Re: [CTRL] Konformist: CAJI Y2K Warning

1999-01-21 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/21/99 11:35:19 AM Mountain Standard Time,

>  LYNDA'S COMMENT:  Robert does have a point, if only to the extent
>  that the NWO in many respects is already here, and has slithered
>  in through the back door while we were watching football and/or
>  masturbating.  But if we subscribe to the gist of his argument, well
>  then damn!... we might as well just bend over for Big Brother right
>  now.  Crawl into the closet and cry.  Trade in our guns for Wal-Mart
>  gift certificates and raise the white flag of spineless submission.
   Please don't take my comments as targeting you *personally.*
  My point is that we are already submitting ourselves to the NWO
in many areas, and we continue to do so.  The NWO bunch is very
clever.  They know if you roll tanks and put up concentration camps,
the American public would REBEL.  But if you slip it in gradually taking
say 50-100 years to implement your plan, then the people will stand
blindly by.   In 1913 we implemented a Central bank in the US, 1917
we implemented income tax, 1944 we subverted ourselves to International
finance through the Bretton Woods conference, 1945 was the UN just to name
a few things of the early years.  In more recent years we have submitted
to GATT and NAFTA and of late the World Court.
Now that the EU has their own currency, you can bet
that business leaders in the US, Canada, and central.south America will be
howling about the competition, about how we need one currency to be
etc etc.  Guess whats going to happen in the not too distant future..which is
what the NWO crowd wants.
  They are working on a so called "asian" type Union (sister to EU and NAFTA),
 along with plans for one currency and all that.  Guess what, you have just
converted the world from many countries and many currencys, to three major
blocks and three currencys.
  Once you have accomplished that converting everybody to ONE currency will
not be a big deal, although it will probably take place approx 15-20 years
the last of the major blocks converts to their own  currency.
 The enviro's also use this exact process to accomplish their goals.
 The Earth First gang (who works closely with the NWO gang)
has come up with plans to have 48 percent of America to be "human free."
One of the people was interviewed said that they realized that their goal
will not happen in the short term, but in the long term over 25-40 years
(2030-2040)  they will accomplish their goal.Well you ask, how would
they do that, after all the American public would rise up and fight?  No
they wouldn't because it was done gradually.
  Years ago I lived in the Mojave Desert in California.  My family and I
did all the outdoors kind of stuff, and fought like hell to prevent the
from grabbing our land.  So called patriots at the time said "well it will
never happen
here...blah blah blah.  I moved away  20 years ago, and within the past 5
many of the areas I traveled through/on are now fenced off wilderness.  The
in Calif fought the battle and lost and have moved on with their lives.  Of
late people
that I know down there say that the land that is actually open for use, is
being used
so heavily, it is unbelievable.  Guess what is going to be closed next, using
justification that the land is being damaged blah blah.
  The people that peddled the wilderness areas in the first place had the goal
of sealing
off the entire desert BUT they couldn't do it all at once, so they do it piece
and get everything they want over a period of 20 years.
  Our farmers have to submit any trade dispute through NAFTA/GATT.
Anytime you ship a "hazardous material", motor oil, hair spray, lube
etc, you submit to NWO regulations.When the US shipping regs are
changed to the "international" shipping regs, everytime we ship something
we are submitting ourselves to the NWO.
   As long as change comes gradually, people as a whole will not rise up
and complain.
  Speaking of change, what about Hustler being labeled a "news magazine."
Thats quite a change from even  5 years ago.
>  While the NWO may indeed be already here to one extent or another,
>  the actual form that it finally takes is far, *FAR* from a foregone
>  conclusion.  And furthermore, the form that it finally takes or
  Tell that to the various producers who have to take issue with the
World Trade Organization, or NAFTA.  For them it is a foregone
conclusion.  That is the system they have to work under.
  Everytime you ship something that falls under the "hazardous
materials" classification, the NWO shipping regs are a done deal.
Thats true of many other things also.  If anybody happens to fly
to Europe and use some of the new EU money, then you are
indirectly supporting the NWO.  BUT, you say, we have no other
choice.  Thats true...isn't the NWO bunch clever.
  So then you rationalize it away by saying something to the effe

[CTRL] Konformist: CAJI Y2K Warning

1999-01-21 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

LYNDA'S COMMENT:  Robert does have a point, if only to the extent
that the NWO in many respects is already here, and has slithered
in through the back door while we were watching football and/or
masturbating.  But if we subscribe to the gist of his argument, well
then damn!... we might as well just bend over for Big Brother right
now.  Crawl into the closet and cry.  Trade in our guns for Wal-Mart
gift certificates and raise the white flag of spineless submission.

While the NWO may indeed be already here to one extent or another,
the actual form that it finally takes is far, *FAR* from a foregone
conclusion.  And furthermore, the form that it finally takes or
doesn't take will depend to a great extent on the *spiritual*
strength of ALL true patriots, not just the American ones.  If you
REALLY understood what it's all about, you would know that it's
about a lot more than who has the biggest and the mostest high-tech
super whiz-bang techno-crap.

Remember what happened in Vietnam and Afghanistan.  It ain't over
'till the fat lady sings, and I still have my puny little 9mm
Smith & Wesson and an ace or two up my sleeve.  Now, while that
*might* not ultimately stop the M-1 tanks from flattening me in my
own living room, it WILL ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE that I will at
least die in Freedom, and with a clear conscience.  I hope that
5% of you people have the balls to make the same claim.

- Lynda

Date:Wed, 20 Jan 1999 00:08:53 EST
Subject: Re: Fwd:  Konformist: CAJI Y2K Warning

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/19/99 6:59:02 PM Mountain Standard Time,

>  From: harvest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Date: Monday, January 18, 1999 10:34 AM
>  Subject: CAJI! WARNING
>  >General Staff analysis of all currently available intelligence.
>  >
>  >Under the guise of a Y2K emergency the New World Order will be
established >  >in the united States of America by military force
sometime between the >  >middle of 1999 or the first quarter of 2000.
All borders will be sealed to >  >prevent the escape of any person. An
attempt will be made to capture and >  >incarcerate all American
Patriots and politically incorrect persons. >  >Relocation of a
significant portion of the population will be attempted. >  >You are
advised to take all necessary steps now to be ready to engage in >
>military action in order to prevent the literal enslavement of the
American >  >People. Folks,
  May I point out a simple truth.
  During the days of the colonists the British army and the colonists
were evenly matched, i.e. with muzzleloaders and cannons.
  In todays world, what these so called patriots call the "New World
 outguns, out technology and out everything else the common every day
  Think about it.  What are these so called patriots going to do when
the New World Order M-1 tank shows up in their back yard with a 120mm
cannon pointed at their house?   Or the New World  Order Apache helo
starts shooting at them during the middle of the night from  30 miles
out with a 30mm they did the iraq radar stations during
the gulf war?
  What about fighter planes which can drop laser guided 2000 pound bombs
that can instantly destory your house and everybody in it?
  The so called "New World Order" has already taken over America with
our involvement in the International Monetary Fund (1944), the United
Nations (1945) NAFTA and GATT (92-94) and so on.  Henry Kissenger called
NAFTA and GATT the TWO most important steps in setting up the NWO.
International organization has already taken over US package shipping.
 The next time you see a "box" whioch contains smaller containers of say
Motor Oil, hair spray (anything considered to be a hazardous materials)
you will see a designator on it that goes something to the effect of:
Now go to your local UPS station and ask if you can see a copy of their
 hazardous materials shipping guide.  Look in the back where the
definitions are.
  Look up UN.  Its says United Nations.   You will also find in the
that "UN approved boxes" be used etc.  You will also see that a UN
number that is generated by a committee of people at the UN is on each
and every hazardous materials.  If you go back and research you will
find that the conversion to UN numbers happened Oct 1, 1993.
  According to major shippers the US will soon be totally on
"International Shipping regs" for shipments within the US.
  Whenever these militia fools blather about preparing for military
action, enslavement and or concentration camps, they don't realize that
while they have been endlessly waiting for those things to happen, the
NWO has taken over America  without firing a shot.
  What a great plot by the NWO crowd.  Focus all the so called patriots
on rumors/tales/storys about UN invasion of America, concentration
camps, roundups and so on..all the while coming through the back door a
little at a time.
