perhaps some strange radio energies were being manipulated there,
 indirectly facilitating your cranial reception.  Weird shit happens
 while fooling around with various spectral energies.

FWIW, this area of Connecticut is the same area Betty Andreasson lives in, and where 
she has reported seeing
both UFOs and mysterious black helicopters...


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-11 Thread NSA

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

 -Caveat Lector-

   Perhaps an exploding implant?  ;-)
  Prolly a burst blood vessel  maybe too much "thinking" June ...

 Perhaps.  But that 'burst blood vessel' moved my earlobe flat against the
FRONT of my ear...IOW, my earlobe,
 and a good amount of cartilage above it, was pressed FORWARD over my ear
opening, which is why I actually
 thought I'd been shot with a BB gun...

 Ever experience getting your ears 'boxed'?  That was how my ear felt, as
if something had hit it at high
 speed, pushing the lobe and cartilage forward at high speed...

  perhaps some extra serious ... ahmmm ... ahmmm "activities" ... the
  before ()!  ... which quite prolly would have been associated with
  "EXPLODING implant!" (GGG)!!!

 I'm not sure what you're implying, but the only activity the night before
was coming home from work, making
 supper, watching some TV, and then going to bed because I had work the
next day.

I meant a vigorous sexual encounter. But now that i have some more info -
I'll ask my medico buddies, altho, i suppose you've already done that? ..
??? What do YOU think it was?

  I am not all that familiar with US politics, but I can hardly imagine
  being a "Leftie," except for the purposes of SPYING on his fellows.

 He was, back in the 30s and 40s, which is why he was elected president of
the Actors Union.  Even Jane Wyman,
 to whom he was married at the time, expressed surprise...and not a little
disgust, since she's been fairly
 left-leaning all her his sudden about-face from strident leftist
to goosestepping rightist.

 When Reagan was elected president, much was made of this 180-degree turn,
and much speculation was done as to
 what caused it.  The article where June Allyson revealed this tete-a-tete
between Reagan and Powell was not
 specifically about Reagan, it was something revealed in the course of the
interview about her life...

 She and Powell apparantly had dinner at least once a week with the Reagans
back in those days, and Allyson
 revealed that often Reagan and Powell would get into heated political
arguments, Reagan sticking to his
 leftist philosophy while Powell would argue his rightist opinions.  So it
hardly seems a case of Powell being
 a persuasive arguer that changed Reagan.  That only occured, Allyson
recounted, one specific night when after
 dinner her husband made it a point to take Reagan alone, behind locked
doors.  According to her, they were
 only in the room (I believe Powell's home office) 20 to 30 minutes, and
when they came out, Reagan was
 suddenly a convert to the rightwing political spectrum, and never deviated
from it from that day...

 Allyson presented it as an 'odd' tidbit, and I got the feeling that
perhaps she was hinting that perhaps the
 reporter should delve into this further, but of course the reporter didn't
and the article went on to other

 So again, I wonder what it was that Powell said or did in those 20 or so
minutes, behind locked doors (and why
 lock the door, when the only other people around were his and Reagan's
wife?), that resulted in such a
 dramatic conversion, when months of after-dinner arguments had failed to
do so?


Well I think you've possibly answered your own conundrum June?  Reagan was
already infected with Powell's ideology, which he had dialogued and argued
with Reagan on many an occasion.  Therefore, the seed planted, the sales
delivered by Powell over a long period, Reagan could have easily been
crunched into submission within a relatively brief 20 - 30 minutes. But
obviously the
sales pitch had been delivered over a much longer period by Powell.

By the way, where was this Powell character educated?

Reagan has never appeared to be of a substantive intellect, nor a decision
maker in terms of ideological movement, and leadership.  Perhaps, this was a
media distortion of him or deliberately manufactured, otoh, the media got
elected did they not?

To add to the notion of Reagan's imbecility and non-spontaneity, I recall
that the former Prime Minister of Australia recounts an encounter
between Reagan and Gorbachov for some heavy negotiations, Reagan is said to
have bumbled into the room and in the process stumbled and dropped a bunch
of cue cards on the floor which were basically his "script," for the meet!

Further, according to other reports, Reagan was extremely superstitious, and
consulted mediums and astrologers for his personal and politico guidance,
and was quite serious about such matters.   Such a superstitious mindset,
imo, is apt to be open to psychological suggestions which could perhaps
portray him is some "messianic" or "fated" role. Certainly, the Vatican and
its agents played on this aspect of 

Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Bill - you have been in luck - lightning took ou my web modem, so I
went back to my old one.

This is a very interesting item sent in by Jim Marrs..I want to add
something and the information I knew to be correct nearly 30 years ago,
but no official documentation right now.

Lee Harvey Oswald has a mastoic operation behind his ear from surgery
when child;  when the autopsy was done on Lee Harvey Oswald, a Bethesda
as I recall, there is no mention of this mastoid scar.   Last night on
TV it showed a man with such a scar, it was very visible and was years
and years old (medical program).

So an important scar such as this, how could doctors miss this
one.then I thought of Jonestown - my friend with MI6 told me way
back in 1979 that many of these people had implants behind their this was over 20 years ago and from some of this Mkultra
stuff, etc., I wonder..people have been known to pick up radio
communications in teeth which had been filled - Lucille Ball for
instance, was picking up radio communications..might add she had
been brought before House of Unamerican Activities but it was her
grandfathre who was a communist - but Dezi Arnez had mob connections and
little Sirhan worked for a racetrack or something he owned at one
time..Ball, I think, was involved in something...who knows when it
comes to movie stars and movies, along with Television - which now
serves as the secret link between literature and the police as William
Hazlett once said of a newspaper owner?

So all is goodbut when Oswald said when asked what was in his
package that day, he said "curtain rods"so, it was curtans for
Kennedy s the rod of iron not only struck through him, but his brother
as well.Oswald used this bible code - or the assassins behind him
did, and so did little Sirhan and his mentors.

Its KGB all the way which comes in many colors and disguises and today
you find them in cahoots with the Clinton Administratin and NWO

Anyway, now my house has been hit by lighting three times in 5
years..go a new television out of it, lost a big pine tree with
great ball of fire, and then now they got my Web TV - but I had one in
reserve...sometimes I think those Weather Modification terrorists
have my (house) number.

Anyway, my house was full of little lightning bolts and I saw the one
hit my web..I thought missed me again, you lousy.but they
got my web  (just kidding).

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-10 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Lucille Ball for
 instance, was picking up radio communications..might add she had
 been brought before House of Unamerican Activities but it was her
 grandfathre who was a communist - but Dezi Arnez had mob connections

Desi said of Lucy at the time: "The only red thing about Lucy is her
hair, and even that is not real!"

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-10 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 So an important scar such as this, how could doctors miss this
 one.then I thought of Jonestown - my friend with MI6 told me way
 back in 1979 that many of these people had implants behind their

For once (and surprisingly), I'm taking a post of Aleisha's seriously...  ;-)

Aleisha, do you know whether these supposed implants were put behind the left or the 
right ear, or didn't it

The reason I ask is that I had a very strange thing happen with my ear back in 1978.  
One day I experienced a
severe, intense, sharp pain behind my ear, next to my skull.  I actually thought I'd 
been shot, but there had
been no sound and no shattered glass (I was in the car), and I wasn't bleeding.

When I got home I looked in the mirror, and at first there didn't seem to be anything 
wrong.  But the back of
my ear was still hurting, and when I pushed my hair aside and bent my earlobe foward, 
I saw the whole back of
my ear, and a portion of the skull right by the ear, was severely bruised.  But the 
front of my ear displayed
no bruising, no injury whatsoever...

I had that bruise weeks...and to this day can think of no rational explanation for 
what could have caused that
injury, that wouldn't have also shown on the front of the ear...

Perhaps an exploding implant?  ;-) this was over 20 years ago and from some of this Mkultra
 stuff, etc., I wonder..people have been known to pick up radio
 communications in teeth which had been filled

It doesn't happen so much any more, because they've changed the materials used for 

No radio transmitter in my teeth, but back in Feb. 1991 I was run down while crossing 
the broken
bones, but many months of therapy for a slipped disk...

This was during the height of the Gulf War, and about a week after the accident it 
dawned on me I'd stopped
listening to the radio or my tapes in the car during my commutes to and from work...I 
had an hour or more
drive one way, and I'd always listened to music to pass the time...

But without thinking about it, immediately after the accident I'd stopped...and at 
first I didn't understand
why, and then I realized that for a good portion of my commute, I was somehow picking 
up in my head what
sounded like shortwave radio broadcasts, most in what sounded like Middle Eastern 
languages, occasionally the
BBC and Radio Moscow...

No disembodied voices claiming to be God or anything, the effect was of someone 
'surfing' the shortwave
spectrum, and somehow I was picking it up without needing any electronic equipment...

One day at the end of hydrotherapy, me and my fellow therapy recipients started 
talking about the various
things we'd experienced after our various accidents, things that none of us were 
willing to discuss with our
doctors...and turns out almost everyone else mentioned having had at least on one 
occasion after their
accident having experienced this 'psychic radio' phenomenon...

And it dawned on me that I only experienced this in the car, not at home and not at 
work...or rather, that the
'sound' was very faded at work.  But it would get stronger and stronger when I was 
driving home, getting its
strongest at what was generally the half-way point of my commute, then getting softer 
and softer and finally
becoming silent a few miles from my home.  The process was reversed when I drove to 
work, again getting the
strongest at the half-way point of my commute, and gradually fading (but not getting 
completely silent, but
drowned out in a soft "white noise") when I reached worked (at that time I worked in 
downtown Hartford, in a
building housing a local TV station, so I suspect all the electronics in my building 
counteracted all the
other sounds)...

I later found out that the area where I was hearing this 'shortwave scanning' the 
loudest is where the Air
National Guard have a base that includes state-of-the-art radio equipment, and that 
indeed the base was used
during the Gulf War to monitor radio transmissions from the Mideast and from our 
allied nations (probably also
monitoring what non-allied nations like Russia were reporting)...

Anyway, as my therapy progressed and I got better, this 'psychic radio' faded and 
finally disappeared.  Now if
I want to listen to the radio, shortwave or regular, I have to turn on and tune in a 
regular radio just like
everyone else...   ;-)

 - Lucille Ball for
 instance, was picking up radio communications..might add she had
 been brought before House of Unamerican Activities but it was her
 grandfathre who was a communist

She was a card-carrying one, too...she admitted it, explaining that she'd signed up in 
the 1930s in the height
of the Depression, just like almost everyone else in Hollywood had at that time, was considered 'the
thing' to do, before all of Stalin's atrocities came to light...

 time..Ball, I think, was involved in something...who knows when it

Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-10 Thread NSA

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

 I had that bruise weeks...and to this day can think of no rational
explanation for what could have caused that
 injury, that wouldn't have also shown on the front of the ear...

 Perhaps an exploding implant?  ;-)

Prolly a burst blood vessel  maybe too much "thinking" June ... or
perhaps some extra serious ... ahmmm ... ahmmm "activities" ... the night
before ()!  ... which quite prolly would have been associated with an
"EXPLODING implant!" (GGG)!!!

 Okay, here's a serious question, Aleisha.  I can't give you any info on
Lucille Ball...but do you know
 anything regarding William Powell?

 I've asked this question periodically on this, and other lists, over the
years, because of something I read at
 the time Reagan became president.  June Allyson was quoted in an
article -- quite as an aside -- saying that
 Powell (her husband at the time), was responsible for turning Reagan from
a far-left actor's union president
 to the far-right reactionary we all knew...and apparantly accomplished
this deed in the span of 20 to 30
 minutes, behind closed doors.

 So I always wondered what it was that Powell said (or perhaps, what he
WAS), that was able to sway Reagan that
 extremely, in only a matter of minutes...

People can be persuaded in seconds, let alone longer periods of time, and
persuaded into most extraordinary activities or life-course changes that
they had not planned, or perhaps had long held internally, and then had such
triggered by some event.  Although it is possible, there is no essential
need to ascribe to such changes to some cloak and dagger motive imo.

I am not all that familiar with US politics, but I can hardly imagine Reagan
being a "Leftie," except for the purposes of SPYING on his fellows. The
whole "Communist" anti-God schema, does appear to have played into the hands
of the Vatican US religio-economic-politico Alliance. In hindsight, one
could almost be excused for envisaging the hysteria generated by the "Cold
War," and the rapid "fall" of Soviet Communism, as almost stage-managed.

  Anyway, now my house has been hit by lighting three times in 5
  years..go a new television out of it, lost a big pine tree with
  great ball of fire, and then now they got my Web TV - but I had one in
  reserve...sometimes I think those Weather Modification terrorists
  have my (house) number.

 Invest in a good surge protector...not only for the electrical lines, but
for the phone line into your WebTV
 unit, too...


I would add to that fine arsenal - anti inter-Galactic body-snatcher
pedants, cosmic-ray inhibitor crystals, a cupboard and fridge well stocked
with Bundaberg Rum and Coke!

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-10 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

 I later found out that the area where I was hearing this 'shortwave scanning' the 
loudest is where the Air
 National Guard have a base that includes state-of-the-art radio equipment, and that 
indeed the base was used
 during the Gulf War to monitor radio transmissions from the Mideast and from our 
allied nations (probably also monitoring what non-allied nations like Russia were 

I doubt the monitoring station could have been a problem.  Radio
intercept is a passive endeavor, you can't "suck" the radiowaves out
of the air.  Transmitting, maybe interference there, but not

Mark McHugh

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks - I find that this is what I have to do, for the Web people said
to unplug my phone line during storm - line to web.   So this I will do.

Now it was Dick Powell who was married to June Allyson..I remember
when he was in Columbus in 1960 about - appeared on a TV show, and said
he had eaten swiss cheese and it had given him "hives"..he
apologized for it.
Shortly thereafter, he died of cancer and I always wondered about the
hives and if it was related to his death a symptom/

Never heard the Reagan story - only that Reagan had said the communists
had taken over Hollywood - and this was at a time when he did not get
too many good movie roles.

Also he played in a movie that had been called the Voice of the Turtle
and the name of same, was changed to something else - remember they
played the song Danny Boy throughout the movie and Eleanor Parker, whose
grandparents lived across the street from us when we were very small -
played the role - (her grandfather hated her).she seldom visited.

Anyway - that movie Voice of othe Turtle name straight out of Song of
Solomon...and also line from poem written by Wheeler - For I Am The
Voice of the Turtle  and Reagan did you ntoce, had neck of turtle?

William Powell used to play the Thin Man but it was the singer Dick
Powell who married June Allyson.

Dick Powell never seemed politically incliined and went on to play good
detective parts, etc., and Reagan ended up with a money named Bonzo?
And he really played in some bombs.

Will see if I can find out about Dick Powell - but never heard of him in
politics - frankly, he was always smiling and a nice type and did not
have the mean streak Reagan had when young.once at Republican
Convention when Rockefeller go up to speak he was in audience and camera
caught him screaming and frothing at the mouth, for he sure hated

Reagan had personal ax to grind somewhere.he had two faces - sweet
and kind, and boy that other one like masks of comedy and tragedy

So much for Voice of Turtle ...

Thanks again for tip on Web..little bitty lightning bolts were
floating about - and boy when the big one hit - a tiny little lightning
bolt took out my modem on the web box.

Such is life...

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I believe somehow these celluar phones you pick up stuff, June.and
during this Gulf War on this one radio I had in my office, and I was
surrounded with communication equipment, etc., I picked up these signals
from this what Col Thomas Beardon called "woodpecker" signals from
Russian Satellites..]

Once when MUIR was up there, the American Astronauts were awakened to
the Woody W
oodpecker Song - and that MIR had connections I am sure to this weather
modification program.   So some pepole are more sensitive to this stuff
for I was told by this one group that I had become "attuned to the
cosmos" and to this day am not sure what they meantbut I used to
pick up stuff from space program all the time - for your brain acts like
a computer and everything our brain and senses do, we have made replicas
- like TV, radio for seeing and hearing, telephone for communication and
now wireless stuff - this is how brain works and psychic stuff happens -
some receive and strong can send also and this stuff can be dangerous -
especially if drugs are used to "enhance" psychic ability - this woman
who was heir to Sheraton Hotels, husband used drugs down in Florida (she
was Robin Moore's sister) to "enhance" her psychic ability and she later
disappeared back in 1980 or 81lots of experimentation and MkUltra I
never heard of until I got on web in 1968.

Interesting and deadly stuff and I had enough of that stuff pulled on me
through these "psychic" terrorists (friendly thank heavens)..who
make receivers of you.

Now behind your ear ais a puzzle.implants are now used when people
need medical treatament so they do not have to search for veins and the
thought of that is daily procedure now that many
doctors do not approve.

But Reagan knew all about Jonestown and was involved in this
"experiment".lots of things about him we do not know yet - he did
have two faces.

Sounds like youi were hit by something behind your ear - as for Oswald I
thought about that mastoid scar and wondered about
transmitters, etc...for he is still an enigma.   The guy was ot that
smart yet claimed to possess omnipotent powers when young..god like

Secret Experiments - I am still puzzling over two words I found written
in this old bible "Key Experiment" handwritten in pencil on side of page
of Song of Solomon, probably most cryptic book in bible - under the
rose, so to put - hypnotic drugs, lips of those who are asleep made to
speak - hypnosis.I am Black but Comely (Black is Beautiful) and of
course, the Order of the Lily and the Rose - Rosicrucian
Suff..shadows fleeing at daybreakit all means something.

Something happened to you that day - I do not like music in automobiles
either, or tapes - if your automobile window was open that day, you
could have been hit by something - maybe BB gun.once in the night
somebody shot through our board room windows with a gun, and we had
three bullet holes - my office was next to Board Room..whoever did
it, had to be on lowr hill road and shot up or hiding in r avine (had 90
acres there)...but if yo9u got hit with that one, you would have
really known it.

So Russian Satellites up there - and some people are sensitive to some
of this and then I get CB radios and police cars on my
telephone.also cable tv and al houses wired for this sound - you
have to wonder.

Do know thistelephath and ESP exists and the government upper
echelon know it but to them it is dangerous and they do not want people
getting into it much..this is why psychics are put near places like
Coca Beach, and in Huston for they pick up stuff and do not know
sometimes what they are picking up but a good trianed one, does.

So much for Tower of Babel, advertising, and just plain brainwashing and
psychic networkthe real thing you will not know when you are around
them until they start writing the books for money.

Remote viewing is real.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-07 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

What a difference a day (or two) makes
By Jim Marrs
Date: 10/05/2000

Wouldn’t any criminal be delighted if he could have complete, secret, and
unsupervised control over all the evidence in his case for two full days?
Wouldn’t the verdict in his criminal trial be a swift "not guilty" if he had
the opportunity to "doctor" the evidence?

This is precisely the situation which occurred in the murder of President
John F. Kennedy beginning the very night of the assassination. Although the
proof of the disappearance and reappearance of the JFK evidence has been
lying right in front of researchers since the fateful weekend, no one seems
to have perceived the significance of the matter. However, at least one
person with access to official federal government documents apparently
recognized this significance and took steps to conceal it from the American

This issue began the evening of November 22, 1963, when Dallas Police Chief
Jesse Curry began receiving calls from Washington. As he related to Warren
Commission member Allen Dulles, "We kept getting calls from the FBI. They
wanted this [assassination] evidence up in Washington, in the [FBI]
laboratory, and there was some discussion…"

Curry made it clear that "we felt this was a murder that had been committed
in the county, city and county [sic] of Dallas, and that we had prior, I mean
we had jurisdiction over this. The FBI actually had no jurisdiction over it,
the Secret Service actually had no jurisdiction over it…

"[Homicide Capt. Will] Fritz told me, he says, `Well, I need the evidence
here, I need to get some people to try to identify the gun, to try to
identify this pistol and these things, and if it is in Washington, how can I
do it?’"

But someone in Washington was most persistent. "We got several calls
insisting we send this (evidence), and nobody would tell me exactly who it
was that was insisting, ‘just say I got a call from Washington, and they
wanted this evidence up there,’ insinuated it was someone in high authority
that was requesting this, and we finally agreed as a matter of trying to
cooperate with them, actually." Consistent rumors in Dallas have long been
that President Lyndon B. Johnson’s assistant Cliff Carter made the calls.

On the basis of this pressure from Washington and against their better
judgment, the Dallas police reluctantly released all of the assassination
evidence to the FBI.

"…we finally, the night, about midnight of Friday night, we agreed to let the
FBI have all [emphasis added] the evidence and they said they would bring it
to their laboratory and they would have an agent stand by and when they were
finished with it to return it to us," stated Curry.

However, much of the evidence was never returned to Dallas. Curry told the
Warren Commission on April 22, 1964, "Subsequently they photographed these
things in Washington and sent us copies, some 400, I think 400 copies of
different items. So far as I know, we have never received any of that
evidence back. It is still in Washington, I guess. Perhaps the Commission has

"Yes; the Commission is still working with it," responded Commission General
Counsel J. Lee Rankin. What the Dallas authorities did receive was "very poor
reproduction of some of these items on microfilm", according to Fritz.

There is no doubt that the FBI received the assassination evidence late on
the night of the crime. A document signed by J. Edgar Hoover himself stating
that "No latent [finger]prints of value were developed on Oswald’s revolver,
the cartridge cases, the unfired cartridge, the clip in the rifle or the
inner parts of the rifle," was dated November 23, 1963.

Yet the journeys of this vital evidence apparently was unofficial and was
never made clear to the public. The first official word on the transfer of
assassination evidence came on Tuesday, Nov. 26, when both Dallas newspapers
carried stories announcing that the evidence was to be turned over to federal

So now the FBI was officially on the case and officially in charge of the
evidence. But what could have happened during the two days while the evidence
was unofficially in their hands. Fabrication, substitution, elimination,
alteration - anything could have been done to the evidence, with no effective
"chain" of responsibility. Unlike 1963, today the FBI has come under
suspicion of poor management of evidence at best and downright falsification
of evidence at worst. Under Hoover’s iron control, it was have been an easy
matter for certain ranking Bureau officials to do with the evidence whatever
they pleased.

And evidence exists for just such speculation. For example, FBI document
Dallas 89-43 dated Nov. 29, 1963, and first publicly released in 1968, stated
brown wrapping paper in the Texas School Book Depository "was examined by the
FBI Laboratory and found to have the same observable characteristics as the