-Caveat Lector-


March 4 2001

Swans crash to their deaths on rainy roads

Edin Hamzic and Guy Dennis

WILDLIFE organisations are investigating why growing numbers of
Britain's swans are dying as they mistake rain-soaked roads for
rivers and crash-land on them.

Conservationists believe one of the wettest winters on record may
be to blame for an increase of up to 25% in the number of swans
injured or killed in this way.

The birds are deceived by wet roads, which look like open water
from a height or in low light. When the tarmac is wet, and at
dawn or dusk, they see its smooth black surface as a placid
river, and car parks as lakes. Problems also arise in hot
weather, when heat from the dark surface of roads creates a

Swans, weighing about 8kg (18lb), come in to land with their feet
outstretched, expecting a gentle touchdown. Instead they crash to
a halt, leading to sprains, cut feet, injured backs and wings,
and broken legs. Many injured birds are then run over and killed.

Graham Madge, of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds,
said: "Sadly, it is happening with some regularity. As their
habitat is constantly invaded by people and altered, it is
becoming harder for the birds to find their way around."

Conservationists say it is hard to put an exact number on the
accidents because most deaths are not reported. However, they
estimate that up to 1,000 swans crash each year.

The Swan Sanctuary, Britain's largest refuge for the birds with
five sites, treats more than 3,000 birds a year. It claims that
130 to 140 of these are crash-landing victims- a quarter more
than five years ago.

Steve Knight, director of operations, said the number of injuries
rises during the autumn and winter when young swans leave their
nests and go in search of new territories.

"You get a young swan just out of the parental nest - with
L-plates, so to speak - flying for the first time, getting into

While the mute swan was almost perfectly designed for altitude
flying, the birds were vulnerable during take-off and descent,
making it difficult for them to abort a landing even if they
realised their mistake, he said. According to Knight, an added
danger is at points where roads cross rivers.

A warm thermal from the road mixes with a cold one from the
river, creating a crosswind. As swans have a wingspan of about
6ft, it is easy for them to get caught in it and crash into the

"Only last week we were called to an accident on Chiswick flyover
on the M4 in west London," Knight said. "A large adult swan
appeared to have confused the motorway for a river and attempted
to land.

"It crashed through the windscreen of a minibus taking passengers
to Heathrow airport. Luckily the bird survived and is now

In another incident, last July, a female swan crash-landed on a
busy road in Coventry city centre in the middle of the morning
rush-hour. Police had to close the road while RSPCA officers
collected the bird and took it to a vet.

Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue Trust in Scotland reports a tenfold
increase in the number of injured swans, to between 200 and 250 a
year, over the past 10 years.

A quarter of the incidents involve swans landing on roads. In the
past week alone the trust has taken in three birds injured in
this way.

Meanwhile, naturalists are struggling to stop a decline in
Britain's 30,000 swan population. According to figures from the
RSPB, the number fell by 15%

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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