-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...

Friday, March 9, 2001 4:50 p.m. EST

Keyes Blasts Cellucci Nomination

Alan Keyes, scheduled to appear tonight on Fox News Channel's "Hannity &
Colmes" (9 p.m. EST), has joined the fight to stop President Bush's
nomination of Massachusetts Gov. Paul Cellucci as ambassador to Canada.

"It is my hope and insistence that the Senate heed the plea of Massachusetts
families, and families across America today," Keyes said in a statement
issued today. "Given his promotion of the radical homosexual recruitment of
our youth, Governor Cellucci is not a fitting representative of American
values, nor of the values that the Bush administration claims to represent,"
said Keyes, chairman of Declaration Foundation, a former ambassador and a
former candidate for the GOP presidential nomination.

Cellucci, a Republican (only in Taxachusetts), is under fire for the
"fistgate" scandal in which teen-agers attended a taxpayer-funded how-to
workshop on the practice of homosexual acts.

"What happened at this conference cannot be described on television without
making people sick," Brian Camenker, president of Parents' Rights Coalition,
said on "Hannity & Colmes," according to a transcript of last night's show.

The transcript of that show is juicy, with charges flying about whether
Cellucci weasled out of meetings with Keyes. Tonight's show should be even
better, with Keyes himself speaking out.

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