Re: [CTRL] Kerry Crawls For Sharon

2004-07-02 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/1/2004 9:38:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
WASHINGTON - In a position paper outlining his stance on Israel, 
  Democraticpresidential candidate John Kerry promises not to negotiate with 
  Yasser Arafatand expresses support for Israel's right to defend itself by 
  attacking terroristorganizations.The paper, entitled "John Kerry: 
  Strengthening Israel's Security and Bolsteringthe U.S.-Israel Special 
  Relationship," was sent in mid-June to a group of peoplein the Jewish 
  community as part of the Kerry attempt to maintain contact withJewish 
  supporters in the United States and to clarify his positions on 

They said that the only difference was which class they graduated in.  
I didn't believe them at first, but it's getting clearer every day.  
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[CTRL] Kerry Crawls For Sharon

2004-07-01 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m

Last update - 02:59 02/07/2004
Kerry position paper outlines support for Israel
By Nathan Guttman

WASHINGTON - In a position paper outlining his stance on Israel, Democratic
presidential candidate John Kerry promises not to negotiate with Yasser Arafat
and expresses support for Israel's right to defend itself by attacking terrorist

The paper, entitled "John Kerry: Strengthening Israel's Security and Bolstering
the U.S.-Israel Special Relationship," was sent in mid-June to a group of people
in the Jewish community as part of the Kerry attempt to maintain contact with
Jewish supporters in the United States and to clarify his positions on Israel.

Kerry, who previously spoke against the separation fence at a gathering of the
Arab-American Institute, is now seeking to correct that impression: "The
security fence is a legitimate act of self-defense erected in response to the
wave of terror attacks against Israeli citizens."

The presumptive Democratic nominee also declares his opposition to transferring
debate on the fence to international forums. The paper shows consistent support
for Israel on all the issues at hand: Kerry backs Israel's disengagement plan
and also the two central points in President Bush's letter to Prime Minister
Sharon - the resettlement of Palestinian refugees in the Palestinian state, not
within Israel, and recognition of Jewish population concentrations in the West
Bank when establishing the permanent borders. "In light of demographic
realities, a number of settlement blocs will likely become a part of Israel,"
Kerry wrote his supporters.

He further declared support for Israel's actions against Hamas, Islamic Jihad
and other terror organizations and recalled that he was a signatory to the
motion of support for Israel passed by the Senate during Operation Defensive

On the issue of Palestinian leadership, Kerry declared that "Yasser Arafat is a
failed leader and unfit partner for peace" and called for "his total isolation."
He thereby aligned himself with Bush administration policy, and in contrast to
former president Bill Clinton, who recently stated that despite his
disappointment with Arafat, negotiations should be conducted with him.

Kerry lists additional issues on which he supports Israel: the battle against
cutting foreign aid to Israel; calling upon the United Nations to evince a more
balanced approach to the conflict; support for moving the American embassy to
Jerusalem; international action against regimes that support terror; and
maintaining Israel's military supremacy.

Seeking to set himself apart from Bush on several issues, Kerry blasts Saudi
Arabia and promises to act against anti-Semitic statements by senior Saudi
government officials. "As president, he will never permit these kinds of attacks
to go unanswered," the paper promises.

Sources in his campaign said that the paper and other letters sent in recent
weeks to supporters in the Jewish community are intended "to educate and inform
on his views, so there will be no doubt about his support for the state of


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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