-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]


by Joe Sobran

     A few weeks ago, during the Iraq war, I wrote about
Ali Abbas, a 12-year-old boy who lost his entire family
and both his arms when a U.S. rocket struck his Baghdad
home. His case has attracted international attention and
sympathy, though the American media have largely ignored

     Now the WASHINGTON TIMES reports that Ali is
recovering about as well as could be hoped for. Because
of his injuries, including extensive burns, doctors
expected him to die. But after surgery and skin grafts,
he is now walking and even joking. He has received many
offers of help; he will be equipped with prosthetic
"arms" and an Iraqi family in Canada wants to adopt him.

     Despite his agonizing losses, the boy may learn to
cope with what most of us would consider a bleak life.
Perhaps the worldwide outpouring of love and concern will
be some consolation to him.

     How many other innocents were killed and maimed by
the American invasion? I have seen no figures or even
estimates. It doesn't seem to matter to most Americans,
for whom military victory seems to be sufficient
justification for any "collateral damage," as we have
learned to call it. Saddam Hussein's "weapons of mass
destruction" -- the chief pretext for the war -- appear
to have been fictions, if not fantasies.

     The notion that Hussein ever posed a serious threat
to the United States, or even Israel, now sounds like a
paranoid crackpot theory. The Bush administration was
merely groping for excuses to crush him like a bug.
Actually doing it turned out to be easier than justifying
it to the civilized world.

     More to the point, how do you justify what happened
to people like Ali Abbas? It was quite foreseeable that
bombing and shelling Baghdad would have such results.

     One reader, who usually agrees with me, says that I
set a standard for war that is virtually impossible to
meet. Don't all wars, he asks, claim innocent victims?

     Well, yes. At least virtually all military invasions
do. That is why they are nearly always immoral.

     Consider the U.S. war for independence. Were any
English children killed? Probably not, because the
British troops didn't bring their families over, and the
war was fought on American soil. Any "collateral damage"
inflicted by the American forces would have been
freakishly exceptional.

     In the U.S. War between the States, the North caused
many civilian deaths in the South, especially during the
Shenandoah Valley campaign and Sherman's March to the
Sea. This was deliberate policy; it shocked Europe and
left bitter memories in the South for generations. How
many Northern civilians were killed by Southern troops?
Few, if any. It was the North that invaded the South,
while accusing the South of aggression.

     After that war, some of the Northern generals waged
a war of "extermination" -- their word -- against the
American Indian. Few distinctions were made between
Indian combatants and noncombatants, the guiding
principle being that "the only good Indian is a dead

     During World War II, the Roosevelt administration
deliberately targeted civilian populations in Japan and
Germany for aerial bombing, killing millions of
noncombatants. This too was strategic policy, by no means
unintended "collateral damage."

     Principles of just war and civilized warfare were
formulated many centuries ago, beginning, as far as I
know, with St. Augustine. But the modern state has
reverted to barbarism and the logic of total war. The
U.S. Government has played a large role in this
development, and it's no accident that this has largely
occurred under presidents who led the way in expanding
the domestic powers of the Federal Government and in
destroying constitutional limits on government action.

     By now war has become an American habit, a sort of
tradition. Americans have come to regard war as a more or
less normal activity. It's not the hawks but the doves
who now have to offer justifications, and criticizing war
is widely felt to be nit-picking, if not unpatriotic.

     As a young congressman, Abraham Lincoln found his
patriotism under severe attack when he challenged
President James Polk's war on Mexico. Lincoln learned his
lesson. By the end of his life, he could justify his own
war on the South as part of God's plan.

     American presidents still find lofty reasons for
war. If only they could settle for modest excuses for

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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