[CTRL] John Holliman of CNN: Sacrificial Victim of the Conspiracy . . . ?

1999-05-28 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:526975"John Holliman of CNN:
Sacrificial Victim of the Conspiracy
Subject: John Holliman of CNN:  Sacrificial Victim of the Conspiracy
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Thu, May 27, 1999 2:02 PM

  John Holliman, a CNN newsman, was killed in an automobile
accident on Saturday, September 12, 1998.  Holliman used to
specialize in space program reporting and was set to anchor CNN's
coverage of John Glenn's return to space last fall.  Holliman was
scheduled to anchor this event along with former CBS anchorman
Walter Cronkite.

  The name "Cronkite" is a reference to the German word
"Krankheit", meaning sickness.  Indeed, Holliman's prospective
association with Cronkite/Krankheit left him quite sick, quite dead
as a matter of fact.  Holliman was killed in a head-on collision with
a pick-up truck driven by Richard Henry Wesner, with Eric Wesner
as passenger.  Again, the names Henry and Eric are CLuM versions
of the name Aaron, the first High Priest of the Sacrificial

  The name John Holliman is interesting, also.  Holliman can refer
to "Holy Man", or "John, Holy Man", i.e., St. John the Baptist, a
"patron saint" of Free Masonry.  Holliman also sounds like
Holloman, a reference to Holloman Air Force Base in White Sands,
New Mexico.  Holloman is the home of the 49th Fighter Wing and
the stealth fighter jets.

  Holloman and White Sands are close to the N. 33rd geographic
parallel, along with the Trinity Site, where the first atom bomb was
exploded on July 16, 1945.  The White Sands area is used for many
advanced space, missile, and secret weapons tests.

  As it happens the Atlanta, GA, area, where John Holliman
worked for CNN and died, is also close to the 33rd parallel.  As it
happens, John Glenn is a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason.

  Holloman A.F.B. is the home of the 49th Fighter Wing:  4 + 9 =
13.  John Holloman was 49 years old when he was killed.  He was
killed 49 days before Halloween.

  Nothing happened to John Glenn on Halloween;  he was safely
riding the space shuttle Discovery.  John Glenn was 77 years old at
the time.  Meanwhile, Cronkite/Krankheit was reporting on the
space shuttle for CNN.  Remember, C = 3, N = 50;  CNN = 3, 50,
50, or 3 + 5 + 0 + 5 + 0 = 13.

  This morning, the space shuttle Discovery lifted off for a new
mission.  NASA was kind enough to dedicate a memorial plaque
to John Holliman, sacrificial victim for the greater glory of the NWO
and space exploration.  The plaque is located at the Kennedy
Space Center, named for still another sacrificial victim.
Subject: Re: John Holliman of CNN:  Sacrificial Victim of the Conspiracy
Date: Thu, May 27, 1999 8:15 PM

With  numbers one can be at the center of the Universe... or bound to the
nut house if too obsessive with numbers...

Holliman was just a stooge working for the Clinton News Network..

End of mystery

Subject: Re: John Holliman of CNN:  Sacrificial Victim of the Conspiracy
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Fri, May 28, 1999 5:47 AM

  ryb wrote:

With  numbers one can be at the center of the Universe... or bound to the
nut house, if too obsessive with numbers...

Holliman was just a stooge working for the Clinton News Network..

End of mystery


  Holliman may have been a stooge, but that did not stop the CLuMs from
sacrificing him.  Here are some more "coincidences".  Yesterday, when his
plaque was dedicated, was May 27, or 5/27:  5 + 2 + 7 = 14.  The number 14 is
important to the Conspirators, because it is a reminder of the 14 parts that
the body of Osiris was cut up into by his evil brother Set, or Seth.
from September 12, 1998, the day of Holliman's death, to yesterday, May 27,
1999, there are 257 days.  Again, 2 + 5 + 7 = 14.  Coincidence?  You be the
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] John Holliman of CNN: Sacrificial Victim of the Conspiracy . . . ?

1999-05-28 Thread Mark McHugh

 -Caveat Lector-

Thanks for the info, Kris.  I was just noticing today that Miles O'Brien had
replaced JH and was wondering what the story was.

Mark McHugh

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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