-Caveat Lector-

>From NewAustralian

> Looking Out
> Peter Zhang's
> Column
> Clinton
> and
> BeijingThe New Australian
> No. 124,   21-27 June 1999
> I keep getting emails from American readers pleading to know how
> deeply Clinton has damaged American national security. In truth, I
> cannot say much more than I have already but I shall once again repeat
> myself: American security has been shattered. Chinese officials have
> privately bragged about the extent of their penetration, their placing
> of agents, their successful use of bribery and blackmail. I have heard
> stories that I would never repeat, though I know them to be true,
> because many readers would consider them fantastic. But would they be
> any more fantastic than a president selling his country's secrets to a
> potential enemy? And yet this is exactly what Clinton has done. To
> gain some grasp of the danger in which Clinton may very well have put
> America one only needs to read the Cox Report.
> As for Bill Clinton, I personally believe he is capable of anything, a
> view shared by Chinese officials who also hold him in the greatest
> contempt. He is not only considered treacherous but unstable. A man
> completely incapable of seeing beyond tomorrow. This goes someway, in
> Chinese eyes, of understanding his motives. I pointed out in another
> article that Beijing has a profile of every member of Congress and the
> Senate. The interesting thing is that Clinton's file goes back, so I
> have been told, to his student days.
> This information is particularly interesting because it is clearly
> impossible for any intelligence agency, especially a foreign one, to
> determine which students will always make a career out of politics. So
> this raises an important question: why did Chinese intelligence show
> an early interest in Clinton? I'm not suggesting that Clinton was
> involved with Chinese intelligence from when he was a student only
> that it was aware of what I shall call his potential. Clearly
> something or someone, and I'm not referring to the Russians, alerted
> them. Who or what has not been revealed.
> There is no doubt whatsoever that when Clinton became politically
> active Chinese intelligence in his potential was renewed and steps
> were taken at a very early stage in his career to cultivate a presence
> through third parties with well-known Asian connections. To my
> knowledge this has never been done with any other American politician
> but Beijing felt confident enough to do it with Clinton. Why? Even the
> densest politician would have smelt a rat so why the confidence?
> The key to the puzzle lies in his psychological profile. My
> understanding is that Chinese intelligence concluded that Clinton is
> bereft of any kind of morality or cultural moorings and that he is
> totally absorbed; a man for whom the only thing that counts is what
> promotes his interest regardless of the cost to others, including the
> nation; a man with no sense of honour, integrity or loyalty but an
> uncanny ability to convey the opposite feelings. It was early evidence
> of this ability plus his thuggishness in pursuit of his own ambitions
> that finally convinced Beijing that he was a political winner.
> Beijing knew what many still cannot see. Clinton sees the presidency
> as a mere trophy, a kind of political Oscar. Everything he does is
> geared to winning and keeping that Oscar. Curiously enough, it this
> destructive ambition — destructive to America, that is — leaves him as
> a Democrat. Now Clinton is a genuine political thug and these type of
> thugs are attracted to politics because of the power it gives them.
> Therefore when they gain power they do what they can to accumulate
> even more. This is why the likes of Clinton are not to be found in
> political parties that preach small government, the need for low
> taxation and the virtues of patriotism.[1] No wonder it was child's
> play for Beijing to manipulate Clinton. It was like bribing a child
> with sweets.
> All said and done, Clinton wilfully betrayed his country. To call
> Clinton a Judas would be to insult Judas whose shame led him to commit
> suicide. Clinton is not a flawed man, as some would have it, he is a
> deeply corrupt and very dangerous man. As I said, there are stories I
> could never repeat though I do not doubt their veracity for a moment.
> [1]Hayek
> The New Australian

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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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--- Ernest Hemingway
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