> Supporters of Drug Policy Reform Should Be Considered
> for RICO Prosecutions; Compared to Pedophiles and
> Rapists at House Hearing CAPITOL HILL
> Summer 1999
> At a House hearing titled "The Pros and Cons of Drug Legalization,
> Decriminalization and Harm Reduction," Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA) suggested that
> federal racketeering (RICO) laws should be used to prosecute persons who
> advocate reform of drug policies.

Only Bob Barr could come up with something like that, and frankly, I'm
surprised to even hear HIM say something like that.  I know I don't have
to point this out, but this is his advocation of making certain thoughts
a crime.

> Gen. Barry McCaffrey, director of the Office of National Drug Control
> Policy, testified under oath that medical marijuana initiatives are "sheer
> buffoonery from an ivory tower." He said, "We're getting rolled in the
> public arena by very clever people." McCaffrey said there is "a carefully
> camouflaged, well funded, tightly knit core of people whose goal is to
> legalize drugs in the United States." McCaffrey assured the subcommittee
> that "I am not open-minded about drug abuse in America."

Well, that pretty much sums it up.  McCaffrey's made his mind up, and as
long as he's the McCzar, he's going to ignore the people.  Thank
goodness he's nearing the end of his term -- that is unless Clinton
pulls some stunt to give him an excuse to declare a national emergency
and keep both himself in power and to avoid prosecution by all the
people who are snarling at the ends of their leashes to go after him for
all the corruption in his administration.  Of course, McCzar would stay
in office, too.  If Al Gore wins and grants Clinton a pardon, Clinton
will move to Oxford, England just to be safe.


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