Re: [CTRL] MC:Mass Mind Control in the Present-Day U.S. -- The big picture

2001-03-11 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Thought I would pass this on re the movie Heathers in which you had the
first shots fired in a cafeteria and the target the more popular kids,
or jocks - with their little secret societies - but I wanted to know
more about this Wynona Ryder who would play such a role and who eagerly
anticipates making Heathers II?
Christian Slater in this movie wore the black trench coat first as I

This killing of kids and slaughter of the innocents - it all began in
Hollywood didn't it?

As Elridge Cleaver wrote in his book (obviously ha a ghost writer with
big red star stamped on forehead) "the iniquities of the fathers will be
visited upon the children".

Now we have Hannibal II - an FBI agent in on this one?   Might add in
this movie Heathers a book read by the main character portrayed by
Winona Ryder - was Moby Dick - and it was Arthur Bremer in his diary who
wrote "Call Me Ishmael"he alone got away to tell the story and
make the big bucks on a book?   Remember the smirking Bremer as he shot
George Wallace - and the Great White Whale is the target - kill whitey?

We had so of FBI Agent make a movie on Littleton BEFORE the
factand then the FBI agent who investigated Littleton it was
discovered had a son involved in the making of the tape - a preview
before the crime occurred.

We hae an FBI agent involved in movie Hannibal re
cannibalism...makes big bucks but always this Hollywood connection?
FBI would do well to investigate their own Bureau  - a stupid KGB paid
agent - a traitor and thief, sat in their midst for 16 years while Freeh
and Albright broke bread with KGB and we so impressed to think golly gee
- I am sitting with real live KGB Agent - hey Freeh, you worked with one
you stupid bastard.

Note little Wynonas Godfather was Timothy O'Leary.Mind Control Games
- Doors of Perception?  This little girl who just shot another little
girl in school wore her hair like Wynona in Beatle Juice which portrayed
an entire football team dead - funny?

What was that at Littleton?  Classes in Death - a Death Culture with
those creepy school officials and will never forget the kid on the stage
wih her face painted white doing a special for the TV Audience for it
was showtime?

Most of all I remember the kids at Littleton - the ones in particular
who gave the president "
the mojo"..and the one who called CNN rather than 911 from a closet.

Without a doubt in the making might be Wynona haveing a coming out of
the closet special that is if she ever gets enough followers.

Heathers II should be quite an inspiration to every kid in America on
Ritilin or hypnotic drugs...every kid in the country will have his
or her camcorder ready to go - big bucks and be on Good Morning

All these stupid "Stepford" wives posing and smiling for the cameras?

Think these people do not know what they are doing?   Old Murderer's
Bible had a line that read "first let the kids be killed"this
bible is still being used as a master plan for murder keyed to the STARS
and the testaments.

One line I shall always remember - "where there is a testament let there
by necessity be the death of the testators".or kill the witnesses,
dead men tell no tales - strange Hollywood hasn't picked up on this on?


Winona Ryder

Winona Ryder has built up a reputation for being the actress to call on
for difficult roles.

Her ability to see beyond the surface and to create characters that
others couldn't was built through a life spent outside of the

Winona Laura Horowitz was born on October 29th, 1971 in Winona,
Minnesota. She was named after the town she was born in by her hippy
parents (Cindy and Michael). While her name could be considered odd,
when compared to her siblings Yuri, Sunyate and Jubal, she was quite
lucky (once she moved away from the town of Winona, anyway!).

Her parents were more involved with political activism at the height of
the hippy movement than they were with drugs. This is not to say that
they were completely divorced from the hallucinogenic side of the life.
Her godfather was Dr. Timothy Leary, the L.S.D. guru who was influential
in the drug counter-culture.

Her father worked intimately with Leary, and for a time he ran a
bookstore called "Flashback Books". They were more interested in
protesting Agent Orange than in preaching the benefits of mind
alteration, however.
Winona grew up in this atmosphere, sometimes living on electricity-free
compounds. When she was eight, her parents moved back to the city.
During her first week at the new school, the tom-boyish waif was jumped
by a group of boys who mistook her for a gay boy rather than a girl.
This pummeling resulted in something good.

After some time spent learning at home, she was enrolled in the
prestigious American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco. It was while
performing onstage at the Conservatory that she was discovered. Winona
auditioned for the role of John Voight's daughter in

[CTRL] MC:Mass Mind Control in the Present-Day U.S. -- The big picture

2001-03-10 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

>From Newshawk:

 Mass Mind Control in the Present-Day U.S. -- The big picture

  There are a number of interlocking systems, technologies and techniques
 which are currently being deployed against the citizens of the United
 States of America by certain segments of our national government.

 First, there are literally COUNTLESS mind-control projects and
 sub-projects in operation at this time which target SPECIFIC
 subjects/victims in a variety of ways; using one or more of a number of
 technologies such as drugs, (ritual) psycho-sexual abuse, a vast panoply
 of different EM/RF mind control technologies, repetitive conditioning,
 hypnotic trance induction, and so on and on and on.

 Reliable reports from MANY different sources indicate that as many as
 TEN MILLION individuals many be ACTIVE subjects/victims of these kinds
 of mind control activities, and huge quantities of hard documentation on
 a great many of these projects DOES exist.

 However, in addition to these kinds of mind control operations, there are
 ALSO mind control and mind manipulation activities that target MASSES
 of people in large geographical regions at the same time. Indeed, there
 is VERY strong evidence that the operators of HAARP for example, have
 ever since HAARP's earliest days intended that it be used for, among many
 other things, GLOBAL mind control.

 There is in FACT much evidence to show that HAARP is NOW being used for
 just such utterly evil purposes by the United States federal government.

 Of course, there are many other EM/RF technologies and systems which
 are, or may be, applied to mass-scale mind, mood, thought and
 consciousness control/manipulation operations: such as the nationwide
 "GWEN" (Ground Wave Emergency Network) system, certain ELF and ULF
 transmitter systems, and so on (such as your TV set, even IF it's turned

 Another way to manipulate and "regulate" the minds and consciousness of
 a mass of people at a VERY basic, fundamental level is to CONTROL the
 population's PRIMARY sources of INFORMATION. This is one of the MOST
 powerful ways shape the collective consciousness of the public, and it is
 CLEAR that many mass media outlets in the United States are both
 willingly and un-wittingly aiding and abetting the manipulation of
 our minds by the government, and are assisting the FedGov in carrying out
 many social-engineering agendas.

 The mass media's treatment of school shooting incidents, for instance,
 plays DIRECTLY and TOTALLY into the schemes of those who deployed the
 mind-controlled killers to carry out these shootings, in a grand plan to
 shut down our Constitution's 2nd Amendment, among other things.

 Moreover, very carefully designed CONDITIONING programs and tactics have
 been brought to bear against nearly EVERY segment of society;
 disseminated throughout the nation and the world by mass media and
 entertainment industries and corporations; and imbedded in ALL forms of
 so-called entertainment at this point, such as movies, TV shows, video
 and computer games ESPECIALLY, some pop music, and so on.

 This condition of constant, relentless bombardment with grotesquely violent
 imagery, which the general population, ESPECIALLY its younger members, is
 inundated with by nearly ALL forms of popular contemporary entertainment and
 sources of "information", is indeed directly derived from those
 mind-conditioning programs and systems developed at Fort Detrick (and
 other similar locations). San Diego shooter Charles Williams' father
 worked at the Army's Fort Detrick facility for THIRTEEN YEARS.

 Specifically, indoctrination/conditioning programs were developed at
 Fort Detrick in which subjects were repeatedly, continually and
 continuously immersed in virtual reality-type video/computer "games"
 of extreme and GRAPHIC brutality, for long stretches of time and
 over an extended time frame.

 This kind of psychological assault proved very effective in rapidly
 obliterating subjects' ethical and moral values and cultural norms with
 regard to violence, brutality, killing and so on.

 These systems were perfected, applied to the brainwashing and
 conditioning of members of the U.S. military and also turned over to
 the intelligence sectors for other applications. The intelligence sector,
 in turn, DELIBERATELY and successfully undertook to have this same kind
 of HIGHLY negative, destructive and effective conditioning applied to
 SOCIETY AS A WHOLE, via mass conditioning of our consciousness  through
 the entertainment and information industries, as noted.

 One OTHER method of mass mind control/manipulation/conditioning which is
 NOW being utilized MORE and MORE -- ESPECIALLY against the most
 vulnerable members of our society, our CHILDREN -- is the
 highly-reprehensible/questionable and increasingly common MANDATED
 DRUGGING of ever-growing numbers of children through hugely intrusive,
 invasive, ill-advised, psychologically unpredictable and often