-Caveat Lector-

McAuliffe promises hearings on Florida vote


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Pushing an electoral reform agenda in his first full
day on the job, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe said
Sunday he would hold hearings into charges of voter intimidation and
suppression during last November's presidential election in Florida.
"I have been meeting with the civil rights groups, and they have
depositions from thousands of people that they have spoken to that had a
problem with the voting, with the ballots, had intimidation issues where
people were required to come up with three or four forms of
identification," the former Democratic fund-raiser told CNN's "Late Edition
with Wolf Blitzer."
A similar probe is already under way. On January 11, the U.S. Civil Rights
Commission heard complaints from black voters in Florida who said they were
wrongly turned away from the polls in November's presidential election.
Since the November 7 vote, many black voters in Florida have complained
that they were turned away from the polls, alleging that they were
intimidated by police roadblocks or found their names wrongly stricken from
voting rolls.  Florida voting officials have denied that any such incidents
took place. The commission is scheduled to issue a final report on their
probe this summer.
Election practices have come under close scrutiny because of the slim
margin of the Bush victory.
Bush won Florida's valuable 25 electoral votes and as a result the national
Electoral College, by
a margin of just 537 votes, according to certified results announced by
Florida Secretary of State
Katherine Harris. That result was upheld by a 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court
decision, which halted any
Florida vote recounts.
                   Recount predictions
On Sunday, McAuliffe predicted an ongoing unofficial recount of Florida
ballots by news organizations would show President Bush as the loser had he
not been helped by the nation's high court.
"The Supreme Court stopped the counting of votes, and if they'd let the
count go on, (Democratic candidate) Al Gore would have got the necessary
votes," McAuliffe told NBC's "Meet the Press."
Although Gore lost the Electoral College, he won the national popular vote
by just
539,947 votes.
But McAuliffe, a major fund-raiser for former President Clinton,
acknowledged, "George Bush was elected. He's the president today. So we
have to deal with that."
                   GOP responds
McAuliffe's Republican counterpart showed little sympathy. "The votes were
cast legally," shot back Virginia Gov. James Gilmore, who heads the
Republican National Committee.
"They have been counted properly," Gilmore added. "And we don't need to go
back to all that old thing. You know what? This election was held on its
proper day and counted properly and, you know, frankly, to go back now and
try to undermine the legitimacy of this election is very troubling."
McAuliffe promised to stop talking about the election, but only after
Congress enacts, and Bush signs, a bill on electoral reform.
"People ought to be entitled to vote and the vote ought to be counted," he
told CNN. "So let's just make sure we have electoral reform."

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