[CTRL] Mena Drug Drop Deaths (fwd)

1999-08-06 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999
 Subj: Mena Drug Drop Deaths


  Mena Drug Drop Deaths

 PLEASE read the following letter forwarded to me.  It is
 about the two boys who saw the drug drop in Mena, Arkansas
 and were later found dead.  The first story was that they
 committed suicide on the train tracks, but after their
 families protested, an autopsy showed bullet holes.  Any
 friend of Marlon Maddoux' is a friend of mine.  Marlon and
 Matriciana are both upstanding men.  Mr. Matriciana has made
 wonderful movies and I'm sure he took this movie project
 under much prayer before deciding to do it.  If I remember
 correctly, one of these boys was only 11. If you know anyone
 in Little Rock or you can go there, please go to the trial.
 Let me know if you're going, please.

  Thank you,
  Joetta Deutsch 

 FWD:  This is Laura Nichols.  I have attended the opening
 day of the trial where the two deputy sheriffs are sueing
 Mr. Pat Matriciana, owner of Jeremiah Films, Inc. for 16
 million dollars.  They accuse him of defamation of
 character.  They have to prove "reckless disregard for the
 truth."   The video including the names of the two deputy
 sheriff's is called OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. The exact
 statement in question goes something like this.

 "Eyewitnesses have been implicated in the deaths of the two
 boys these people ."  Then the mens names are listed.

 The trial opened with the selection of jurors.  After about
 one hour of questioning, 13 people were chosen.  Then we
 broke for lunch.  This was Monday, Aug. 2nd. At 1 o'clock
 the opening statements began with the sheriff's side first.
 Then Mr. John Hall representing Mr. Matriciana gave his
 statement.  The first witness to be called was Mr.
 Matriciana.  After intensive questioning, the jury was then
 shown the video in length.  They were extremely moved by the
 video.  The only people in attendance for Mr. Matriciana
 were myself, my friend Penny, her son and my daughter.
 Then Mr. Matriciana had his son, a friend who had flown in
 from out of town, Mrs. Linda Ives. mother of Kevin Ives, one
 of the slain teenagers, his legal counsel and that was all.

 Since this information was put out last week by Marlin
 Maddoux, there should have been a full gallery.  But there
 were a total of 11 people.  I have contacted local
 newspaper, radio and have faxed out press releases.  I have
 contacted the pro-family groups in Arkansas. I have not
 heard by from Eagle Forum.  I did hear form Jerry Cox at the
 Family Council.  He refused to attend.  He said he would not
 support someone he did not know and he questioned the
 validity of the video (which he had never seen) and he had
 former past experience with people who made videos of this
 nature and that usually they were 2/3 right and the rest was

 Now I know that we can be led astray and that there are many
 people who go overboard with the conspiracy theory.  I
 subscribe to that theory but I do not go overboard.  I have
 utmost respect for the truth, proper research and I do not
 take most things for face value.

 When I showed up for the trial, I did not know Mr.
 Matriciana.  I only knew what I had heard on Marlin Maddoux.
 I heard them say that Mr. and Mrs. Maddoux are good personal
 friends to Mr. Matricana. I went because I was burdened to
 go, I wanted to pray, I was curious, and I just knew that I
 was supposed to go.

 Yes, I could have stayed home and prayed from there, but you
 can never ever replace real human warm bodies when it comes
 to encouraging and being active about something.

 Having met him for the first time Monday, I must tell you
 how broken-hearted that I am.  This man is an ordained
 Baptist Minister who, desiring to get the truth out about
 the murders, agreed to produce the film.

 Jean Duffy, a former district prosecuting attorney in Saline
 County,  along with Linda Ives, had done the research, the
 brought it to Mr. Pat Matriciana, and he agreed to produce
 it.  I wish that I could film what is taking place in that
 courtroom, because truly it is the court case of the
 century.  So many facts are coming forth.

 You may not understand this, but this man's life is at
 stake.  The media in Little Rock is doing a good job of
 keeping this hushed.  Two or three stations showed up, and
 the Ar Dem Gazette.  WE need this information to get out.
 We need good attendance at this trial.  There is seating for
 170 people, and only 11 people for Mr. Matricana.

 Now, you may not know about this case.  You may doubt the
 truth of it.  But on Marlin Maddoux today Mr. John Hall
 (present at the trial) told that eyewitnesses claim that
 they saw these particular deputy sheriffs  pick up the two
 boys at a phone booth.  What they believe happened is that
 the boys saw the drug drop, they ran away and managed to get
 to the phone booth, were picked up by the two sheriffs,
 taken somewhere, where they were 

Re: [CTRL] Mena Drug Drop Deaths (fwd)

1999-08-06 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-



Joseph Farah

My last will and column

LITTLE ROCK -- When you read this column, God-willing, I will
have testified as an expert witness in an important First
Amendment case in ... gulp ... Arkansas.
By tomorrow (Thursday), God-willing, I will be outahere -- on my
way home, safe and sound.
I've avoided Arkansas like the plague for the last several years. Too
much small-time corruption here for me Too much fear. ... Too
many mysterious deaths.
I don't plan to join the body count. I came to stand up for a good
man -- Pat Matrisciana, a filmmaker who put it all on the line to
expose the many scandals surrounding the Clinton administration
like a funeral shroud.
Gennifer Flowers, Bill Clinton's long-time mistress, told Chris
Matthews the other day that she avoided the Clinton killing fields
by remaining high-profile -- even if she was ridiculed, dismissed,
rebuffed and scoffed at by most of the establishment press.
Matthews asked her if she really believed the man she loved for so
many years -- Bill Clinton -- had actually ordered people to be
killed. Without batting an eyelash, Flowers answered affirmatively.
I'm following the Gennifer Flowers strategy.
If my plane should blow up or get hijacked by terrorists, if I should
suddenly become depressed and shoot myself with someone
else's gun leaving no fingerprints, if I should suffer a heart attack
after eating in a Little Rock restaurant -- just add my name to the
list, folks.
Why me? I guess you could classify me as a double threat. First,
as the personification of the Clinton's media enemies list, my story
offering documented proof that the White House used the Internal
Revenue Service to attack the president's political adversaries still
smolders -- threatening, at a moment's notice, to set the national
newscape ablaze. Secondly, I guess you could call me a key
witness in a politically inspired defamation case brought by two
Arkansas cops involved with drug kingpin/Clinton pal Dan Lasater
and the notorious "boys on the tracks" case -- a trial that has
already seen two more strange deaths.
Anyway, here's what I came to Little Rock to tell the jury: Pat
Matrisciana not only had a constitutional right to make and
distribute his film, "Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection,"
he had a duty as an American filmmaker-journalist. The day the
courts start punishing courageous, muckraking journalists who
pursue and expose official corruption with multimillion-dollar
judgments is the day this nation becomes a full-blown police state
(like Arkansas?). By every standard of professional documentary
journalism, Matrisciana performed admirably in his pursuit of truth.
Many people close to me did not want me to come to Arkansas.
My longevity as a long-term Clinton critic, they suggest, is partially
explained by my deliberate avoidance of such venues. But, like my
battle with the politically directed IRS, I believe the best defense is
a high-profile offense -- just like Gennifer Flowers said.
As I winged my way to Little Rock, I heard a report that a new book
by Chris Anderson documents that Hillary Clinton did, indeed, as
has been reported elsewhere, have a long-term affair with the late
White House deputy counsel Vincent Foster.
Foster's death is just one of many associated with this
administration that has never been explained -- no matter what
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr would have you believe. This is
a death I know something about. It's one of the investigations that
landed me on the Clinton enemies list. The Clinton administration
did a remarkable job keeping the information about Foster and
Hillary quiet all these years. It was never even discussed as a
possible motivation for Foster's untimely, violent and mysterious
death in any of the official reports.
That's an example of why it is so vital to protect the free flow of
information -- apart from information disseminated by official
government sources.
And that's precisely why I'm here in ... gulp ... Little Rock. And why
I hope to be outahere real soon. Keep me in your prayers, folks.
And add one for Pat Matrisciana, the boys on the tracks and their
courageous mother, Linda Ives, who also believes the only way to
fight successfully is right out in the open.

A daily radio broadcast adaptation of Joseph Farah's commentaries
can be heard at http://www.ktkz.com/


The budget should be balanced, the treasury refilled, public debt reduced, the 
arrogance of officialdom tempered and controlled
, and
the assistance to foreign lands curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt. - Cicero

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and