[CTRL] Lincoln, Roosevelt and Kennedy warn of Bush

2002-11-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Lincoln, Roosevelt and Kennedy warn of Bush
by Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Robert Kennedy

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. ... corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong it's reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."
Abraham Lincoln

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic State itself. What, in its essence, is Fascism, but ownership of government by an individual, by a group or by any controlling private power." 
Franklin D. Roosevelt

"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." 
Robert Kennedy


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[CTRL] Lincoln-American Lenin

2001-03-09 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

Subject: Lincoln-American Lenin
Date: Monday, February 19, 2001 2:14 PM

 An Internet Publication for Real Americans  Last Roundup: 02/12/01 09:18:03

The American Lenin
by L. Neil Smith - Published: 02.12.01

It's harder and harder these days to tell a liberal from a conservative --
given the former category's increasingly blatant hostility toward the First
Amendment, and the latter's prissy new disdain for the Second Amendment --
but it's still easy to tell a liberal from a libertarian.

Just ask about either Amendment.

If what you get back is a spirited defense of the ideas of this country's
Founding Fathers, what you've got is a libertarian. By shameful default,
libertarians have become America's last and only reliable stewards of the
Bill of Rights.

But if -- and this usually seems a bit more difficult to most people -- you'd
like to know whether an individual is a libertarian or a conservative, ask
about Abraham Lincoln.

Suppose a woman -- with plenty of personal faults herself, let that be
stipulated -- desired to leave her husband: partly because he made a regular
practice, in order to go out and get drunk, of stealing money she had earned
herself by raising chickens or taking in laundry; and partly because he'd
already demonstrated a proclivity for domestic violence the first time she'd
complained about his stealing.

Now, when he stood in the doorway and beat her to a bloody pulp to keep her
home, would we memorialize him as a hero? Or would we treat him like a
dangerous lunatic who should be locked up, if for no other reason, then for
trying to maintain the appearance of a relationship where there wasn't a
relationship any more? What value, we would ask, does he find in continuing
to possess her in an involuntary association, when her heart and mind had
left him long ago?

History tells us that Lincoln was a politically ambitious lawyer who eagerly
prostituted himself to northern industrialists who were unwilling to pay
world prices for their raw materials and who, rather than practice real
capitalism, enlisted brute government force -- "sell to us at our price or
pay a fine that'll put you out of business" -- for dealing with uncooperative
southern suppliers. That's what a tariff's all about. In support of this
"noble principle", when southerners demonstrated what amounted to no more
than token resistance, Lincoln permitted an internal war to begin that
butchered more Americans than all of this country's foreign wars -- before or
afterward -- rolled into one.

Lincoln saw the introduction of total war on the American continent --
indiscriminate mass slaughter and destruction without regard to age, gender,
or combat status of the victims -- and oversaw the systematic shelling and
burning of entire cities for strategic and tactical purposes. For the same
purposes, Lincoln declared, rather late in the war, that black slaves were
now free in the south -- where he had no effective jurisdiction -- while
declaring at the same time, somewhat more quietly but for the record
nonetheless, that if maintaining slavery could have won his war for him, he'd
have done that, instead.

The fact is, Lincoln didn't abolish slavery at all, he nationalized it,
imposing income taxation and military conscription upon what had been a free
country before he took over -- income taxation and military conscription to
which newly "freed" blacks soon found themselves subjected right alongside
newly-enslaved whites. If the civil war was truly fought against slavery -- a
dubious, "politically correct" assertion with no historical evidence to back
it up -- then clearly, slavery won.

Lincoln brought secret police to America, along with the traditional midnight
"knock on the door", illegally suspending the Bill of Rights and, like the
Latin America dictators he anticipated, "disappearing" thousands in the north
whose only crime was that they disagreed with him. To finance his crimes
against humanity, Lincoln allowed the printing of worthless paper money in
unprecedented volumes, ultimately plunging America into a long, grim
depression -- in the south, it lasted half a century -- he didn't have to
live through, himself.

In the end, Lincoln didn't unite this country -- that can't be done by force
-- he divided it along lines of an unspeakably ugly hatred and resentment
that continue to exist almost a century and a half after they were drawn. If
Lincoln could have been put on trial in Nuremburg for war crimes, he'd have
received the same sentence as the highest-ranking Nazis.

If libertarians ran things, they'd melt all the Lincoln pennies, shred all
the Lincoln fives, take a wrecking ball to the Lincoln Memorial, and consider


2000-05-13 Thread J Taylor



Dennis Raitt

The potentate of stupiditude has struck again! In his column in the
Tallahassee Democrat of May 7th, Gerald Ensley said: "There are some things
I just don’t understand. It seems curious that the same people who defend
the Confederacy are also the first to defend the U.S. Constitution, which
the Confederacy attempted to destroy." Well, I’m here to help with his

After Lincoln precipitated the firing on Fort Sumter, he assumed dictatorial
powers. He first bypassed his constitutional duty to call Congress in times
of emergency. He calls out 75,000 troops for the invasion of the South with
total disregard that it is the duty of Congress to make such a decision
according to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. Why didn’t Lincoln
follow the Constitution and call out the Congress? Why did he on, April 15,
1861, call Congress to meet almost three months later in July? And then only
after he had driven the nation into a headlong war? Obviously, he didn’t
want Congress involved.

Then he orders the blockade of Southern ports, an act of war, requiring
Congressional resolution. On April 21, he orders the navy to buy five
warships, an appropriation act requiring Congressional approval. On April
27, he suspended the privilege of habeas corpus, nullifying every civil
liberty of every citizen. Soon thereafter he started shutting down
newspapers that were not supportive of the war.

When Congress met in July, it rubber stamped Lincoln’s wishes with the
realization that any expression of doubt about all these extraconstitutional
acts would have put one in danger of being arrested and tried for treason
against Lincoln.

On the night of September 12, Lincoln had the whole Maryland Legislature
arrested and locked up in prison at Ft. McHenry, afraid that there were
Southern sympathizers. In London, the Saturday Review noted, "It was as
perfect act of despotism as can be conceived. It was a coup d’etat in every
essential feature."

In his reign of terror he shut down hundreds of newspapers: The Chicago
Times, the Journal of Commerce (N.Y.), the Morning News (N.Y.), New York
World, the Philadelphia Evening Journal, the Christian Observer, the
Republican Watchman (Pa.), the Missourian, the Herald, the Democrat (N.H.),
the New York Herald, etc. Public discussion, free speech, and the free press
were strangled. Lincoln was thus the imperial magistrate, with full despotic
powers. Lincoln told Congress that he had the right to suspend the
Constitution in order to save it.

The Supreme Court made a valiant effort to check this reign of tyranny under
Chief Justice Roger Taney over the writ of habeas corpus, probably the most
important provision of the Bill of Rights. Lincoln not only ignored the
Supreme Court’s ruling, but then writes an order for the arrest of the Chief
Justice, who was then in his eighties.

Lincoln thus put himself above Congress, above the Supreme Court, and above
the Constitution. He was an absolute ruler, like the tyrants of Rome, to
which Taney said: "And if the President of the United States may suspend the
writ, then the Constitution...has conferred upon him more regal and absolute
power of liberty of the citizen than the people of England have thought it
safe to entrust to the crown."

In one of his strangest acts of contempt of the Constitution, he created the
state of West Virginia, in contravention of Article 4, Section 3, which
required the approval of the sovereign state of Virginia.

It seems curious that the same people who defend the federal government’s
quest to destroy the Constitution are the same ones who disparage the South’
s right to form a new government. I guess no one ever said you had to be
educated to be a columnist for the Tallahassee Democrat.

Dr. Dennis Raitt

Columnist for www.yourvillage.com


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[CTRL] Lincoln, Nebraska is a hotbed of Baal worshipping Satanistas!

1999-12-13 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:580446"Lincoln, Nebraska
is a hotbed of Baal worshipping Satanistas!/A
Subject: Lincoln, Nebraska is a hotbed of Baal worshipping Satanistas!
Date: Mon, 13 December 1999 12:30 AM EST

Masons and other Satanistas Worship in Nebraska's Dark Capitol

A HREF="http://www.balaams-ass.com/journal/prophecy/baal.htm"http://www.bala

Absolutely un-freeking-believeable!

I pasted the text below, but there are phographs at the webpage.
This building is the "4th Wonder of the Architectural World."
Urban myth has it that Hitler planned to move in and rule the world,
when he won the war.


-begin pasted text---

I live in Lincoln, Nebraska where I’m attending the law college at the
University of Nebraska. The subject of this letter is going to be the
state capitol building here in Lincoln. It’s an impressive structure,
400 feet tall with a magnificent dome of real gold leaf. The capitol
is the 4th architectural wonder of the world.

I never thought much of the capitol until my brother told me that the
Egyptians were wanting to put a gold cap on one of the pyramids to
celebrate the millennium. When I asked him the significance of that
feat, he said it was for the purpose of reflecting the beauty of the
sun god Ra back to himself. H. Suddenly a light bulb flashed on in
my mind. I saw the Nebraska capitol building as a huge Baal tower, or
Baal temple. Not only that, but I believed common sense was telling me
that since it was an elaborate temple, then people would actively have
to be worshipping Satan there.

The only way I could think of for worshippers to come and go
regularly, yet clandestinely would be for them to go back and forth
from the Masonic temple which is just a little further than a block
away. I figured that they would probably do their worshipping in the
basement of the capitol, and then return to the Masonic temple. The
capitol is very richly decorated with religious and legal symbolism
from the ancient to the present, however, Jesus Christ is not
depicted. There is a carving of St. John, but that is all there is to
represent the Christian religion.

Nebraska has one Black state senator. His name is Ernie Chambers.
Ernie is from Omaha, and his office is in the capitol building, along
with all of the other state senators. I decided to go visit Ernie one
day. After we talked for a while, I asked him if he thought there
might be an underground passageway from the capitol to the Masonic
temple. He said he wouldn’t know about that, but that I could ask the
person who was responsible for the building. When I went up to the
building office, the people in it looked at me like I was there to
ruin the big celebration they might have planned for this New Year’s
Eve. Fear and loathing on their faces -- the most unusual reception
I’ve ever received anywhere in my life. The building manager wasn’t
in, so I got out of there.

I decided to go to the archives of the Nebraska State Historical
Society to do research on the capitol. I had to sign up as a
legitimate researcher, and then they started carting books to me. A
little while later, a nice man came over and asked what kind of work I
was doing because he was writing a book about the capitol too, and had
overheard me asking for capitol archives. His project will lead to a
book which will be a compilation of everything that's been written so
far. So I told him I want to trace the capitol back to the influence
of the Lancaster dynasty in England (Lincoln is in Lancaster county),
and also find out if the capitol is being used for purposes of
worship. He said that it is indeed a temple, but he didn't know if
worship takes place there. He said the place is full of hollow walls
and passages and that you could live below the capitol forever if you
wanted to. One of the archives from the early '20s was written by C.W.
Cray who thought the capitol should be created in such a fashion as to
force spirituality on Nebraskans. That made me realize that I was on
to something.

Later in the evening, I called the fellow researcher I’d met at the
Historical Society. It turns out that he was an English professor at
the University of Nebraska - Lincoln (UNL) for 11 years, and is now a
freelance writer. He was also the weekend tour guide in the capitol
for many years due to his extensive knowledge of the symbolism
portrayed throughout the capitol. I asked him if he thought the
chances that Satan worship takes place in the basement of the capitol
are zero, or extremely close to zero. He said that chances were close
to zero because you never know about Devil worshippers.

THEN he told me about the time he was in the capitol in the spring
around Easter (Ishtar) late on a Saturday 

Re: [CTRL] Lincoln, Nebraska is a hotbed of Baal worshipping Satanistas!

1999-12-13 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

I wouldn't put much stock in anything Ernie Chambers says. The man is a
paranoid egomaniac. Years ago, I had an encounter with him. I was
working at a movie theater concession stand in Lincoln. He came up, and
kept changing his order for snacks. I turned to the usher  said, sotto
voce, "I wish he'd make up his mind." Chambers started screaming that
I'd called him a f** n***er and that he was going to have my head
and the heads of everyone working there, and get the theater shut down,
and just on  on  on. I thought he was going to come over the counter
and attack me. The manager escorted me to the ladies room, and I don't
know what happened out in the lobby in the meantime, but it was a good
45 minutes before they let me come out; by then he was gone. I didn't
get fired; I had actually given notice prior to this, so no action was
ever taken. That man needed help then, and probably still does now.

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[CTRL] Lincoln

1999-03-02 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I believe the same secret society that killed JFK, RFK, and MLK - also
killed Princess Diana, as part of the master plan.   Anyone in the way
of the assassins, whom I always picture sitting at a long table playing
God, they will  cut down in their prime.

People often refer to this Illuminati; now, the only link I can find
between the Illuminati and these assassinations - their history.

I have an engraving of the old Hells Fire Club, a Satanist Organization
but obviously masonic in nature, who met in the tombs at High Wycombe;
they probably are just a front for the intelligensia.  Anyway, in this
engraving which was done by Hogarth (after his death actually, but ws
the authorized version) we find Lord Sandwich, Dashwood, Thomas DeGrey,
etc., forming the pyramid stance.drinking the wine, and in the
background is a statue of the many breasted Diana, as I recall - or the
statue of Charity.  They are drinking themselves drunk and DeGray, is
passed out with wine dripping into his mouth.  They had vowed not to
leave the cellar (called Charity in the Cellar) until they had drug this
whole hogs head of wine.   Benjamin Franklin then of course, came back
to the US, where he ws alleged to have chased women also, as did the
Hells Fire Club in particular.  However Hogarth was responsible for the
first copyright act; and Franklin in the Constitution you may see his
hand.it protected the arts and sciences, and freedom of speech, etc.
So  patents and copyrights stemmed from this and so did bad actors and

Here we come to John Wilkes Booth, whom from the mother, descended from
John Wilkes who was a member of the Hells Fire Club, also known as the
Monks of Mehedemn or something like that I forget.

John Wilkes was a rather Oscar Wilde replica of the state ment "he talks
like a liberal and eats with the tories"but he had banking
interestshe also was involved in pornography, and got caught up; he
did stop a mob that he himself had  raised, from robbing the Bank of

So you see, the Illumanti did have a connection to the murder of
Lincoln; Aaron Burr, also killed Alexander Hamilton over the Federal
Reserve System  it was once said.and it is only the money always,
behind the plot.

So here we have the Illuminati in a sense who assisted in writing the
Constitution.  The Old hells fire club broke up over the Revolution;
Hogarth remained loyal to the crown, and stuck to his masonic virtues.
Franklin came back to America and was accused of being a Brittish spy.

And Franklin and others controlled the newspapers, and there were a lot
of people who did not vote for We The People,  including my family, who
were English government officials, some of whom took it on the lam to
Canada after the Revolution.

Frankly, Aaron Burr was villified for getting into a gentleman's duel;
Jefferson Davis was Catholic, and our first Catholic President of the
United Sttes of the Confederacy.

So - anytime there is an assassination, or a questionable death, I
always ask "cui bono"...during WWII the Airforce had a Base at High
Wycomb, where the old Hells Caves are still around.  There is still a
Lord Dashwood, as I recall, and the original painting of the Hells Fire
Club, can be found in the collection of the former Lord Boyne in

These men in the Hells Fire Club were all intelligence agents, masons,
and Hogarth painted and engraved John Wilkes, with devil's horns showing
him to be the demogog he was.

So much for conspircies and Lincoln.  And Lincoln, as did Kennedy and
Princess Diana, and Bobby Kennedy, had a phoney seer trying to get their
big foot in the door who planted seeds of death long before the crimes
in some instances.

Beware of the soothsayers prophesying doom and gloom; they are usuall on
someone's payroll..

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Lincoln Assassination Is Pivotal Event (fwd)

1999-02-19 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  02/19/99)  -- This is a general overview, pointing to the
importance of the Lincoln assassination to today's events.

1)  Britain  did  not give up after the Revolutionary War. It has
got to be  understood  that  from  1776  through  1865 (at least)
Britain coveted control of her former colonies and  their  sphere
of influence.

2)  Britain utilized banking schemes to exert control, subsequent
to the Revolutionary War.  When  these banking schemes came under
attack circa 1812, the Brits again used  their  military  against

3)  President  Andrew  Jackson  was  a  great  hero, who defeated
British banking interests.

4) Circa 1840, the British were  otherwise engaged, with a war in
the Crimea. Momentarily, the U.S. was free from Brit influence.

5) But by the 1850s, British agents once more were at work.  They
circulated throughout the South and stirred up insurrection.  The
Brit "divide and conquer" strategy was operant.  A weakened  U.S.
would  mean  advantage  for  Brit  geopolitical influence in this

6) THIS IS THE CONTEXT in  which Abraham Lincoln's battle to save
the  Union  has  got  to  be  understood;  that  the  Brits   had
imperialistic designs on this hemisphere and only a UNITED States
could effectively oppose them.

7)  Wall  Street  Capitalists typically sought only profit.  They
demanded usurious rates of interest from Lincoln and the Union in
return for loans needed to  finance the war.  Lincoln turned them
down, and set up "greenback" money.  This greenback money and the
antagonisms it caused is a major story in itself.  But the  point
to remember is that the wealthy American Capitalists pursued only
greed in the dark beginning of the U.S. Civil War.

8) After Lincoln and the Union had routed the Brit threat in this
hemisphere,  a  living  Lincoln would have finished the work he'd
started.  At  that  point,  Wall  Street  speculators  caused the
murder of Lincoln.   THAT  IS  THE  PIVOTAL  OCCURRENCE  IN  U.S.
HISTORY.   That  is  where was born the Washington DC ROME ON THE
POTOMAC. That is where we went wrong.

9) Do not blame Lincoln  for the modern federal octopus.  Lincoln
fought against an imperialistic threat to this  hemisphere.   The
Capitalists  typically cared only for their greed in 1861; again,
in 1865, they  cared  only  for  their  greed  and that greed was
behind (a) the Lincoln assassination; (b) the unchained  evil  of
Washington,   DC,   which  Lincoln,  had  he  lived,  would  have

10)  THIS  WAS  WHERE  WE   WENT  WRONG.   The  John  F.  Kennedy
assassination  was  nowhere  near  as  pivotal  as  the   Lincoln

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

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Re: [CTRL] Lincoln Assassination Is Pivotal Event (fwd)

1999-02-19 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Lincoln unpegged us from the Constitution and was killed before he could put it
back in force.

I think Kennedy was killed strictly to put Nixon in office.
Nixon unpegged us from the gold standard.

Clinton is unpegging us from the moral standard.

reaccuring theme -
Backers of the World Bank.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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