[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-09-25 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 13:16:48 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
September 25, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Poll in Favor of Cancelling Tax Cut for Rich Delights Russert
Much to Tim Russert’s delight, since it matches his weekly mantra on Meet
the Press, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that to pay for
the $87 billion for Iraq, 56 percent of the public prefers to cancel the
recent tax cuts for the “upper income brackets” and only 13 percent want
to cut other spending. Russert stressed how “one-third of Republicans
said cancel the tax cut for the top brackets,” prompting Tom Brokaw to
hope: “That will get the attention of the White House.” The next morning,
Matt Lauer trumpeted: “Maybe one of the few times they get away with
saying, 'we can win by saying increase taxes.’”

2. Jennings Showcases Poll on How Iraqis Say They’ll Be Better Off
ABC’s Peter Jennings on Wednesday night, but not CBS’s Dan Rather or
NBC’s Tom Brokaw, highlighted a Gallup poll of people in Baghdad which
found that 62 percent think that getting rid of Saddam Hussein was “worth
the personal hardship” they endured and, that though 94 percent see
Baghdad as less safe than before the war, 67 percent believe that in five
years the nation will be better than it was under Saddam Hussein. That
belief befuddled New York Times reporter Patrick Tyler, who led into that
finding by listing a litany of negative events: “Despite the systemic
collapse of government and civic institutions, a wave of looting and
violence, and shortages of water and electricity”

3. Headlines All Over the Place on Bush Address to the UN
Headlines all over the place Wednesday morning on President Bush’s
Tuesday address to the UN. Brit Hume, during the “Grapevine” segment on
Wednesday’s Special Report with Brit Hume on FNC, displayed several ones
with various takes. USA Today: “Bush invites help in Iraq.” New York
Times: “Bush, at UN, Defends Policy Over Iraq.” Washington Post: “Bush is
Criticized at UN Over Iraq”

4. CNN’s Arraf on Iraq: “Reality Is, It Is Pretty Bleak There”
Add CNN Baghdad reporter Jane Arraf to those who see the situation in
Iraq as “bleak.” She insisted on Wednesday’s American Morning that while
“there are small bits of good news” in Iraq, all reporting from Iraq “is
against the backdrop of something that cannot be seen as other than bad
news.” She recited how “American servicemen are dying, Iraqis are afraid,
and it's really only when you've been there...that you get a sense of
it.” She contended: “We can't paint a rosier picture than exists. And the
reality is, it is pretty bleak there.”

5. Letterman Audience Applauds Bringing Democracy to Iraq
A spontaneous sign that the public is not so hostile to Bush’s Iraq
policy as the media think? On Wednesday’s Late Show, when Second Lady
Lynne Cheney talked about “continuing the good work that’s going on in
Iraq, moving the process of democracy forward,” loud applause broke out
inside New York City’s Ed Sullivan Theater.

6. “Top Ten Ways Arnold Schwarzenegger Prepared for the Debate”
Letterman’s “Top Ten Ways Arnold Schwarzenegger Prepared for the Debate.”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


www.TimesWatch.org TimesWatch.org
The Times vs. “Scurrilous Biographies”…Sometimes
Michiko Kakutani reviews an anti-Clinton biography and doesn’t like it
one bit: “Nigel Hamilton's new biography of Bill Clinton represents a
sleazy new low in the chronicling of presidential lives. It regurgitates
the most scurrilous and unsubstantiated rumors about Mr. Clinton and his
wife…” So the Times would never herald a book full of “scurrilous and
unsubstantiated rumors” about a president and his wife? Ask Nancy Reagan.

Read the entire article as posted on TimesWatch.org:


The MRC has a unique opportunity that would great

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-09-23 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 14:12:09 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
September 23, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. CNN Trumpets How “Bush is Sinking!” & “May Be Beatable in 2004"
CNN’s Judy Woodruff led Monday’s Inside Politics by trumpeting “striking
new evidence that President Bush may be beatable in 2004.” Bill Schneider
gleefully related: “Judy, President Bush is sinking! Last month the
President's job approval rating was at 60 percent. Now it's dropped to
50, his lowest rating ever.” Making an illogical comparison, the CNN
announcer at the top of the half hour had contrasted Bush’s plight with
the “huge leap forward” for Carol Moseley Braun, the last-place Democrat
who had simply made her hopeless presidential campaign official.

2. Liasson Reveals NPR Listeners Think Braun “Says Sensible Things”
The kind of people who listen to NPR think that left-wing Democratic
presidential candidate Carol Moseley Braun “says sensible things.” On
FNC’s Special Report with Brit Hume on Monday night, NPR White House
correspondent Mara Liasson inadvertently provided evidence that NPR
appeals to liberals as she related how NPR listeners praise Braun. Fred
Barnes suggested that the media have “invested their hopes and dreams in
Wesley Clark.”

3. Media’s “Falsely Bleak Picture” in Iraq “Emboldens Our Enemy”
A Democratic Congressman from Georgia who just returned from a visit to
Iraq, in a Monday op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, condemned
the news media for its excessively negative drumbeat. U.S. Representative
Jim Marshall asserted: “I'm afraid the news media are hurting our
chances. They are dwelling upon the mistakes, the ambushes, the soldiers
killed, the woundedFair enough. But it is not balancing this bad news
with 'the rest of the story,’ the progress made daily, the good news. The
falsely bleak picture weakens our national resolve, discourages Iraqi
cooperation and emboldens our enemy.”

4. ABC Points Out How Spending is Soaring Under President Bush
The news media regularly push for more and more government spending to
solve every problem, but on Sunday night ABC offered a refreshing
criticism of President Bush -- taking him on from the right for approving
of massive new and higher spending. Jake Tapper pointed out that despite
candidate Bush’s promise that “big government is not the answer,” under
President Bush “the size of government is bigger” as “discretionary
spending on transportation and other non-military items increased by 21
percent under Mr. Bush. And a taxpayer group says pork barrel spending is
up 48 percent since 2001.” Tapper recalled how “at about this point in
his term, Ronald Reagan had vetoed 22 spending bills from Congress,” but
“President Bush has vetoed none.”

5. Bush Tells Hume He Avoids Media Bias By Avoiding News Media
President George W. Bush has discovered a way to avoid being influenced
by liberal media bias: He avoids reading newspapers or watching
television news. During Brit Hume’s interview with Bush aired Monday
night on Fox and FNC, Bush revealed how he relies on his staff for
“objective” news summaries since “a lot of times there's opinions mixed
in with news” from the usual media outlets. “We won't disagree with that
sir,” Hume quipped in response.

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


www.TimesWatch.org TimesWatch.org
Backhanded Bush Compliment: He’s Now Less Misleading
Richard Stevenson gives out backhanded compliments for what he calls the
Bush administration’s recent “increase in straight talk.” Stevenson
writes: “By the standards of a White House that insists that nearly
everything at all times is proceeding precisely according to plan, and
where misjudgment is typically held to be a stranger, the last few weeks
have brought a new, unvarnished tone.”

Read the entire article as posted on TimesWatch.org:



[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-09-22 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 13:46:58 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
September 22, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Rather Admits CBS Stories on Mayhem Don’t Match Reality of Iraq
The CBS Evening News, where the stories, self-admittedly, don’t match
reality. On Friday night, Dan Rather introduced a dire story on how
“ordinary Iraqis are faced with an extraordinary surge of crime, banditry
and thuggery from carjacking and robbery to kidnapping and murder”
resulting “in a population fearful, frustrated, angry and heavily armed."
But never mind. After the subsequent story on mayhem in Baghdad, Rather
conceded that the report he just aired had distorted the situation: "A
reminder that television sometimes has trouble with perspective, so you
may want to note that in some areas of Iraq, things are peaceful."

2. “Bush May Have Only Himself to Blame” for Idea of Iraq-9/11 Tie
The networks made a much bigger deal than did newspapers about President
Bush’s Wednesday comment that “we've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein
was involved with the September 11th.” That night ABC highlighted it, CBS
made it the top item in a larger story and NBC and CNN devoted full
stories to it. And on Thursday night, CBS followed up with a second story
by John Roberts on how “if seven out of ten Americans believe Saddam was
probably behind 9/11...President Bush may have only himself to blame.”
But the New York Times, Washington Post and USA Today only squeezed in
short items. In getting so excited over what he considered Bush’s
concession, Roberts ignored a front page USA Today story on Thursday,
“U.S.: Iraq sheltered suspect in '93 WTC attack.”

3. ABC Rationalizes Ted Kennedy’s Scurrilous Charges on Iraq
ABC on Friday night devoted a story to showing the lack of support for
Senator Ted Kennedy’s scurrilous claims that President Bush is bribing
foreign leaders, went to war in a war “made up in Texas” because it would
be good politically and, Kennedy charged, “this whole thing was a fraud."
But after illustrating how Kennedy’s claims lacked evidence, though John
Cochran passed along how Tom DeLay castigated Kennedy’s remarks as “a new
low” in politics, Cochran gave equal credibility and legitimacy to why
Kennedy leveled his baseless charges: “Sources familiar with Kennedy’s
reasoning say he stepped up his attacks on the President in an effort to
get the country to pay more attention to a situation in Iraq that he
feels is catastrophic.” The ends justify the means?

4. Russert Presses Albright on Her Opposition to Pursing bin Laden
Kudos to Tim Russert for managing to go a week without urging a guest to
agree with him that the tax cuts should be rescinded and for raising with
Clinton’s Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, a scenario laid out in
a new book about how, after the bombing of the USS Cole, she opposed
going after Osama bin Laden.

5. Time’s Klein Advises Democrats on How to Better Attack Cheney
Time magazine’s Joe Klein doubling as a Democratic campaign consultant?
Last Wednesday night CNN’s Paula Zahn Now devoted two segments to
unsubstantiated allegations about how Vice President Cheney somehow did
something improper which led Halliburton, for whom he worked through
2002, to get big contracts for troop logistical support and to re-build
Iraq. Klein conceded that the attacks were off-base, so he urged
Democrats to pursue a more fruitful line of attack: “I think that what
the Democrats should be investigating is not just these contracts, but
the whole policy-making process that led to the energy policy that this
country has, and, also, on the most important level, why we went to war
in Iraq and why we went so easy on Saudi Arabia.”

6. Robbins Jabs Limbaugh to Undo “Shameful” Past of Ducking Vietnam
Tim Robbins called out Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, urging them to
“undo their shameful” past, when they “pussied out” of service during
Vietnam, by agreeing to sign up and join the military deployed to Iraq.
The far-left actor proclaimed Friday night on HBO’s Real Time with Bill
Maher: “I would suggest that we send some of those people over there. I

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-09-16 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 14:06:03 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
September 16, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Jennings Cites Hussein’s “Alleged” Weapons of Mass Destruction
Peter Jennings on Saddam Hussein’s “alleged” weapons of mass destruction.
On Monday’s World News Tonight, after recalling how “thousands of Iraqi
Kurds” were “reportedly killed in 1988 by Saddam Hussein’s use of
chemical weapons,” Jennings announced how “David Kay is finalizing his
report on the search for Saddam Hussein’s alleged weapons of mass
destruction.” But in the subsequent story, Martha Raddatz made clear that
while Kay had determined that during the 1990s Hussein destroyed all his
WMD, “officials say the Kay report will detail Iraq’s efforts to maintain
the capability to produce weapons, an effort that one congressional
source called 'robust, active and ongoing.’”

2. Amanpour: Scribes Too Pro-Bush/FNC, Burns: No, Too Pro-Saddam
Two journalists, two different views on how the media failed to do their
jobs in the months prior to the invasion of Iraq. On CNBC last week,
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour railed about the Bush administration’s
arguments for invading Iraq, branding it “disinformation at the highest
levels” and she scolded journalists “intimidated by the administration
and its foot soldiers at Fox News.” But a new book quotes John Burns, the
New York Times reporter stationed in Baghdad during the war, expressing
outrage toward Western reporters who helped conceal the awfulness of
Saddam’s despotic tyranny in order to protect their access to the Iraqi
capital, calling it “corruption” and “a gross abdication of

3. ABC on Tax: “Who Could Say No to an Extra Dime to Help Kids?”
NBC News recognized a tax hike advocate as a liberal, but not ABC News.
In a Monday night story on a referendum in Seattle to impose a tax of ten
cents per cup of espresso, ABC’s Neal Karlinsky failed to apply an
ideological label the proponent of the “attempt to save child care
programs for 7,000 needy kids left underfunded by the state's $2.5
billion budget shortfall.” Karlinsky also relayed the befuddlement of tax
supporters: “They wondered who could say no to an extra dime to help
kids?” NBC’s Roger O’Neill, however, managed to recognize the ideology
behind the idea: “John Burbank, with a liberal Seattle think tank, came
up with the 'tax my latte' plan.”

4. CBS’s Smith Assumes Kerry Just Entered the Presidential Race
Houston to Harry Smith. For Monday's Early Show, Smith traveled to Iowa
over the weekend where he expressed what seemed to be the genuine belief
that John Kerry entered the presidential race a mere couple of weeks ago.
Smith described Kerry's campaign as “barely two weeks old” and asked:
“Did Kerry wait too long to get in the hunt?" Smith marveled at how
"Howard Dean has gotten out to an amazing lead in terms of momentum and
press,” and pressed Kerry: “Did you wait too long to announce your
candidacy?" Of course, though Kerry made his candidacy official on
September 2, he’s been campaigning for months.

5. Gumbel's Show Avoids Liberal Bias, Brokaw Justifies No Flag Pin
In the second quarterly edition of PBS's Flashpoints USA with Bryant
Gumbel and Gwen Ifill, which is set to air an episode tonight titled,
“The Media Today: Truth or Lies?”, PBS displays great concern for the
media's corporate concentration while ignoring liberal political bias.
During an interview with Gumbel, NBC anchor Tom Brokaw admitted that back
in the 1960s conservatives “had a hard time getting on the air,” yet he
maintained that's “just as a liberal does now.” A poll for PBS found that
Brokaw is out of touch on refusing to wear a flag pin, but Brokaw
remained unapologetic. And by more than two-to-one, respondents “like”
seeing “TV news reports that use words 'our side' or 'us' when referring
to U.S. troops.”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


www.TimesWatch.org TimesWatch.org
Frank Rich: Triumph of a Willf

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-09-03 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2003 13:39:46 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
September 3, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

The Anchors: 20 Years of Liberal Bias
On Friday, both ABC's Peter Jennings and NBC's Tom Brokaw celebrate their
20-year anniversary as their network's top anchor, a milestone CBS's Dan
Rather passed two-and-a-half years ago. While Jennings' bias during the
recent Iraq war was obvious, he has consistently skewed his newscast in
favor of liberals and against conservatives. To mark the ABC anchor's
anniversary, the MRC presents a litany of his most biased episodes.

Read Media Research Center's reports featuring quotes of both Peter
Jennings & Tom Brokaw:


Press Release: MRC Marks 20th Anniversaries for Liberal Anchors


Media Reality Check: 20 Years of Bias From ABC's Peter Jennings
Can’t See Bias: “ABC, CBS, NBC Are Mainstream Media...Largely in the
Center...Without Ideologies”
PDF Version: http://www.mrc.org/realitycheck/2003/pdf/fax0903pj.pdf


Profile in Bias: World News Tonight With Peter Jennings 20 Years of
Liberal Bias


Media Reality Check: Marking Tom Brokaw's Twenty Years of Tilt
NBC Anchor Boasted “We’ve Worked Hard to Drain the Bias” but Viewers
Still Swimming in Liberalism
PDF Version: http://www.mrc.org/realitycheck/2003/pdf/fax0903tb.pdf


Profile in Bias: Updated: Dan Rather's 20 Years of Outrageous Liberal


www.TimesWatch.org TimesWatch.org
Paul Krugman, Mad Economist
In an interview with a liberal website, Times columnist Paul Krugman says
“the United States has gone mad” with the right wing in power.

Read the entire article as posted on TimesWatch.org:


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Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Peter’s Back from Vacation, Liberal as Ever, Attacking on Iraq
Peter’s back. After taking most of the summer off, Peter Jennings
returned Tuesday night to his World News Tonight anchor chair and
delivered a liberal line-up as only he could. He teased the September 2
broadcast: “On World News Tonight, an influential voice in Iraq says the
U.S. must leave, and there’s been another car bombing. We’ll take 'A
Closer Look’ tonight at how Iraq is going to dominate business in the
Congress this fall: So may priorities and too little money. The
Democratic presidential race: John Kerry attacks the President today. He
says the American people have been misled about Iraq...” Plus, now that
former Army Secretary Thomas White is critical of the Bush team, Jennings
treated him as a wise sage on Iraq.

2. ABC & CNN Skip Kerry’s Distortion About Only “Threatening” Force
After ABC’s Peter Jennings focused on how John Kerry “says the American
people have been misled about Iraq,” Dan Harris proceeded to trumpet:
“With an aircraft carrier as the backdrop, the unmistakable message of
Senator John Kerry’s announcement today was that, as the only Democrat
who is a decorated war hero, he is best-suited to take on a popular
wartime President.” But in emphasizing how Kerry “was very tough on
President Bush” on “the situation in Iraq,” Harris, like CNN’s Candy
Crowley, skipped over how Kerry re-wrote history in claiming that he only
voted to “threaten” Saddam Hussein. FNC’s Carl Cameron, however, picked
up on what he kindly described as Kerry’s “questionable claim.”

3. Kerry’s Repeal of Bush Tax Cut

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-08-14 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 14:01:52 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
August 12, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. CBS & ABC Describe as “Controversial” Bush’s EPA and New Nominee
When reporters describe a policy or person as “controversial” you know
they must be referring to a policy or person which upsets liberals. CBS’s
Dan Rather employed the term once and ABC’s Charles Gibson used the term
three times on Monday night in reporting on President Bush’s decision to
nominate Utah Governor Mike Leavitt to succeed former New Jersey Governor
Christie Whitman as EPA Administrator.

2. Network Vet: “Dukakis Was No Liberal and Neither Was Mondale”
Former NBC and CNN political reporter Ken Bode, on the Chris Matthews
Show over the weekend, seriously maintained that neither Walter Mondale
nor Michael Dukakis were liberals. Bode generously conceded that George
McGovern “was a liberal,” but then insisted: “Dukakis was no liberal and
neither was Mondale. Both of them had several people to the left in those
primaries. It was what the Republicans did to them once they got the
nomination that made them seem to be liberals in both cases.”

3. “Conservative” Rohrabacher Endorsing Schwarzenegger Worries Time
In their Arnold Schwarzenegger cover stories this week, Time and Newsweek
each painted the movie star candidate as a political mystery, but
described his social stands as either "liberal" in quote marks or
"libertarian." Newsweek also suggested his potential marital infidelity
was not a mark of an inferior moral record, at least when compared to
Ronald Reagan. Time’s Richard Lacayo found Schwarzenegger liberal on
several issues but brooded about the import of Congressman Dana
Rohrabacher, “one of the most conservative members of the California
congressional delegation,” endorsing the actor. Lacayo worried: “Is that
just further evidence of Arnold's gift for befriending people of all
kinds, or does Rohrabacher know something the rest of us don't?"

4. GMA Frets About Bush’s Vacation, “Shouldn't He Be Hard at Work?”
A few hours before President Bush traveled to Arizona and to Denver,
where he announced his pick to run the EPA, Good Morning America co-host
Charles Gibson, on his first day back from vacation, demanded at the top
of Monday’s ABC broadcast: "President Bush enjoys another month-long
vacation. Shouldn't he be hard at work in the White House?” But maybe
ABC’s reporters need a vacation since they messed up basic facts. Diane
Sawyer proclaimed: “President Bush has now spent a full 30 straight days
away from Washington.” And Kate Snow suggested Bush has only been in
office for a year.

5. Job Opening at MRC: Assistant Archivist for Media Conversion
Job opening at the MRC for the position of Assistant Archivist for Media

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


www.TimesWatch.org TimesWatch.org
But Is It a “Vast” Right-Wing Cabal?
Times Magazine writer Matt Bai again praises a moderate Republican
senator fighting “extremist” and “fringe” elements to his right and talks
of a “right-wing cabal that administration officials would consult on a
regular basis.”

Read the entire article as posted on TimesWatch.org:


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[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-08-14 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2003 14:31:39 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
August 7, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. NBC Blames Global Warming for European Heat Wave
It was inevitable. Whenever someplace in the world gets hot for a few
days, sooner or later a network story will blame it on global warming.
NBC’s Patricia Sabga won the contest on Wednesday night when she warned
that “scientists attribute the extreme temperatures to what’s been
described as a dome of hot air hovering over Europe, a summer weather
pattern that may become the norm.” Sean Seabrook, identified on screen as
a “meteorologist,” then asserted: “Scientists appreciate now that global
warming is taking place and I think these occurrences of heat waves will
become more frequent, so this may be a sign of things to come.”

2. Time’s Tumulty: “A Lot” in Dean’s Record That’s “Conservative”
In her Time magazine cover story this week, Karen Tumulty insisted that
“Dean's record as Vermont Governor defies ideological labels.” Appearing
Wednesday morning on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, Tumulty similarly
argued that “he is going to be difficult to sort of paint into any
particular ideological corner,” but she also contended: “There’s a lot in
his record that looks, you know, not only moderate, but even

3. Episcopal Battle: “Conservatives” Versus the “Inclusive”
As portrayed by the networks, the battle inside the Episcopal church is
between “conservatives” and not liberals, but those interested in a more
“inclusive” church. ABC anchor Elizabeth Vargas set up a story: “Some
conservative Episcopalians say homosexuality is contrary to scripture and
therefore totally unacceptable. But supporters of the decision call this
a step toward a more open and inclusive church.” The same insistence upon
labeling only one side of the debate occurred Wednesday on the morning

4. Reuters: “N. Korea Hails 100 Percent Poll Support for Leader”
Rivaling the public support Saddam Hussein earned in an election last
fall, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il received 100 percent of the
“vote” a few days ago, Reuters relayed in a dispatch which took the
election seriously. “N. Korea Hails 100 Percent Poll Support for Leader,”
announced the headline over the August 4 story datelined from Seoul. The
lead: “North Korea said on Monday that polls in which voters gave leader
Kim Jong-il 100 percent support showed the communist state was 'firm as a
rock’ in the face of economic woes and isolation over its nuclear

5. Schwarzenegger a “Social Democrat” Republican Hollywood Can Back
A Republican Hollywood liberals can accept. On Thursday’s Good Morning
America, actress Jamie Lee Curtis declared of Arnold Schwarzenegger the
morning after he announced he’s running in the recall election for
Governor of California: “I think he will make a fantastic Governor.” She
soon revealed her rationale: "I actually believe he's really, at his
heart, even though he pretends to be a Republican, I think he's a social
Democrat at heart.”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


www.TimesWatch.org TimesWatch.org
The Running Man
The Times story on California’s recall vote notes Sen. Feinstein is out,
while action-hero Arnold and “populist” Arianna are in, and offers its
readers snob appeal: “Instead of talking about issues like nuclear
proliferation and appropriations, as Ms. Feinstein did, Mr.
Schwarzenegger made light of his decision to run….” And is Arianna
Huffington really a populist independent or just another left-winger?

Read the entire article as posted on TimesWatch.org:


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[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-08-14 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 14:17:28 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
August 6, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. CNBC: “On Many Issues” Dean “Centrist,” But Lauer: Too Liberal?
Monday night on CNBC, David Shuster delivered another effort to portray
Howard Dean as less than liberal. On the News with Brian Williams,
Shuster contended: “On many issues, Dean is a centrist. He supports the
death penalty, gun ownership and balanced budgets." But Shuster’s story
did go on to recount how competitors Joe Lieberman and John Kerry are
calling Dean too liberal to win a general election. And on Tuesday’s
Today, during an interview with Dean, Matt Lauer actually took him on
from the right: “Are you too liberal to win the general election?"

2. Hollings Stories Laud Racial Record, Skip Segregationist Work
Washington Post and New York Times stories Tuesday, on the decision of
South Carolina Senator Ernest Hollings to not seek re-election, lauded
the Democrat for how, in contrast to what occurred in other Southern
states, as Governor he had presided over “the peaceful” and “orderly
desegregation” of South Carolina’s public schools. But in offering such a
positive review of Hollings’ record on race, the newspapers skated over
his role as a dogged defender of segregation who only gave in when he
realized the fight was hopeless, a favor not afforded to Southern
Republicans with an unpleasant history on race.

3. Conservatives Follow “Like the Members of a Moose Lodge”
Reminiscent of how a Washington Post reporter claimed in a news story
that Christian Right leaders can easily generate support because “their
followers are largely poor, uneducated, and easy to command,” Boston
Globe Washington Bureau Chief Peter Canellos on Tuesday passed along a
similar stereotype in a story about a new liberal legal group. Canellos
opined: “While conservatives answer a call to order like the members of a
Moose Lodge, liberals fall to cat-fighting like contestants on a
reality-TV dating show.” He did at least add, “or so the thinking goes.”
Plus, Antonin “Scalia was the driving force behind the Supreme Court's
decision granting George W. Bush the presidency over Al Gore.”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


www.TimesWatch.org TimesWatch.org
Frank Rich’s Persecution Complex
Times editor Frank Rich attacks as anti-Semitic Mel Gibson’s upcoming
movie on the last hours of the life of Christ, claiming its “real
tinder-box effect could be abroad, where anti-Semitism has metastasized
since 9/11.” But in the past liberal Rich has ridiculed the idea that
movies cause violence. And his criticism is particularly hypocritical
considering his discussion of 1995’s pro-gay, anti-Catholic Church movie

Read the entire article as posted on TimesWatch.org:


The MRC has a unique opportunity that would greatly benefit our work to
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Bozell's News Column
Dean's No Civil Centrist

 Should we feel sorry for the press as they try, frantically, to
apply a barrel of pancake makeup to Howard Dean and present this raging
leftist to America as a soggy "centrist"? This is a really tough job. The
entire political spectrum is going to have to be dragged off to the left
of Massachusetts.

 It’s hard not to snicker at the thought of newspapers like The
Washington Post declaring in a Sunday front-page headline: "As Governor,
Dean Was Fiscal Conservative." Liberal reporter Michael Powell (last
noticed in a furious fit of powder-puffing Senator Hi

Re: [CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-06-09 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

Just a thought from a Canadian...

""I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.""

Why not pledge  to the DOCUMENT(s) (to wit: declaration OF independence &
constitution) upon which the US was founded.

The flag means shitinfact. most of your flags don't even meet US LAW
TITLE 4 section(s) 2, 3 inter alia.

No wonder you Americans let your country slip away.

Nation of fucking idiots.


- Original Message -
From: "William Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 4:37 PM
Subject: [CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

> -Caveat Lector-
> "I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
> the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
> liberty and justice for all."
>  visit my web site at
> http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
> for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:
> http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon/Enumerated.html
> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 13:36:29 -0700
> From: Media Research Center IS Staff
> Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis
> [mrcgoldlogo.gif]
> Media Research Center
> America's Media Watchdog
> Bringing Political Balance and
> Responsibility to the Media
> MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
> June 9, 2003
> .Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

> Today's CyberAlert:
> http://www.mediaresearch.org/cyberalerts/2003/cyb20030609.asp
> 1. Walters Delivers Hillary Book Infomercial, Paints Her as Victim
> In Sunday's Barbara Walters special promoting Hillary Clinton's new book,
> Walters did little more than deliver an hour-long infomercial for the
> book as she cued up items in the tome for Hillary to comment on,
> book-ended with plugs for a presidential bid. For Walters, bad things
> just seemed to happen to an innocent Hillary Clinton whom Walters
> repeatedly saw as a victim: "You made investments in the commodities
> markets, you dealt in real estate -- Whitewater, you worked for the Rose
> law firm, all of which at the time you thought were very innocent. All
> these things came back to haunt you." Walters concluded the hour by
> fancifully speculating on the possibility of a President Hillary Clinton
> and First Husband Bill Clinton.
> 2. ABC Highlights Hillary's "Pain" Over Bush Ruining the Economy
> Minutes before ABC's infomercial for Hillary Clinton's book aired in the
> EDT and CDT time zones, ABC's World News Tonight/Sunday anchor Carole
> Simpson highlighted how it "pains" Hillary Clinton "that her husband's
> work to improve the economy has been reversed." Clinton bawled about how
> "it breaks my heart that in two and a half years we've gone back into
> huge deficits and debt and jobs are down and people are falling back into
> poverty."
> 3. ABC Insists "Everyone" Excited by Hillary, Her Presidential Bid
> Speak for yourself. Viewers of Sunday's This Week on ABC heard that
> "everyone's" been waiting for the Barbara Walters-Hillary Clinton
> interview, that "everyone" in Washington will be scouring Hillary's book
> "for clues" about her political future, and that whether she will run for
> President in 2004 is what "everyone's talking about."
> 4. "Is the 'Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy' Bigger Than You Thought?"
> An actual question from Time magazine's Nancy Gibbs to Hillary Clinton in
> an interview for this week's issue which accompanies the magazine's cover
> story excerpt of her new book: "Is the 'vast, right-wing conspiracy'
> bigger than you thought when you brought that term into our vocabulary?"
> And that wasn't the only question from Gibbs which presumed conservatives
> were in the wrong. Gibbs wondered: "In the book you have a lot to say
> about forgiveness. Have you forgiven Ken Starr?" Plus: "Would you call
> Bush a radical?"
> 5. NBC Again Distorts Topic by Saying People "Left Out" of Tax Cut
> On Friday night, Tom Brokaw raised the subject of how "some low-income
> groups were left out" of "the President's tax cut," but Brokaw again
> failed t

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-06-09 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 13:36:29 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
June 9, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Walters Delivers Hillary Book Infomercial, Paints Her as Victim
In Sunday's Barbara Walters special promoting Hillary Clinton's new book,
Walters did little more than deliver an hour-long infomercial for the
book as she cued up items in the tome for Hillary to comment on,
book-ended with plugs for a presidential bid. For Walters, bad things
just seemed to happen to an innocent Hillary Clinton whom Walters
repeatedly saw as a victim: “You made investments in the commodities
markets, you dealt in real estate -- Whitewater, you worked for the Rose
law firm, all of which at the time you thought were very innocent. All
these things came back to haunt you.” Walters concluded the hour by
fancifully speculating on the possibility of a President Hillary Clinton
and First Husband Bill Clinton.

2. ABC Highlights Hillary's “Pain” Over Bush Ruining the Economy
Minutes before ABC's infomercial for Hillary Clinton's book aired in the
EDT and CDT time zones, ABC's World News Tonight/Sunday anchor Carole
Simpson highlighted how it “pains” Hillary Clinton “that her husband's
work to improve the economy has been reversed.” Clinton bawled about how
“it breaks my heart that in two and a half years we've gone back into
huge deficits and debt and jobs are down and people are falling back into

3. ABC Insists “Everyone” Excited by Hillary, Her Presidential Bid
Speak for yourself. Viewers of Sunday's This Week on ABC heard that
“everyone's” been waiting for the Barbara Walters-Hillary Clinton
interview, that “everyone” in Washington will be scouring Hillary's book
“for clues” about her political future, and that whether she will run for
President in 2004 is what “everyone's talking about.”

4. “Is the 'Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy' Bigger Than You Thought?”
An actual question from Time magazine's Nancy Gibbs to Hillary Clinton in
an interview for this week's issue which accompanies the magazine's cover
story excerpt of her new book: “Is the 'vast, right-wing conspiracy'
bigger than you thought when you brought that term into our vocabulary?”
And that wasn't the only question from Gibbs which presumed conservatives
were in the wrong. Gibbs wondered: “In the book you have a lot to say
about forgiveness. Have you forgiven Ken Starr?” Plus: “Would you call
Bush a radical?”

5. NBC Again Distorts Topic by Saying People “Left Out” of Tax Cut
On Friday night, Tom Brokaw raised the subject of how “some low-income
groups were left out” of “the President's tax cut,” but Brokaw again
failed to point out the basic fact that those in question do not pay net
income tax. David Gregory echoed the same language as he cited criticism
that the tax cut “left out a huge chunk of the working poor who wouldn't
benefit from the tax plan's expanded child credit.” Though their
situation would not change, Washington Post reporter Juliet Eilperin
ludicrously asserted those in question are “hurt” by not getting the
higher tax credit.

6. Hume: Clinton “Waving His Wand at Everyone Who Walked By...”
Best line of the weekend, from Brit Hume on Fox News Sunday in reaction
to Hillary Clinton's charge in her new book that the Starr Report was
“gratuitously graphic and degrading to the presidency.” Hume quipped: “So
you've got this President, who'd been waving his wand at everyone who
walked by...”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


www.TimesWatch.org TimesWatch.org
Times Promotes Laughable Lefty Authors
Warren St. John profiles a “scrappy” left-wing publisher who has employed
anti-American author Noam Chomsky, disgraced arms inspector Scott Ritter
and self-important actor Sean Penn (and acquired a manuscript from the
Unabomber). It’s a target-rich environment, but St. John holds his fire.

Read the entire article as posted on TimesWatch.org:


[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-04-03 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 12:34:05 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
April 3, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Rather, Brown and Even Jennings Acknowledge Coalition Success
The U.S. forces have even won over Peter Jennings as he led Wednesday's
World News Tonight by espousing coalition success and mocking the Hussein
regime's claims of victory: “At one point on Iraqi television today a
government official read a statement, allegedly from Saddam Hussein,
which said 'victory is within our reach.' It doesn't look like it on the
battlefield.” Dan Rather provided an upbeat assessment on CBS: “Tonight
there is major progress and a stunning battlefield victory to report.”
CNN's Aaron Brown decided: “The end game is on.” NBC's Tom Brokaw
provided the most dour assessment of where the war stands.

2. ABC Paints Iraqi Support for U.S. as Reluctant and Novel
While NBC's Dana Lewis noted how Iraqis “waved American flags” as “people
just came out of their homes, gave the thumbs up to U.S. soldiers, and
tried to touch them or shake their hands,” ABC treated Iraqi support for
U.S. troops as a reluctant and novel event. Peter Jennings painted the
U.S. not as good, but as only the lesser of two evils: “In at least one
Iraqi city today, at Najaf, when given the choice between irregulars and
the Americans, much of the local population seemed to be with the

3. On ABC, Richard “Peter Arnett” Engel: Iraqis Enraged at U.S.
Richard “Peter Arnett” Engel relayed on Wednesday's World News Tonight
how “6,000 Arab and Muslim volunteer suicide bombers” have arrived in
Baghdad. Arnett had a “baby milk factory,” Engel has a “maternity
hospital.” He asserted: “Iraqis are growing increasingly enraged by the
mounting damage to civilian sites -- including this maternity hospital.”
Engel went to the streets to gather public opinion: “I asked this man if
he thinks the war is about liberating him from Saddam’s brutal regime.
'Liberation?’ he asked me. 'Who asked for America to liberate us?’” Peter
Jennings suggested that the Iraqi claim of “almost 700 civilians killed
in the country since the U.S. invaded” last month “may be low.”

4. Williams Realizes Bombing of Baghdad Not Like Dresden
Brian Williams versus Brian Williams. The day the bombing of Baghdad
started, NBC/MSNBC/CNBC's Brain Williams claimed the scene “looks like
Dresden, it looks like some of the firebombing of Japanese cities during
World War II.” But on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, Williams stressed the
difference with World War II: “The fire bombings of Dresden and Tokyo in
World War II were meant to kill civilians and then terrorize survivors.
Here we’ve seen the opposite happen.”

5. Bernard Shaw: This War is "Vital to America's Security"
A CNN journalist in favor of the war, but he no longer works there.
Former CNN reporter and anchor Bernard Shaw told the Philadelphia
Inquirer's Gail Shister that he thinks the war on Iraq is "vital to
America's security" because Iraq is run by a “despotic” leader of “a
rogue state who possesses weapons of mass destruction and can share that
technology with terrorist groups out to harm the United States."

6. Pew Shows that All Polls Find Public Backs War Overwhelmingly
“Public attitudes toward the war in Iraq have been remarkably consistent
through the first two weeks of the conflict,” the Pew Research Center for
the People and the Press observed on Wednesday in compiling a table
listing several polls. “There is broad support for the war, and Americans
are upbeat -- though not overwhelmingly so -- about progress to date.”

7. FNC #1 Cable for War Coverage, But ABC Soars Too in Ratings
The Fox News Channel last week beat CNN and MSNBC for allegiance during
war coverage and came in second only to TNT during prime time, though
number one in homes carrying both TNT and FNC, as cable news channel
ratings soared during the first full week of war. ABC's World News
Tonight made the greatest gain amongst the broadcast network evening

8. Washington Post's Different Takes on Supreme Court Protests
The Washington Post has differing news standards on black educ

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-04-01 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 13:03:06 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
April 1, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Arnett Blames “Right-Wing Media” Who Fear His “Truth” Telling
It took Peter Arnett just a few hours to hook up with a far-left,
virulently anti-American tabloid in London. In his first piece for the
Daily Mirror, Arnett charged that he lost his job because the U.S.
government and “right-wing media” fear his “truth” telling. He blamed the
end of his “successful NBC reporting career” on how “I stated the obvious
to Iraqi television; that the U.S. war timetable has fallen by the
wayside.” Arnett elaborated on the conspiracy against him: “The
right-wing media and politicians are looking for any opportunity to be
critical of the reporters who are here.”

2. NBC Story Cites MRC Monitoring of “Alleged Liberal Bias”
Monday's NBC Nightly News used Peter Arnett's forced departure from NBC
News as a hook for a story on the debate over whether reporting dissent
conflicts with patriotism, a story which, after noting angry e-mail to
NBC over Arnett, mentioned how “alleged liberal bias in the media is what
the Media Research Center in Virginia looks for every day.”

3. Newsweek: Bush as “Red Buttons” and Cheney as “Arrogant”
A particularly vicious “Conventional Wisdom” box in this week's Newsweek
with President Bush assigned a down arrow because “his war cluelessly
flings open the gates of hell” and Vice President Cheney also getting a
down arrow for once suggesting that “we will be greeted as liberators,” a
forecast Newsweek denounced as “an arrogant blunder for the ages.” In
awarding Tony Blair an up arrow for how he “can actually explain this
thing coherently,” the magazine couldn't resist a shot at Bush: “He's
Churchill to Bush's Red Buttons.”

4. Hersh: “Never Too Early” to Brood About Another Vietnam
It's never too early to worry about another Vietnam, Seymour Hersh
contended on Monday's Today. Brought aboard to expound on his article in
the New Yorker about how Donald Rumsfeld repeatedly demanded a reduction
in the number of troops to be deployed, Hersh insisted: “It's never too
early to start hearing words like, we're, you know, 'there's light at the
end of the tunnel.'...some of us from the Vietnam War” see “a tremendous
discrepancy between what the four-star generals and the high officials in
this government” and so for those who “went through the Vietnam War it's
sort of terrifying to think it's starting already."

5. AP Reporter Worries About U.S. “Demonizing the Iraqis”
A day after suggesting Iraqis who use terroristic tactics are just
employing “legitimate resistance” methods, AP reporter Nicole Winfield
followed up at Monday's CENTCOM briefing by worrying about why the
coalition is “demonizing the Iraqis” in para-military units by tagging
them as “terrorist death squads,” a classification which she suggested
could imperil U.S. POWs.

6. Garofalo: “Stupid People” Watch Fox & Talk Radio Hosts Lie
On HBO, Janeane Garofalo denounced the U.S. attack on Iraq as “not fair”
because it is an “unprovoked strike.” She suggested the attacks on the
Dixie Chicks are a “wonderful way for really stupid people to hook up.
They meet...they tell stories about who their favorite Fox anchor is...”
When co-panelist Michael Graham, a radio talk show host, recalled seeing
a sign at an anti-war march proclaiming, “We Support Our Troops...When
They Shoot Their Officers,” Garofalo doubted it ever existed and flew
into a rage about how “that's what all you right-wing radio hosts do. You
make s*** up all the time.”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


A new project of the Media Research Center
"Launched in March 2003, Times Watch is dedicated to documenting and
exposing the liberal bias, factual errors and outright goofs of the New
York Times, America's most influential newspaper. Times executive editor
Howell Raines calls criticism of his paper's bias a 'disinformation'

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-03-28 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:30:51 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
March 27, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. ABC: Iraqis Hate U.S.; NBC: Iraqis Still Fear Hussein's Wrath
When the Red Crescent food trucks arrived in Safwan, ABC's Mike von Fremd
heard Iraqis denouncing America. “People are sick and hungry” because of
the U.S. invasion one woman complained and von Fremd highlighted a man
who channeled Phil Donahue: “It is all because of U.S. greed for Iraqi
oil.” But NBC's Don Teague suggested the uniform expression of revulsion
towards the U.S. and fidelity for Hussein was based on fear and playing
to cameras: “Wherever there are cameras, Saddam Hussein is still the
hero. Iraqis, not yet convinced he’s lost control, worry they’ll pay with
their lives for speaking against him.”

2. Jennings and Stahl Raise Vietnam, “Are You...Feeling Deja Vu?”
Barely a week into the war, with coalition forces sweeping through Iraq,
ABC's Peter Jennings and CBS's Lesley Stahl decided to raise the ghost of
the Vietnam quagmire. Jennings teased Wednesday's World News Tonight by
hyping how “one Marine” told an ABC reporter that given the landscape,
weather and guerrilla tactics, “sometimes” Iraq “feels like Vietnam.” The
night before, on CBS's 48 Hours, Lesley Stahl asked a Vietnam vet: “You
fought in Vietnam. Are you getting any feelings of deja vu?”

3. Stahl Frets Over War Problems, Powell Dismisses Her “Nonsense”
Colin Powell 1, Lesley Stahl 0. In an interview which aired on Tuesday's
48 Hours and Wednesday's Early Show, Lesley Stahl pounded away at Colin
Powell over problems encountered in the war as if the coalition were
losing. “We’re beginning to hear that this force isn't massive enough,"
Stahl argued before fretting about how “the rear is exposed" and
chastising Powell: "But you can't get your supplies” delivered safely.
Stahl demanded that Powell explain why the whole world hates President
Bush. Powell aggressively undermined Stahl's concerns. It isn't often
that you hear a high-ranking official dismiss a journalist's premise as

4. NBC's Couric & Miklaszewski Refute Arnett's Baghdad Reporting
Peter Arnett's unquestioning relaying of Iraqi claims that the U.S.
employed anti-personnel “cluster bombs” in a residential Baghdad
neighborhood prompted NBC's Katie Couric and Jim Miklaszewski to do some
fast backtracking on Wednesday's Today to cover for Arnett's unsupported

5. “Financial Compensation” for Victims of U.S. Bombing Errors?
Biased question of the day. Usually the wackiest “questions” at the
Centcom briefings in Doha come from non-U.S. or British reporters, often
those for Arab or African news agencies. But at Wednesday's briefing, an
ABC News producer's concern was whether the U.S. would provide “financial
compensation” to victims of errant U.S. bombs.

6. BBC Reporter “Gobsmacked” by BBC's Distorted War Reporting
A BBC reporter covering the war from coalition headquarters in Qatar,
denounced his network's coverage as “one-sided” and distorted. In his
memo to his bosses, which was obtained by London's The Sun newspaper, BBC
correspondent Paul Adams asked: “Who dreamed up the line that the
coalition are achieving 'small victories at a very high price?’” In fact,
he contended, “the truth is exactly the opposite” since “the gains are
huge and the costs still relatively low.”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


A new project of the Media Research Center
"Launched in March 2003, Times Watch is dedicated to documenting and
exposing the liberal bias, factual errors and outright goofs of the New
York Times, America's most influential newspaper. Times executive editor
Howell Raines calls criticism of his paper's bias a 'disinformation'
effort 'of alarming proportions.' Times Watch hopes to further alarm Mr.

Check out TimesWatch.org:


[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-03-17 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 12:36:28 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
March 17 , 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Jennings Advances His Anti-War Agenda as Sunday Night Anchor
The summit in the Azores, Peter Jennings sniffed Sunday night, was just
“a summit of the convinced, some people said, when the time might have
been used to work on those who are not convinced that war is the way to
go.” Jennings also pressed a retired Lt. General to agree that “the U.S.
would be somewhat readier if we waited a little longer” and highlighted a
small anti-war protest as he insisted there is one “somewhere every day
now.” From Baghdad, Dan Harris trumpeted Iraq's “continued cooperation
with the weapons inspectors” before an ABC reporter discovered that in a
small Indiana town “many...are not convinced the man they helped elect
President is making the right choice when it comes to war.”

2. George W. the “Dumbest” President? Plausible to Andy Rooney
60 Minutes commentator Andy Rooney admitted on Sunday night that he found
perfectly plausible the Internet claim that, based on his IQ, George W.
Bush was the “dumbest” President in the past 60 years. “It sounded
possible and I foolishly tried to find the Levenstein Institute,” Rooney
conceded in noting how the charge was a “hoax.”

3. CNBC Notes Difference in Media Interest in Moran vs. Lott
CBS on Friday night picked up on Democratic Congressman Jim Moran's
blaming of Jews for driving the new war on Iraq, leaving ABC as the only
network evening newscast to yet touch the controversy. And on CNBC, Joe
Johns noted the similarity with the Trent Lott case but differing media
reaction: "Moran's comments were the most public recent blunder by a
member of Congress since Senator Trent Lott lost his leadership position
for racially insensitive remarks in December. But Moran's mistake has so
far failed to generate as much attention as Lott's did."

4. Boston Globe Editor Defends Reporting as Helpful to Hussein
Hey Saddam, be nice to us journalists since we are helping you spread
your propaganda! Reacting to Iraq's expulsion of a Boston Globe reporter
for using a satellite phone in his hotel room to file a story, the
paper's Foreign Editor, Jim Smith, told the AP: "It was a story that
should have been regarded as useful for Iraq in telling its story and
responding to allegations that it had a very impressive and dangerous

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


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"DisHonor Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters
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Notable Quotables
ABC’s “Straightforward” Question

“In the past several weeks, your policy on Iraq has generated opposition
from the governments of France, Russia, China, Germany, Turkey, the Arab
League, and many other countries; opened a rift at NATO and at the UN;
and drawn millions of ordinary citizens around the world into the streets
in anti-war protests. May I ask what went wrong that so many governments
and peoples around the world now not only disagree with you very
strongly, but see the U.S. under your leadership as an arrogant power?”

Find out who said the quote and many more, read today'

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-03-11 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 12:21:05 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
March 11, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. CBS Admits Support Up for Iraq Action, UN Not Trusted, But...
CBS’s Bill Plante on Monday night acknowledged how a new CBS News poll
found “support for taking military action soon has risen by nine points
since last week” and Dan Rather followed up by pointing out how the poll
found “58 percent now say the UN is doing a poor job of handling Iraq.”
But, while Plante emphasized how “a majority still favors giving UN
inspectors more time,” he skipped over how the poll determined that 55
percent would approve of military action against Iraq even if the UN did
not support it and, once again, CBS refused to tell viewers that military
action against Iraq is favored by 66 to 30 percent.

2. Klein Complains Bush is Causing France to be “Humiliated”
Time columnist Joe Klein fumed on Monday’s Today that President Bush is
forcing a vote at the UN “which will either result in...France being
humiliated or the United States being humiliated.” Klein also claimed
that Bush “doesn't seem to have much of a style of diplomacy and was too
much of a “cowboy” during his press conference.

3. “Coalition of the Coerced” & Tax Cuts Contradict War on Terror
The coalition behind Bush’s Iraq policy is only “a coalition of the
coerced,” Time’s John Dickerson asserted on Sunday’s Chris Matthews Show
while CBS’s Bob Schieffer blamed Bush’s opposition to Kyoto for losing
the Germans before he admonished that “you can’t tell people one day that
we gotta defeat terrorism and that it poses this grave threat to us but
then the next day tell us, 'well we can do it with business as usual and
cut taxes.'”

4. Lange “Resents” Equating of “Being Anti-War and Anti-American”
Jessica Lange who, upset by President Bush's Iraq policy, charged during
a press conference at a film festival in Spain last September that “it is
an embarrassing time to be an American it's humiliating,” complained
on Monday's Late Show that “the thing I resent most is...some kind of
equation between being anti-war and anti-American.”

5. Vaughn & Grammer Show Not All Actors Enjoy Bashing America
Not all Hollywood celebrities are as embarrassed about U.S. policy toward
Iraq as Lange. Asked outside of the Screen Actors Guild Awards Sunday
night about the war, Kelsey Grammer professed support for it and Vince
Vaughn, who is scheduled to be the guest host of the Late Show with David
Letterman on Tuesday night (tonight), had a regular comeback when he was
in England, USA Today disclosed, for those who denounced America: “I'd
ask folks to think about the Marshall Plan a bit and get back to me."

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:

Media Research Center DisHonors Awards  Advertisement

On Sale Now!
Tickets are now on sale for the MRC's
"DisHonor Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters
of 2002."

The 3rd Annual "DisHonor Awards" will take place the evening of
Thursday, March 27 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.

For all the details:


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Bozell's News Column
Ted Koppel, Crank Caller

 As war against Saddam creeps ever closer, anti-war partisans are
feeling powerless and underappreciated. To them, the media seem dominated
by a White House war machine that is intimidating sheepish reporters.
Helen Thomas, who doesn't ask questions so much as accuse the
administration of heinous motives and declare that President Bush is the
worst leader in our history, is their kind of “reporter.”

 Some in the press are heari

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-03-06 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 12:52:29 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
March 6, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. ABC Suggests White House Trying to Suppress Pope's Envoy
ABC's Terry Moran complained Wednesday night that the Pope's envoy,
Cardinal Pio Laghi, was “prevented...from speaking at the White House”
after he met with President Bush to urge that Bush do all he can to
prevent war, but FNC's Jim Angle managed to find Laghi saying something
which ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC all skipped over: Angle pointed out that
Laghi “made clear that the Vatican doesn’t have much faith in Saddam

2. Jennings Stresses How Anti-War Marchers Back Homeland Security
Peter Jennings went out of his way on Wednesday night to make anti-war
demonstrators appear more well-rounded and reasonable. Highlighting some
protests on college campuses, Jennings stressed on World News Tonight
that “while the students oppose war,” they made “a point of saying they
support homeland security but believe the government should be focusing
on jobs, security and health care, as well.”

3. Ex-CBS Reporter Vieira Wants Anti-War Marches “Every Day”
Former CBS News correspondent Meredith Vieira proclaimed on Wednesday's
ABC daytime show, The View, that anti-war protests “should be consistent
and repeated every day, I believe.”

4. ABC and CBS Treat Pro-Saddam March in Baghdad as Newsworthy
ABC and CBS on Wednesday morning treated an officially organized march in
Baghdad by police officers and firefighters as a newsworthy “show of
support for Saddam Hussein” and a display of how Iraqis will “fight to
the death” any American invaders. ABC's Dan Harris insisted “men wearing
masks” was “a sign that they're willing to die for President Saddam
Hussein.” CBS's Lara Logan contended that the parade was part of an
effort by the Iraqi regime to “reassure” a public apprehensive about an

5. Helen Thomas: Why Does Bush Want to “Bomb Iraqi People?”
The day before a presidential press conference, Hearst's Helen Thomas
demanded of White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer: “Since we have no
direct access to the President, would you state for the record, for the
historical record, why he wants to bomb Iraqi people?” When Fleischer
suggested Bush wants to eliminate the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of
mass destruction, Thomas fired back: “There is no imminent threat!”

6. Jennings Notes Anniversary of Stalin's Death
Leave it to Peter Jennings to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the
death of Josef Stalin as he highlighted how “more than 3,000 people met
today at the Soviet dictator’s grave adjacent to Red Square. Many of them
said Russia could use a leader like Stalin again.” But at least Jennings
described Stalin as “one of the world's most brutal dictators” and
pointed out that “he murdered millions of his own people.”

7. Rooney: Bush Team Hopes Some Journalists “Will Get Killed”
Andy Rooney doesn't think much of embedding journalists with military
units since it will give the military control over them and, he
suggested, “I think maybe they're trying to stick it to the
correspondents, they hope some of them will get killed.” Though he agrees
with the French on Iraq, he told FNC's Greta Van Susteren on Tuesday
night that the French have not “earned the right to be objectors to our

8. ABC's Diane Sawyer Worries About “Massive Tax Cuts”
In interviews on all three broadcast network morning shows on Wednesday,
Treasury Secretary John Snow was pressed, given the growing federal
deficit, about abandoning any further tax cuts. But while ABC's Diane
Sawyer, CBS's Hannah Storm and NBC's Ann Curry all pushed Snow from the
left on tax cuts, all failed to hit him from the right by asking about
plans by both parties for a huge spending increase to create yet another
entitlement program -- prescription coverage in Medicare. Sawyer put an
emphasis on the word “massive” as she punctuated the word and said it
louder when referring to “these are MASSIVE” tax cuts.”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at: