-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Market Plunge Prompts Talk of Speedier Tax Cut
Wes Vernon
Thursday, March 15, 2001
The dive in the stock market has led to increased pressure on Capitol Hill to
accelerate the timetable for President Bush’s tax cut.
The measure would cut taxes by $1.6 trillion across the board over a six-year

This week, there have been murmurings among lawmakers to the effect that,
"Gee, with the stock market taking the huge dive, maybe we ought to think
about getting these tax cuts out there sooner and get money in people’s
pockets more quickly to spike the economy," a House leader acknowledged to

This GOP lawmaker would not go as far as another (higher ranking)
congressional leader who told us last week, even before the dramatic market
selloffs, that there was "a reasonable chance" Congress would mandate the
full tax-cut package all at once. But he did say that there was momentum to
"front-load" the tax cuts as much as possible "while protecting the budget."

Some conservatives have said the tax cut plan is too timid, but the
congressman noted that "right now, tax cutting ranks right at the top of the
list of priorities of the American people for the first time in a decade."

He "personally" does not think the tax cut "is nearly enough."

"Every penny will be front-loaded as much as possible," he told us.

And the House leader added there was also increasing pressure among GOP
congressmen to lower the capital gains tax. That is not part of the bill, but
it is a move top economists see as having a greater potential to boost the
economy than the proposals that are in the president's plan.

The House leader added that he was gratified that 10 Democrats crossed the
aisle to support the centerpiece of the tax bill last week, and that he
expected even more Democratic support for separate votes on the other parts
of the package such as curtailing the "death tax" and the "marriage penalty."

This signal for upping the ante on President Bush's tax cuts comes on the
heels of a new McLaughlin poll, released just this week, showing that,
contrary to popular belief, senior citizens do focus on issues other than
Social Security, Medicare and paid prescriptions.

The scientific survey, commissioned by United Seniors Association, shows that
70 percent of senior Americans support an "across the board tax cut in the
next six months."

And this includes a surprising 51 percent of elders who voted for Al Gore in
last fall's election, even though the then-vice president has blasted the
Bush package as "tax cuts for the rich." The legislation is backed by 56
percent of Democratic seniors.

The survey, conducted between Feb. 28 and March 4 and released Monday, also
dealt with the question of which party threatens "bipartisanship." Fifty-nine
percent of Democrat seniors do not believe that Democrats in Congress will
ever put aside partisan politics and honestly help to pass the Bush tax cuts.

Charles W. Jarvis, president and CEO of United Seniors, told NewsMax.com on
Wednesday that this is "a warning bell" that "is sounding to both Democrats
and Republicans.

"Seniors will turn on them if there is not a large, immediate,
across-the-board tax cut."

The national poll, he added, "shows Democratic and Republican seniors have a
very clear and sophisticated understanding of how tax cuts revitalize the

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