[CTRL] Latest Briefing

2001-03-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

The Latest Briefing from high-level National Security Informant

By Richard Boylan-Ph.d.=11/26/2000


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[CTRL] Latest Briefing from high-level National Security Informant

2000-11-29 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 Latest Briefing from high-level National Security Informant
 by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

  He emerged from his vehicle in the parking lot of a fancy
 hotel near the shoreline, attired in dress-casual clothes
 with sunglasses, thrust out his hand, and said, "Hi! I'm
 [Z]" (name withheld in this dispatch). With that, I met
 face-to-face with one of the highest-level informants in
 the U.S. National Security network. What follows are
 extracts from our three hours-long conversation.
  "Z" was deeply concerned about current events in the
 Middle East. He said the National Security community
 considers that the place where soon war could break out
 which would engulf not only the Middle East, drawing in not
 only Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and possibly Egypt, Turkey and
 Iran, but also draw in larger powerful states such as India
 and Russia. Then, with India's attention diverted, China
 could march into areas of India it considers within its
 sphere of influence. The Western Powers would have to
 respond, and global war would become a reality.
  He said that the Intelligence community expects a major
 terrorist strike within the United States this Winter, most
 likely a biological warfare agent dispersed across a city
 of note, or even a nuclear weapon detonated. He noted
 grimly that 18 Soviet nuclear warheads have gone missing,
 and are most likely in terrorist hands now. He considered
 anthrax the most likely biowarfare agent to be used, but
 allowed as that there are other killer microbes available
 to the terrorists also. He said terrorist groups are within
 the U.S. now.
  Z stated that the U.S. is quietly on ThreatCon Delta, the
 equivalent of the Pentagon's wartime DefCon 4 (active war)
 alert status. ThreatCon Delta is the highest level of
 civilian threat alert condition, because biological or
 nuclear incidents are considered likely to occur at any
 time now. Because of ThreatCon Delta, classified sections
 of  the National Security Act (amended) and secret
 Presidential National Security Directives have become
 activated. "Did you know," Z asked me, "that the President
 is not in charge now. FEMA [the Federal Emergency
 Management Agency] is!" I replied that that is
 unconstitutional. Z replied that the classified laws and
 NSD Directives make it legal. We discussed the various huge
 underground city-like installations that are all stocked
 and staffed and prepared to take in a certain portion of
 the population in the event of a disaster or terrorist
 strike happening. Such installations include one under the
 Kansas City stadium, with a capacity to take care of one
 million selected persons. Many such installations exist and
 are ready to go.
  There is also a "shadow government", Z told me, with
 substitute President, Vice- President, Cabinet officers,
 heads of Senate and Congress, Supreme Court Justices and
 other top governmental officials ready to function if
 disaster strikes "topside". Thus he confirmed earlier
 leaked reports about a secret Continuity of Government
 plan. He also confirmed that the "REX Exercise" authorized
 by President Reagan was a dry-run dress rehearsal of the
 taking over of command of the government, legislature and
 courts by the unelected shadow government, implemented, if
 necessary, by federalized FEMA troops.
  Z then got down to the more exotic areas of mutual
 interest. He confirmed the previously- anecdotal story
 about President Nixon's having taken then-famous television
 star Jackie Gleason to Homestead Air Force Base , Florida,
 and showed him the corpses of Zeta Reticulan (Grey) crewmen
 retrieved from a UFO crash. Z said that he, too, had viewed
 those bodies.
  He indicated that the Bilderberg Council (a transnational
 elite world policy planning group comprised of heads of
 some governments and multinational corporations) interacts
 with "The Nine", a group of extraterrestrial
 representatives from a Council of coordination for many
 cosmic super-civilizations in contact with Earth. Phyllis
 Schlemmer spoke of this in her classic book, "The Only
 Planet of Choice". Schlemmer herself occasionally is a
 channel for The Nine.
  Z also confirmed what black-projects defense
 industry-insider Edgar Rothschild Fouche wrote about in his
 recent book, "Alien Rapture": the existence of the TR3-B, a
 large triangular antigravity craft within the U.S.
 antigravity fleet. This fleet also includes: the B-2
 Stealth bomber, made by Northrop, the Lockheed X-22A
 two-man antigravity disc, the large space-faring Nautilus,
 manufactured by Boeing and EU's Airbus Industries,
 Northrop's discoid craft, and the XH-75D or "XH Shark"
 antigravity helicopter, made by Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical
 Corporation of San Diego. Here is what Z had to say about
 the TR3-B triangular antigravity craft.
  "TR3-B. This is the code name for what everyone on Earth
 has seen. It is a very large triangular-shaped re-entry
 vehicle with anti-gravity. It is what the