-Caveat Lector-

December 27, 2000
Behind Colin Powell's Legend: Part Five

By Robert Parry & Norman Solomon

Loose Ends

The Persian Gulf victory capped Powell's rise to full-scale national hero.
But, in the year that followed, some of his political compromises from the
Reagan years returned to tarnish, at least slightly, the shining image.

To his dismay, Powell was not quite through with the Iran-contra affair. In
testimony to Iran-contra independent prosecutor Lawrence Walsh, Powell
had denied knowing about illegal missile shipments to Iran through Israel in
1985, though acknowledging arranging legal shipments from Defense
stockpiles in 1986.

Then, in 1991, Iran-contra investigators stumbled upon Defense Secretary
Caspar Weinberger's long-lost notes filed away in a corner of the Library of
Congress. Among those papers was a note dated Oct. 3, 1985, indicating
that Weinberger had received information from a National Security Agency
intercept that Iran was receiving "arms transfers," a notice that would have
gone through Powell, Weinberger’s military assistant. [For details, see Part
Two of this series.]

The belated discovery of Weinberger's diaries led to the former defense
secretary's indictment for obstruction of justice. The notes also prompted
Powell to submit a pro- Weinberger affidavit that contradicted Powell's
own earlier sworn testimony in which he had insisted that Weinberger
maintained no "diaries."

In the new version, dated April 21, 1992, Powell argued that he regarded
Weinberger's daily notes as a "personal diary" and that it was "entirely
possible" that Weinberger would not have understood these personal
papers to be within the scope of the Iran-contra document requests.

Beyond this apparent contradiction on the question of whether a "diary"
existed or not, the greater threat to Powell's reputation was the pending
Weinberger trial which was scheduled to start in January 1993. Powell was
listed as a prospective witness.

At trial, the general might have to maneuver through a legal mine field
created by his unlikely claims of ignorance about the illegal Iran weapons
in 1985. If evidence emerged demonstrating what seemed most likely -- that
Powell and Weinberger both knew about the 1985 shipments -- Powell
could face questions about his own credibility and possibly charges of false

So, in late 1992, Powell joined an intense lobbying campaign to convince
President George H.W. Bush to pardon Weinberger. The president had his
own reasons to go along. Bush's participation in the scandal also might
have been exposed to the public if the trial went forward. Bush's
insistence that he was "not in the loop" on Iran-contra had been
undermined by the Weinberger documents, too, damaging Bush's
reelection hopes in the final weekend of the campaign.

On Christmas Eve 1992, Bush dealt a retaliatory blow to the Iran-contra
investigation, granting pardons to Weinberger and five other Iran-contra
defendants. The pardons effectively killed the Iran-contra probe.

Weinberger was spared a trial -- and Powell was saved from embarrassing
attention over his dubious role in the whole affair.

A Press Favorite

In 1995, back in private life, Colin Powell was still remembered as the
confetti-covered hero of Desert Storm. A star-struck national press corps
seemed eager to hoist the four-star general onto its shoulders and into
the Oval Office.

Any hint of a Powell interest in the White House made headlines. Without
doubt, Powell was a good story, potentially the first black American
president. But some journalists seemed to embrace Powell because they
disdained his rivals, from Newt Gingrich to Bill Clinton.

Newsweek was one of the first publications to catch the Powell
presidential wave. In its Oct. 10, 1994, issue, the magazine posed the
hyperbolic query: "Can Colin Powell Save America?" Powell was portrayed as
a man of consummate judgment, intelligence and grace.

Not to be outdone, Time endorsed Powell as the "ideal candidate" for
president. In Time's view, Powell was "the perfect anti-victim, validating
America's fondest Horacio Alger myth that a black man with few advantages
can rise to the top without bitterness and without forgetting who he is."
[Time, March 13, 1995]

Soon, Time was detecting near-super-human powers: Powell could defy
aging and even the middle-age paunch. While Jesse Jackson had grown
"older, paunchier and less energetic," Powell was "the Persian Gulf War
hero who exudes strength, common sense and human values like no one
else on the scene." [Time, Aug. 28, 1995]

But the newsmagazines were not alone in the accolades. Surveying the
media scene, press critic Howard Kurtz marveled at how many supposedly
hard-edged journalists were swooning at Powell's feet.

"Even by the standards of modern media excess, there has never been
anything quite like the way the press is embracing, extolling and flat-out
promoting this retired general who has never sought public office," Kurtz
wrote. [Washington Post, Sept. 13, 1995]

In fall 1995, as the Republican presidential field took shape, Newsweek
jumped back into the Powell love-fest. Columnist Joe Klein offered the
insight that "the key to the race" was the recognition that "ideas are not

Instead of ideas, "stature is everything." Klein declared. "But if ideas don't
matter, what does? Civility does." [Newsweek, Nov. 13, 1995]

It seemed Powell had cornered the market on stature and civility.

Even normally clear-eyed journalists had their vision clouded by Powell
fever. Rolling Stone's cogent analyst William Greider reprised the theme of
Powell as the nation's savior.

"Luck walks in the door, and its name is Colin Powell," Greider proclaimed.
He lauded the general with descriptions such as "confident," "candid," "a
tonic for the public spirit." [Rolling Stone, Nov. 16, 1995]

In one rare dissent, The New Republic's Charles Lane reviewed Powell's
second year-long stint in Vietnam in 1968-69. The article focused on the
letter from Americal soldier Tom Glen who complained to the U.S. high
command about a pattern of atrocities against civilians, encompassing the
My Lai massacre.

When Glen's letter reached Powell, the fast-rising Army major at Americal
headquarters conducted a cursory investigation and dismissed the young
soldier's concerns.

"In direct refutation of this portrayal," Powell told the Americal’s adjutant
general, "is the fact that relations between Americal soldiers and the
Vietnamese people are excellent." [For details, see Part One of this

Only later did other Americal veterans, most notably Ron Ridenhour,
expose the truth about My Lai and the abuse of Vietnamese civilians.
"There is something missing," Lane observed, "from the legend of Colin
Powell, something epitomized, perhaps, by that long-ago brush-off of Tom
Glen." [The New Republic, April 17, 1995]

After Lane's article, a prominent Washington Post columnist rallied to
Powell's defense. Richard Harwood, a former Post ombudsman, scolded
Lane for his heresy, for trying "to deconstruct the image of Colin Powell."
Harwood attacked this "revisionist view" which faulted Powell for "what he
didn't do" and for reducing Powell's "life to expedient bureaucratic

Harwood fretted that other reporters might join the criticism. "What will
other media do with this tale?" Harwood worried. "Does it become part of a
new media technique by which indictments are made on the basis of
might-have-beens and should-have-dones?"  [Washington Post, April 10,

But Harwood's fears were unfounded. The national media closed ranks
behind Powell. Not only did the media ignore Powell's troubling actions in
Vietnam, but the press turned a blind eye to Powell's dubious roles in the
Iran-contra scandal and other national security foul-ups of the Reagan-
Bush era.

The Book Tour

For the media, it was time for Powell-mania, a phenomenon that reached a
frenzied climax in fall 1995 with the general's book tour and the will-he-or-
won't-he drama about Powell running for president.

Then, in early November 1995, Powell said no to entering the presidential
race and the media's balloon deflated with an almost audible whoosh. The
disappointment was palpable as journalists filled a Northern Virginia
banquet hall to hear Powell make the announcement.

The rest of that week, The New York Times op-ed page could have been
draped in black crepe. Columnist Maureen Dowd compared her
disappointment to Francesca's pining over her abortive love affair with
Robert Kincaid in The Bridges of Madison County.

"The graceful, hard male animal who did nothing overtly to dominate us yet
dominated us completely, in the exact way we wanted that to happen at
this moment, like a fine leopard on the veld, was gone," Dowd wrote,
mimicking the novel's overwrought style. "'Don't leave, Colin Powell,' I could
hear myself crying from somewhere inside." [NYT, Nov. 9, 1995]

Liberal and middle-of-the-road commentators were especially crushed.
Columnists Anthony Lewis, A.M. Rosenthal and Bob Herbert proved that
Dowd's column was not just satire.

Lewis informed readers that Americans "across the political spectrum ...
had just seen the dignity, the presence, the directness they long for in a
president." Rosenthal proclaimed Powell to be "graceful, decisive,
courteous, warm, also candid." Herbert hailed Powell as "honest, graceful,
strong, intelligent, modest and resolute." [NYT, Nov. 10, 1995]

Though also smitten by the Powell charisma, Frank Rich recognized that
political reporters were acting a lot like love-sick adolescents. "The press
coverage will surely, with hindsight, make for hilarious reading," Rich
observed. [NYT, Nov. 11, 1995]

In the years that followed -- as Powell remained a figure of great national
respect, earning millions of dollars on the lecture circuit -- there has been
little of that critical hindsight.

Thousands of words have been devoted to commenting about Colin
Powell's political future, virtually all of them positive. His selection as
secretary of state by President- elect George W. Bush -- as Bush's first
appointment following his tainted victory -- was hailed by the news media
with near universal praise.

Throughout the many years of Powell's presence on the national stage,
there has been precious little interest in searching for the truth behind
Colin Powell's legend.

End of the Series

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