"In 1964...Reports involving mysterious government men who attempted to
silence the witnesses were reported as well. These mysterious men have been
called MIBs or ‘Men In Black.’ There is speculation that these MIBs are
humans from secretive agencies of the government or military. There are also
some ufologists and abduction researchers who believe the MIBs may be aliens
disguised as humans."

-- From K. Wilson’s Project Open Mind

The New "Men In Black"

This area of The Alien Jigsaw Web site covers information that is highly
controversial. MILABS or alleged military abductions, mind and behavior
control, and information about cloning are discussed here. Because these are
disturbing and controversial topics - especially as they relate to the alien
abduction phenomenon - it is highly recommended that you read the articles
in this section in the order they are presented.

"...there appears to be a disinformation campaign underway. This has been
orchestrated to mislead abductees - and therefore the research community and
the public - as to what the truth is. In order to take the focus away from
the true agenda, the aliens may want us to remember seeing 'humans', and the
humans may want us to remember seeing 'aliens.' "

-- Project Open Mind

Why Do Some Abductees Report Seeing Military Personnel During Alien

By K. Wilson © Copyright 1998

Most people realize that as a single entity, the Government is not aware of
the extensive nature of the UFO-ET phenomenon. Although it is safe to assume
their knowledge has been highly compartmentalized, there are specific people
within the Government (specific agencies and military personnel connected
with those agencies) who have a "need to know." It is these individuals I am
referring to when I talk about alleged Government involvement in abductions.
The types of abductions they allegedly carry out have been termed

There are different hypotheses as to why some abductees are seeing military
personnel during their supposed alien experiences.

I. Who Are We Seeing?

The military personnel...

a. ...may actually be aliens using the techniques of camouflage and screen
memories to deceive abductees into believing their government is involved

b. ...may be part of a secret agency or military team that is involved in
retrieving information from abductees about the aliens

c. ...may be working with some of the aliens

d. ...may be hybrids - a genetic combination or cross between humans and
aliens, who wear military-type uniforms to confuse the abductee.[2]

e. ...may be part of a secret human agency or military team abducting humans
in order to create or increase the impression that aliens abduct humans; or
to sow confusion regarding the possible presence and activities of aliens on
earth; or for some other reason beyond our current understanding.

II. Motive

Regardless of whether our abductors are human or extraterrestrial, possible
motives for interacting with or abducting us include:

a. A longitudinal study: studying abductees' psychological and physiological
responses over long periods of time

b. Studying different types of human responses and how they relate to
cultural and socioeconomic differences

c. The Creation of a New Race (a controversial hypothesis)

d. The Creation of a "new and better" Soldier

e. Performing physical experiments for the secret testing of:

(i) new drugs and vaccinations
(ii) cloning techniques (through tissue and fluid collection)
(iii) behavior modification / "mind control" techniques
(iv) alterations and/or mapping of the human genome
(v) unknown (perhaps alien) substances
(vi) inducing paranormal experiences

III. Maintaining Secrecy

Whether we are dealing with extraterrestrials or a nefarious group of
powerful human beings, there appears to be a disinformation campaign
underway. This has been orchestrated to mislead abductees - and therefore
the research community and the public - as to what the truth is. In order to
take the focus away from the true agenda, the aliens may want us to remember
seeing "humans," and the humans may want us to remember seeing "aliens."

IV. Helping Mankind

It is doubtful (but not impossible) that the human group would have
intentions of helping their fellow human beings in the future. Unless the
human group has developed the technology to look into mankind's future, my
hypothesis is that any "helping purposes" relating to this phenomenon would
include a small group of humans who have split from the "nefarious human
group," extraterrestrials, spiritual beings or all three. It is also
sensible to assume that spiritual beings come in both positive and negative
forms and may also be influencing the overall UFO-ET phenomenon.[3]

There may be efforts to show abductees what mankind's future holds, perhaps
even to demonstrate what some of the aliens are planning to do. Many of the
visions and teaching dreams abductees experience illustrate that a
catastrophic war and earth changes will occur in our future.[4] Through
desensitization and training, the visions, teaching dreams and other
scenarios may be tools the ETs are using as a way to help abductees maintain
a certain level of functioning during a future event of this magnitude.


[1] The term "MILABs" was coined by Dr. Helmut Lammer and stands for
"military abductions."

In addition, Dr. Steven Greer has also launched an investigation into this
subject. Dr. Greer has stated that he has firsthand information from former
military personnel who are ready to go on the record as having had either
firsthand knowledge about, or direct experience with this subject.

[2] Options (d) and (e) have been published by Dr. Jacobs in his books. I
came up with the same hypotheses from my personal experiences and research.
If you are new to this subject and have not read Dr. Jacob's books, I highly
recommend the following: David M. Jacobs, The UFO Controversy in America,
(Indiana University Press, 1975); Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO
Abductions, (1992), and The Threat, (1998); Simon & Schuster.

[3] For purposes of keeping this somewhat concise, I have opted not to
discuss what I believe the spirit-world impact might be on the UFO-ET
phenomenon. My reason is that I am neither an expert in paranormal
phenomenon nor an expert in religious-spiritual teachings. I do, however,
believe it is possible that some portions of the abduction phenomenon may
involve "spiritual warfare." If you are interested in this subject, please
refer to Bobby Ripp's "True Light Ministries" and Wes Clark's "CE 4 Research
Group." Their links are located in Resources of the Personal Contact section
of this site..

[4] Teaching "experiences" may be a better term since they are not dreams.
However, many abductees feel more comfortable calling them dreams. Teaching
dreams occur within the context of an abduction. The abductee actively
participates in a teaching dream or teaching experience. Visions are
normally shown to the abductee, although there is some overlap between the
two. The main point is that visions and teaching dreams are used to convey a
lot of information over a relatively short period of time. Both could
illustrate truth or be of a deceptive nature. Most abductees describe both
of these phenomena as being incredibly vivid and many remember many details
about them.

"The many rumors regarding the flying disk became a reality yesterday when
the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force,
Roswell Army Air Field was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disk
through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff's
office of Chaves County."

--Roswell Daily Record, July 8, 1947

Project Open Mind

Are Some Alien Abductions Government Mind Control Experiments?
I'm not sure what is worse: to believe that you have been abducted and
experimented on by aliens from another planet, or to suspect you have been
abducted and experimented on by members of your own species. Perhaps it is
easier for us in a psychological sense, to suspect that we have been
abducted and experimented on by aliens because in some strange way, we can
excuse aliens for not understanding our customs and for not "knowing

When I heard my first story about a person who believed they had been
experimented on by members of our government, I thought I had heard it all.
To me, this story was more unbelievable and more bizarre than the stories I
had heard about alien abductions. What this person said was, they believed
they had been exposed to microwaves from small black boxes that had been
placed on their property by secret agents of the government. They said they
had been beamed by microwaves as part of a secret government experiment. I
discarded this information as coming from someone who was paranoid and
didn't give it another thought. During that time in my life I knew nothing
about our government's experimentation on American citizens.

Shortly thereafter, I decided to write about my abduction experiences.
Writing my books took several months, and during that time I maintained my
busy schedule of abduction support and found myself reliving many life
events I thought I had put behind me for good. There were also certain
experiences that I had longed to find an explanation for, but could not.
These were my alien abduction encounters during which I saw military and
other official looking personnel. In The Alien Jigsaw, one of my conclusions
was that I had been abducted by aliens, and either some members of our
government are working with them, or the aliens have manipulated me into
believing our government is working with them.[1] Little did I realize that
this aspect of my alien experiences would lead me to write this article

Another event that led me to write this article was my correspondence with
an Austrian researcher named Dr. Helmut Lammer who is currently publishing a
book about mind control and alien abductions.[2] Since Dr. Lammer asked that
I write for his new book I needed to understand more about the subject of
mind control. My first step was to read. After reading numerous books and
personal accounts, I realized I needed to take a closer look at some of my
abduction experiences.

Although there are many striking differences between the experiences of
abductees and mind control victims, there are also some disturbing
parallels. Like Dr. Lammer and others, I am concerned by what appears to be
a clear overlap between what some abductees report and what some victims of
mind control report.

What I want to do in Project Open Mind is determine if the military and
other government personnel that abductees report seeing during their
experiences have both the motive and the means for being there.

In The Controllers Martin Cannon writes, "The abductee's unrewarding task is
to report what he or she has experienced as truthfully as possible,
untainted by outside speculation."[3]

Part Two of Project Open Mind focuses on the subjects of behavior control
and mind control. In this section I rely heavily upon the work of other
researchers and journalists. For each subject I discuss there are many
books, each with hundreds of pages. For each book, there are thousands of
documents and reports that the researchers and journalists had to
laboriously locate and meticulously study. So as to better understand the
message, I have included a section about the authors in Part Three so the
reader can gain some basic knowledge about the messengers. Part Four
contains my "Notes" and completes the first half of this project.

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