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Large NATO Naval Force Near Russia

MOSCOW, Mar 22, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) NATO has assembled a large
force of naval ships and submarines in the Barents Sea north of Russia and
Scandinavia, compromising relations with Moscow, a Russian vice admiral was
quoted Tuesday as saying.

According to vice admiral Mikhail Motsak, at least ten NATO submarines are
patrolling in the arctic Barents Sea, while some 150 war ships were also in
the polar region, the Interfax news agency reported.

"This situation is far from improving relations between Russia and NATO,"
Motsak said.

Relations between Russia and NATO were frozen by Moscow after NATO air
strikes on Yugoslavia last spring. But the two sides have begun renewing
normal ties, as highlighted by NATO Secretary General George Robertson's
visit to Moscow last month.

Acting Russian president Vladimir Putin recently made the surprise
suggestion that his country might even be prepared to join NATO itself.
((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)

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