[CTRL] KPFA: 420 report: Pot variety show

2000-07-25 Thread Oscar

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000 22:58:09 -0500 (CDT) ARON KAY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
420 REPORT -The Marijuana Variety Show

Sponsored by Seven Generations

 HOST:  Ed Rosenthal-Author of Ask Ed column and top selling books
 on marijuana with sponsor/co-host Weyland Southon

 THIS EPISODE: The landmark decision by the 9th Circuit Court of
 Appeals lifts the two year ban on 6 Northern California Medicinal
Marijuana Clubs who can once again provide cannabis to their
patients.  Ed speaks with the director of the Oakland Cannabis
Buyers Club, Jeff Jones, who headed the appeal to the ban.  With
Attorney Rob Raich, legal counsel for the club, this episode will
explore how this ruling will effect government status of medical
marijuana in relation to state and federal government.

 PANELISTS: Executive director Jeff Jones of the Oakland Cannabis
 Buyers Club and legal counsel Rob Raich

 NEWS: National news by Chuck Thomas of the Marijuana Policy Project

 WHEN: Wed. July 26th from 1-2 PM PST

- In Northern California, listen at Radio KPFA 94.1 FM

- Outside of California Online at www.kpfa.org

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   (anti-giuliani site)

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1999-07-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Via Z-Mag.OrG

 CONTACT: July 13, 1999
 Belinda Griswold 415-546-6334 x313

 BERKELEY, CA - At a press conference at 1:30 p.m. today, Media
 Alliance Executive Director Andrea Buffa will release a
 controversial email she received yesterday that describes plans
 by Pacifica Radio to close KPFA and possibly sell another
 Pacifica station, WBAI in New York. The email appears to have
 come from Pacifica board of directors member Michael Palmer.

 "We are working to confirm the authenticity of this email and
 call on Michael Palmer and Pacifica Board Chair Dr. Mary Frances
 Berry to immediately publicly confirm or refute this email,"
 Buffa said.

 Phone calls by Media Alliance and several Pacifica board members
 to Palmer have not been returned. Local Internet service provider
 IGC was contacted about verifying the path by which the email was
 sent to Media Alliance. IGC's tech services department has stated
 that the email looks to have legitimately been sent from Palmer's
 account. The full text of the email is available at www.zmag.org
 or www.counterpunch.org.

 The press conference takes place immediately preceding a hearing
 at Berkeley Municipal Court at which charges will be filed
 against a group of peaceful protesters who blocked the entry to
 Pacifica Foundation's office in Berkeley last month. The
 demonstrators prevented Pacifica Foundation Executive Director
 Lynn Chadwick from entering her office on June 22. Chadwick
 initiated a citizen's arrest when Berkeley police refused to cite
 the activists. Local community leaders decried the decision,
 calling it a terrible contradiction.

 Meanwhile, a group of local stations' advisory board members from
 Los Angeles, Berkeley and New York is pressing ahead with a
 lawsuit intended to reverse Pacifica's recent governance changes
 that eliminated local say on the national board. Oakland attorney
 Dan Siegel will file suit within the next few days to restore the
 last shred of local control at Pacifica: the ability of local
 station boards to recommend members to the national board. Seigel
 will also attend the press conference. "Pacifica, when faced with
 the question of changing its method of choosing its leadership,
 opted for the least democratic option imaginable. It is time to
 revisit this issue, and it should be unnecesssary to require a
 court order to do so," Siegel said.

 Yesterday, Pacifica national board chair Dr. Mary Frances Berry
 arrived in Oakland, told neither staff nor listeners of her
 visit, and attempted to negotiate with KPFA's union leaders. Shop
 stewards met with Berry to remind her of her promise to meet with
 the KPFA steering committee, which both listeners and staff have
 designated as their representative, and refused to negotiate

 KPFA paid staff, volunteers, local advisory board members,
 subscribers, and listeners will continue to press Pacifica to:

 1) Rehire respected KPFA station manager Nicole Sawaya, whose
 termination touched off massive protests in Berkeley and the
 firing of two veteran programmers because they violated
 Pacifica's on-air "gag rule";

 2) Participate in mediation and allow for investigation of the
 dispute between local interests and the national bureaucracy; and
 3) Reverse the disciplinary or adverse actions taken against KPFA
 and Pacifica staff since Sawaya's termination.

And the referenced lettre:

 Letter Regarding
 Proposed Pacifica SALE

 The following letter was sent to Andrea Buffa, the Executive
 Director of Media Alliance. As the header notes the intention was
 apparently for Michael Palmer of the Pacifica Board to send it to
 Mary Berry the chair of the board. Efforts to determine its
 veracity have been pursued by many actors through many
 avenues...as of yet final authenticity is not absolutely
 certain...the principals are not answering calls, but traces of
 the source do accord with this being a real letter...see: Related
 Press Release


 From: Palmer, Micheal @ Houston Galleria,

 Hello Dr. Berry,

 I salute your fortitude in scheduling a news conference
 opportunity in the beloved Bay Area regarding one of the most
 pressing issues of our time

 But seriously, I was under the impression there was support in
 the proper quarters, and a definite majority, for shutting down
 that unit and re-programming immediately. Has that changed? Is
 there consensus among the national staff that anything other than
 that is acceptable/bearable? I recall Cheryl saying that the
 national staff wanted to know with certitude that they supported
 100% by the Board in whatever direction was taken; what direction
 is being taken?