-Caveat Lector-



Fugitive billionaire's $2m cash seized at Gatwick


CUSTOMS officers have seized nearly $2 million (£1.4 million) in
cash after it was flown into Britain on behalf of Marc Rich, the
fugitive billionaire pardoned by Bill Clinton.

Mr Rich, whose presidential pardon is under investigation by the
FBI, now has to prove that the cash was honestly acquired, or he
could lose it. Investigators are holding the cash under powers
aimed at preventing drug traffickers moving their profits from
country to country.

The cash was found by customs officers this month when a courier
for a British security company flew into Gatwick Airport from
Europe. The company and courier were hired to transport a
high-security package in a case and were un-aware it contained
cash. The courier was stopped by customs officers and the case
was searched. Officers seized the $1.9 million under legislation
covering suspected cash from drug trafficking.

The legislation allows customs officers to hold sums of £10,000
or more from travellers. They act if they have reasonable grounds
to suspect the money is directly or indirectly linked to drug
trafficking or will be used for further drug trafficking.

The cash can be held for 48 hours, and if customs officers are
still not satisfied that the money is legitimate a magistrate can
give them powers to hold it for up to three months.

Customs investigators are understood to have been given
permission by a magistratesí court to continue to hold Mr Richís
cash. If Mr Rich can show the source and the purpose of the cash
is legitimate, customs officers will have to hand it back to him.

Yesterday a spokesman for Customs and Excise said: ìWe cannot
discuss individual cases of cash seizures.î The spokesman added
that no one of Mr Richís name had been charged with any offence.

Mr Rich has a company in London called Marc Rich Investment Ltd
in Redan Place, Bayswater, West London. Yesterday a senior member
of staff said that he was unaware of the seizure and referred any
queries to senior executives in Zug in Switzerland, which is the
home of Mr Richís private company.

Mr Rich is based in Zug in a closely guarded home. For the past
17 years he has been facing 65 charges that include racketeering,
evading $48 million in taxes and trading with Iran during the US
Embassy hostages crisis in the early 1980s. In January he and his
partner, Pincus Greene, were pardoned in one of the last acts of
the Clinton presidency. The move caused outrage, although Mr Rich
praised it as ìhumanitarianî.

Mr Richís former wife, Denise, a socialite and songwriter,
contributed more than $1 million to Democratic Party funds, and
the circumstances of the pardon are now under investigation. Ehud
Barak, the former Israeli Prime Minister, had also interceded on
Mr Richís behalf.

Once described as ìa beautifully sinister executive who could
frame deals with the artistry of a pool sharkî. Mr Rich, 66, was
born in Belgium and is said to have amassed more than £1 billion.
He is reputed to have traded commodities with ìrogueî countries,
often led by leaders few others would deal with. He was accused
of illegal dealing with Iran under Ayatollah Khomenei and also
dealt with Iraq, Libya, North Korea and Cuba.

In 1983 he fled to Switzerland from his $10 million flat in New
York and renounced his American citizenship just before he was
indicted for tax evasion, fraud and other charges. He took out
Spanish and Israeli citizenship.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                    *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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