-Caveat Lector- also has Ashcroft Sides with Torturers Unocal and the Crimes of Burma
Death by Torture in Uzbekistan Continues
Guantanamo camp works on execution plans
Kennedy's killer demands retrial - Sirhan Sirhan claims he was a victim of hypnotic programming
Pinter blasts 'Nazi America' and 'deluded idiot' Blair 

scroll for news articles

Ky. Church Suit Settles for $25.7 M by Mike Torralba AP LOUISVILLE, Ky. 6/11/03  - "One of the largest collections of civil actions against the Roman Catholic church came to a close when the Archdiocese of Louisville agreed to pay $25.7 million to 243 people who accused priests and employees of child sexual abuse." from AOL

France laps up tale of sex and politics "The French public has been treated to almost daily updates from Toulouse, where convicted serial killer Patrice Alegre is making sensational allegations of collusion against French officials. His targets include a chief prosecutor, politician, judge and policeman. The charges are that the senior city officials not only covered up for the murderer, who says he organised sado-masochistic orgies for them, but that they even ordered some of his killings to protect themselves from blackmail.  Alegre's allegations are backed up by two prostitutes, known as Patricia and Fanny." http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/world/story/0,4386,193750,00.html?

several from mparent
May be very heavy for survivors Boy, 17, 'cut out woman's heart to be a vampire' By Jason Bennetto Crime Correspondent 6/17/02 A teenager who wanted to be a vampire cut out the heart of an elderly woman and drank her blood during a ritual killing, a court heard yesterday." http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/crime/story.jsp?story=315701

Data Base of Alleged California Priest abusers

Logical Fallacies in Psychology: 18 Types Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP Here are 18 logical fallacies. We've all probably fallen for them -- and perhaps used them -- from time to time. Articles in other sections of this web site examine logical fallacies in more detail (e.g., the affirming the consequent fallacy discussed in the "Science As Careful Questioning" American Psychologist article; the ad hominem fallacy discussed in the "Pseudoscience, Cross-examination, & Scientific Evidence" Psychology, Public Policy, & Law article)....The fallacies are ad hominem, affirming the consequent, appeal to ignorance (ad ignorantium), argument to logic (argumentum as logicam), begging the question (petitio principii), composition fallacy, denying the antecedent, disjunctive fallacy, division fallacy, false analogy, false dilemma, golden mean fallacy, mistaking deductive validity for truth, naturalistic fallacy, post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this), red herring, straw person, and you too (tu quoque)." http://kspope.com/fallacies/fallacies.php

Abuse response rapped - A London woman says she was outraged the RC Diocese of London countersued her son. Peter Geigen-Miller, Free Press Reporter   6/11/03 "A London woman testified yesterday she was outraged when she learned the Roman Catholic Diocese of London had launched a counterclaim against her son as part of a sexual abuse lawsuit. Donna Swales took the stand for the second day during the civil trial in which her family and three sons, John, Ed and Guy, are seeking $7 million in damages from the London diocese and former London priest Barry Glendinning." "Glendinning pleaded guilty in 1974 to sexual abuse.  The diocese denies negligence. The counterclaim by the diocese says John Swales, one of the victims of the priest's abuse, sexually, physically and emotionally abused his siblings."  http://www.canoe.com/NewsStand/LondonFreePress/News/2003/06/11/108282.html

Ashcroft Sides with Torturers Unocal and the Crimes of Burma By JOANNE MARINER
6/7/03 The plaintiffs in the Unocal case are Burmese villagers who claim that they were subjected to forced labor, murder, rape, and torture during the construction of a gas pipeline through their country. Soldiers allegedly committed these abuses while providing security and other services for the pipeline project. http://www.counterpunch.org/mariner06072003.html

Death by Torture in Uzbekistan Continues; "Substantial and Continuing Progress" a Fiction, Says Helsinki Commission 6/9/03  WASHINGTON, June 9 /U.S. Newswire/ -- United States Helsinki Commission Co-Chairman Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.) today reacted with outrage after learning of the latest torture victims who died while in custody in Uzbekistan. "I am appalled to learn of not one, but two more deaths-in-custody in Uzbekistan," said Smith. "Orif Ershanov and Otamaza Gafaro are the most recent individuals to join a long and growing list of those who have died after reportedly being tortured at the hands of Uzbek authorities."....-- March 12, 2002: U.S. and Uzbek officials sign "Declaration on the Strategic Partnership and Cooperation Framework between the United States of America and Uzbekistan" -- August 2, 2002: Congressional mandate goes into effect that assistance to Uzbekistan be contingent on a determination by the Secretary of State that Uzbekistan is making "substantial and continuing progress" in meeting commitments of the March 12 Declaration, including in the field of human rights -- August 26, 2002: Secretary Powell determines that Uzbekistan is making "substantial and continuing progress"

from L Moss-Sharman http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,975048,00.html
Pinter blasts 'Nazi America' and 'deluded idiot' Blair  Angelique Chrisafis and Imogen Tilden Wednesday June 11, 2003 "The playwright Harold Pinter last night likened George W Bush's administration to Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, saying the US was charging towards world domination while the American public and Britain's "mass-murdering" prime minister sat back and watched."

Guantanamo camp works on execution plans - Associated Press
San Juan, Puerto Rico — Officials at the U.S. base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are working on plans to provide a courtroom, a prison and an execution chamber if the order comes to try terror suspects at the base, the mission commander said. Although no new directive has been given and no plan has been approved, a handful of experts are looking at what it will take to try, imprison and, if need be, execute detainees accused of links to Afghanistan's fallen Taliban regime or to the al-Qaeda terror network...
Isolated on Cuba's eastern tip and out of the jurisdiction of U.S. civilian courts, Guantanamo is a likely location for U.S. military trials.
Some 680 detainees from 42 countries are in Guantanamo, categorized as unlawful combatants by the U.S. government. It has refused demands from human-rights organizations to recognize them as prisoners of war. They have no constitutional rights as non-U.S. citizens being held outside U.S. territory, and none have been formally charged or allowed access to attorneys. The cases would be decided by a panel of three to seven military officers who act as both judge and jury. Convictions could be handed down by a majority vote; a decision to sentence a defendant to death would have to be unanimous.

Kennedy's killer demands retrial - Sirhan Sirhan claims he was a victim of hypnotic programming Isabel Vincent National Post 6/11/03 AP "Thirty-five years after he gunned down Robert F. Kennedy with a cheap pistol in a Los Angeles hotel kitchen, Sirhan Sirhan is demanding a new trial....Sirhan did fire a gun in the early hours of June 5, 1968, in the Ambassador Hotel, where Kennedy was celebrating his win in the California primary, but he was not conscious of what he was doing and none of his bullets killed the senator, his lawyer says. "Have you seen The Manchurian Candidate?" asked Lawrence Teeter in an interview from his home in California. "It's the same thing with my client. He was the victim of hypnotic programming." ....In Sirhan's case, Mr. Teeter and others claim he was the unwilling tool of some faceless fiends in the Central Intelligence Agency or an amorphous entity they call "the military industrial complex." Robert Kennedy was on his way to win the leadership of the Democratic Party and possibly the U.S. presidency. Conspiracy buffs argue his pledge to pull U.S. forces out of Vietnam made him a "huge target."http://www.nationalpost.com/search/site/story.asp?id=651C7B5D-F78D-4F8D-AF32-36DA097D7450
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