Re: [CTRL] MKULTRA, Louis Jolyon West "Joly West"

2000-03-05 Thread JP Viken

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

Joly worked at haight ashbury free clinic in the mid 60's with Dr. timothy
Leary, the Harvard educated Ph.D. psychologist.  Alleged persons he treated:
charlie manson, sirhan-sirhan and later david koresh.  He was jack ruby's
doctor while ruby was jailed in dallas and ruby accused him of injecting him
with cancer (actually ruby was left in front of an xray machine at the
hospital for a set of chest xrays with long, very great over-exposures.
Joly was the official psychiatric grief consultant at the Murrah building
"atf sting gone bad" catastrophe.
Soon after this major lawsuit was filed against joly, he developed a
terminal case of the cia flu.  Therefore, he is now dead!  (this is what
always happens to these covert operators and servants of the intelligence
agencies when exposure is imminent) .  Joly was a baby-faced guy who seemed
humorous and harmless.  In actuality he was one of the most vicious
torturers that ever lived.

-Original Message-
From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, March 05, 2000 11:46 PM
Subject: [CTRL] MKULTRA, Louis Jolyon West "Joly West"

>-Caveat Lector-">
> -Cui Bono?-
>Dave Hartley
>(A scientology site)
>The maestro of “mind-control”
>continues to haunt America
> Articles in this edition describe some of the life-destroying effects
>of psychiatry’s primary therapies — drugs and electric shock. The following
>presents one of their chief advocates — Louis Jolyon West, director of the
>UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute until his resignation following exposure of
>possible violations of federal law regarding use of government funds.
>In a lawsuit currently before the Los Angeles Superior Court, it has come
>light that the University of California at Los Angeles and UCLA Medical
>Center have, since the early 1980s, attempted to remove psychiatrist Louis
>Jolyon West from the roster of the university’s faculty.
> One psychiatric colleague who asked to go unnamed described West as
>“supremely arrogant” and charged that he “misused his positions for his own
>ends,” at the expense of the university.
> Many will not find such statements surprising, considering West
>himself, whose history includes controversial LSD experiments for the
>Central Intelligence Agency and even more controversial plans to construct
>secret installations for the “study” and modification — by electric shock,
>chemical castration and other means — of the behavior of citizens,
>particularly minorities.
> Indeed, any discussion of CIA “mind-control” endeavors, such as the
>infamous MK-Ultra, would be incomplete without West, who has, according to
>information provided to Freedom, enjoyed a long and lucrative career in
>field. Although he has sometimes posed as a civil libertarian, he has not
>sought to expose dangers of intelligence agency “mind-control” techniques,
>but rather to secretly perfect its use on others.
> In a document released under the Freedom of Information Act, for
>example, it was revealed that more than four decades ago, the CIA sought to
>set West up in a clandestine laboratory to perform “mind-control”
>experiments with hypnosis and LSD. A portion of the experiments with LSD
>other drugs in which West was enmeshed at the CIA’s behest were exposed in
>the mid-1970s by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired
>by Senator Frank Church.
> West contributed to the early work which resulted in, among other
>things, the death of tennis pro Harold Blauer in an experiment with a
>mescaline derivative in New York City in 1953. The Senate Select Committee’
>investigation revealed drugging of unsuspecting targets, electric shocking
>to obliterate memory and “programming” individuals to kill — acting under
>psychiatric control.
> West’s career highlights included injecting a 7,000-pound bull
>elephant, Tusko, with an overwhelming dose of LSD — roughly 1,435 times the
>quantity, in West’s own words, one would have given to a human “to produce
>for several hours a marked mental disturbance.” Not surprisingly, the
>elephant collapsed in agony minutes later and died.
> West had ingested the mind-altering substance himself shortly before
>killing Tusko, the prize of the Oklahoma City Zoo, and was evidently still
>under its influence at the time he sloshed through the beast’s entrails,
>performing an “autopsy” which he recorded on film. He later issued a report
>to advance his “discovery” that elephants could be killed with LS

[CTRL] MKULTRA, Louis Jolyon West "Joly West"

2000-03-05 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley
(A scientology site)

The maestro of “mind-control”
continues to haunt America

 Articles in this edition describe some of the life-destroying effects
of psychiatry’s primary therapies — drugs and electric shock. The following
presents one of their chief advocates — Louis Jolyon West, director of the
UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute until his resignation following exposure of
possible violations of federal law regarding use of government funds.

In a lawsuit currently before the Los Angeles Superior Court, it has come to
light that the University of California at Los Angeles and UCLA Medical
Center have, since the early 1980s, attempted to remove psychiatrist Louis
Jolyon West from the roster of the university’s faculty.

 One psychiatric colleague who asked to go unnamed described West as
“supremely arrogant” and charged that he “misused his positions for his own
ends,” at the expense of the university.

 Many will not find such statements surprising, considering West
himself, whose history includes controversial LSD experiments for the
Central Intelligence Agency and even more controversial plans to construct
secret installations for the “study” and modification — by electric shock,
chemical castration and other means — of the behavior of citizens,
particularly minorities.

 Indeed, any discussion of CIA “mind-control” endeavors, such as the
infamous MK-Ultra, would be incomplete without West, who has, according to
information provided to Freedom, enjoyed a long and lucrative career in this
field. Although he has sometimes posed as a civil libertarian, he has not
sought to expose dangers of intelligence agency “mind-control” techniques,
but rather to secretly perfect its use on others.

 In a document released under the Freedom of Information Act, for
example, it was revealed that more than four decades ago, the CIA sought to
set West up in a clandestine laboratory to perform “mind-control”
experiments with hypnosis and LSD. A portion of the experiments with LSD and
other drugs in which West was enmeshed at the CIA’s behest were exposed in
the mid-1970s by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired
by Senator Frank Church.

 West contributed to the early work which resulted in, among other
things, the death of tennis pro Harold Blauer in an experiment with a
mescaline derivative in New York City in 1953. The Senate Select Committee’s
investigation revealed drugging of unsuspecting targets, electric shocking
to obliterate memory and “programming” individuals to kill — acting under
psychiatric control.

 West’s career highlights included injecting a 7,000-pound bull
elephant, Tusko, with an overwhelming dose of LSD — roughly 1,435 times the
quantity, in West’s own words, one would have given to a human “to produce
for several hours a marked mental disturbance.” Not surprisingly, the
elephant collapsed in agony minutes later and died.

 West had ingested the mind-altering substance himself shortly before
killing Tusko, the prize of the Oklahoma City Zoo, and was evidently still
under its influence at the time he sloshed through the beast’s entrails,
performing an “autopsy” which he recorded on film. He later issued a report
to advance his “discovery” that elephants could be killed with LSD and to
promote use of the drug to cull elephant herds in Africa.

Prisons as Laboratories

  “Jolly” West moved on, changing his base of operations from Oklahoma
to Los Angeles. In keeping with intelligence proposals to utilize prisons as
experimental laboratories, he drafted a plan to use electric shock and drugs
on state inmates in what was called “aversion therapy.”

 In the 1960s, West could also be found in the Haight-Ashbury section of
San Francisco, conducting more LSD experiments, this time within the hippie

 A pet project of West’s in the late 1960s and early 1970s was the
Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. He proposed to establish a
“securely fenced” center at a remote, abandoned Nike missile base in the
Santa Monica Mountains, in keeping with earlier plans by the CIA to set up
“mind-control” stations off the beaten path, where experimentation could be
carried out free from such concerns as human rights. Ironically, West
embarked on a PR campaign to promote himself as a champion of “human
rights” — an effort that would be comical if not for the bottom line in
terms of human suffering.

 West’s plans for such centers were the subject of hearings by the U.S.
Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1974, chaired by Senator Sam Ervin,
whose members were alarmed at reports that West planned to test radical
forms of behavior modification — mind-bending drugs, electric shock,
implantation of electrodes in the brain and forcible castration with the
drug cyproterone acetat