-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 05/03/99) -- In case you  are  tuning in late, here is our
story thus far . . . .

**  August  1995:   As many as 500,000 ethnic Serbs were brutally
driven from Croatia.   Many  of  these  Serbs  "fell  prey to the
depredations  of  merciless  paramilitary   death   squads,   who
committed  hideous  acts of plunder, rape, and mass murder."  [1]
This  Croatian  military  campaign   of  "ethnic  cleansing"  was
*assisted* -- not challenged -- by NATO.  Also helping the Croats
was  Military  Professional  Resources  Incorporated  (MPRI),  "a
private  military  and  intelligence  consulting  firm  based  in
Virginia..."  [2]

** February 1996:  George Soros, international financial  gambler
and   responsible,   many  believe,  for  ruining  several  Asian
currencies, learns that Serbia  has annulled his financial front,
the Soros Fund, in their  country.   The  Serbian  Supreme  Court
rules  that  the  Soros Fund can no longer operate in Yugoslavia.
[3] Is Soros connected in some way with Kissinger Associates?

** October 1998:  "Upon the talks of Yugoslav President  Slobodan
Milosevic  with  special  American  envoy  Richard  Holbrooke, in
October 1998, and upon the  agreement  to resolve the problems in
Kosovo and Metohia in a peaceful way and by political means,  the
Serbian   government   adopted  on  October  13,  Principles  for
Political Solution  of  Problems  in  Kosovo  and Metohia."  [4].
Might there have been peace?  Perhaps,  except  that  the  Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) thereupon began a terror campaign, randomly
attacking,  wounding  and killing Serb policemen.  [5].  The KLA,
"which the Clinton administration  has  embraced and some members
of Congress want to arm as part of the NATO bombing campaign,  is
a terrorist organization that has financed much of its war effort
with profits from the sale of heroin," says an article in today's
Washington Times newspaper.  [6].  (Note to Dan "Sleepy"  Rather:
Wake  up  and smell the coffee; there's a story here.)  Following
the  KLA's  terror  campaign  against  Serb  police,  the  police
naturally launch  a  counter-attack  against  the  KLA.  *At that
point*, a propaganda assault by KLA, who were in turn helped by a
Washington, DC media consulting firm, succeeded in demonizing the
Serbs, at least in the minds of many.

** January 1999:  News of a so-called "Racak Massacre"  explodes.
But the purported Racak Massacre turns out to have been a fake, a
set-up,  staged  for  an  either  gullible or even complicit mass
media.   (See  CNNS  03/25/99,  "Kosovo  Drugs  Target 'Christian
Infidels.'") Yet the  "Racak  Massacre"  serves  the  purpose  of
igniting war hysteria.  The question to be asked is, Are Clinton,
Cohen  and  Albright  possibly  so  gullible that they bought the
"Racak Massacre" story  hook,  line  and  sinker?   Can the elite
White House trio really be that gullible?  A scarey thought.

** March 1999:  U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright  tries
to  "negotiate" the Rambouillet Agreement.  Albright's methods of
"negotiation" are Neanderthal:  "Sign it,  or we'll bomb the sh**
out of you."  Don Feder, writing in the Boston Herald  newspaper,
compares  Albright's  "diplomacy"  to  that of a Mafia chieftain:
"Doing a bad imitation of  Vito Corleone at Rambouillet, Albright
told the Serbs she would have either their  signatures  or  their
brains  on  the  peace  accord."   [7]  But  the  Serbs  will not
surrender their homeland, so  on  March  24,  1999, NATO begins a
"rain of terror," bombing Yugoslavia.  The NATO operation, called
"Operation Allied Force,"  has  the  apt  initials  O-A-F,  notes
journalist John McLaughlin.

** April 1999:  Reverse  speech  analysis  by David Oates reveals
Bill Clinton saying as follows:  "There's famine down the  way  /
Elf  bomb  Serb."   It  turns  out, a month later, that famine is
indeed imminent in Kosovo.  As  to  "Elf bombs," this may signify
high-tech electromagnetic frequency weaponry  of  some  type.   A
reader has contacted CNNS and offered the following information:

  The NATO must get a better light in the world.  This can be
  only   with   HIGH  TECH!   From  Feb.99  to  April.99,  14
  satellites       go       into       orbit.        Official
  communication-satellites,  but  is  it  real?   It  can  be
  microwave-weapons which can make an earthquake.

**  May  1999:   Newsweek  set  to  report  on imminent famine in
Kosovo.  Crisis in Albanian  refugee camps.  Can Albanians really
return safely  to  their  homeland,  now  that  Depleted  Uranium
weapons  have  possibly contaminated the region?  What "homes" do
these refugees now have to go back to?  Mirjana Markovic, wife of
Serb president Slobodan  Milosevic,  grants  interview to "Sleepy
Dan" Rather, of  CBS's  "60  Minutes"  program.   Markovic  comes
across as highly credible when she says, for example, "Yugoslavia
is   defending  its  territory...   Albanians  would  never  have
rebelled against Yugoslavia.   They  would  have  never wanted to
separate from Kosovar territory if they had not  been  encouraged
by the outside world."

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1]   "Why  Kosovo?"  by  William  Norman  Grigg.   New  American
magazine, 5/10/99.
[2] Ibid.
[3]  "George  Soros & The Balkans Connection."  Communique #2126.
[4]   "Albanian   terrorism  after  Milosevic-Holbrooke  accord,"
2/25/99. www.serbia-info.com/news
[5] Ibid.
[6]  "KLA  finances  war  with  heroin  sales,"  by  Jerry Seper.
Washington Times, 5/3/99.
[7] Feder, qtd. in "Crime Gangs Bared by Political Anthropology,"
CNNS, 04/18/99.

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outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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