-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-


I know that even the least technically minded will appreciate this
information about a new HTML. Something really ground breaking in mark up
languages has just been announced - MRML. This is obviously going to make a
big impression on impressionable people. You all know about HTML, VRML, XML
and SGML but now you'll have to get to grips with MRML.
A Guide to MRML

The Mind Reading Markup Language (MRML /mur'mul/) is a proprietary extension
of the HyperText Markup Language. This document, all MRML tags, and any
ideas you come up with while reading this information are the exclusive
property of the authors. This is an open specification that will be expanded
as mind control technology is refined.

MRML tags can be embedded into any regular HTML document. They are
completely invisible to all browsers. No one will ever know you are using

NOTE: MRML is not case sensitive. <freud> is equivalent to <FREUD> or

Basic Markup Tags
The following MRML tags are used to read the client's mind for certain kinds
of thoughts and emotions about the contained text.

Brainscan performs a light scan of the client's thoughts which may include
perceptions of their current environment. The Brainscan tag is an invaluable
tool for establishing a user's identity as it is much more reliable than
checking REMOTE_HOST or USER_ID variables.

Thoughtsuck performs of deeper scan of the client's thoughts which may
included details of significant events within the past 24 hours.

Probes the client's mind for their fears about the contained subject.

Probes the client's mind for their deeper, more repressed fears about the
contained subject.

Probes the client's mind for their deepest, most repressed fears about the
contained subject.
WARNING: This tag cannot be exported outside the US borders.

Probes the client's mind for sexual thoughts about the contained subject.
Use of the Sexthoughts tag will likely be depreciated with the release of
the Freud and Jung specifications. Freud and Jung Tags
Specifications for Freudian id, ego, and superego tags and Jungian symbolic
tags are not currently available.

Current technology enables very primitive mind control using MRML tags. The
so-called Brainwashing tags are delimited by the the special

<!--HYPNOTIZE><HYPNOTIZE--> pair. Suggestions within the Hypnotize area are
completely invisible to all clients, but it is extremely important that the
tags are placed correctly. You are liable for any mental damages inflicted
by improperly placed tags.

Within the <!--HYPNOTIZE></HYPNOTIZE--> area the following tags may be used:

Used for mild, easily acceptable suggestions. For stronger suggestions use
Some examples:
It is warm for this time of year.
You need to upgrade your computer.
Republican policies aren't all that bad.

Information that you want the client to pass on to friends and
Some popular memes:
Chain letters
Urban legends
Cool ascii graphics

Things you want the client to forget. It may be desirable to have the client
forget the URL of your MRML documents.

Programs the client with a strong post-hypnotic suggestion. There are a few
optional arguments.

<PROGRAM TIMES=3 INTERVAL="1 hour" DELAY="2 days"> will trigger
the suggestions three times at a one hour interval two days hence.

<PROGRAM INTERVAL="after every meal" FOREVER> could trigger the suggestion
brush your teeth for an indefinite time.
Within the <PROGRAM></PROGRAM> area the following tags may be used:

Explicit thoughts to be planted in the client's mind. Beware of
contradictory programming! Try to remove previous conceptions before
To reprogram someone that thinks that Pepsi is better than Coke:
#<BELIEVE>You have no opinions about the relationship between Coke
and Pepsi.</BELIEVE>
#<BELIEVE>Coke is better than Pepsi.</BELIEVE>
#<BELIEVE>You are thirsty.</BELIEVE>
<BUY HREF=url> Encourages the client to buy products on the World Wide Web.
The optional ITEM=item argument may be used.

<PASSWORD=keyword or phrase>
A convenient way to access the client's mind for future programming
sessions. Should only be used with a secure client-server

Clarification: The BLINK Tag
The <BLINK> tag used in many popular browsers is not a MRML specified tag.
Running Your Own MRML Server
The software needed to run a MRML-oriented server is freely available to all
persons and institutions. To obtain a copy of the server software a
representative for you or your company must attend a special 3-day training
session where they will be given the MRML software package. These training
sessions are currently being held twice a month at an undisclosed location;
requests for private training sessions will be considered.
Ideas by Michael O'Neal-Petterson and Brandon J. Rickman
html by Brandon J. Rickman [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Happy April Fools Day!( better late than never)

"The core of leadership is vision. Vision is seeing the potential purpose
hidden in the chaos of the moment, but which could bring to birth new
possibilities for a person, a company or a nation."
William van Dusen Wishard
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good people do
nothing "  Edmund Burke
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change
the world.  Indeed it is the only thing that ever has"  Margaret Mead

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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