-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Comment by Dick Farley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> precedes fwd: "Martin Orne."

The ongoing discussion about "consciousness" and "Cosmic Mind" must be
filtered at least through the manipulations of "belief systems" before
settling down into any of the more transcendant modalities. "Global Mind
Change" was a political campaign Who is or was behind it, "what gods they
worship" or "what E.T.'s they thought they were obeying," are less important
than their targeting of  innocent U.S. citizens! A considerable amount of the
"consciousness change" movements of the '60s & '70s were thoroughly permeated
by various factions, primarily to exercise "control" and to prevent
mass-culture from spiraling out from under the extant "consensus doctrine."

Regarding this item, pulled from the "Mind Control" list online,  first a
couple of facts from CloudRider, sources as cited.

1.  The Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, referenced in the
following letter, received its initial and ongoing funding from the
Rockefeller family, according to "Journey Into Madness," by Gordon Thomas,
(Bantam Books 1989; 1990), which details a Canadian court case in which CIA
eventually settled with "patients" of Dr. Ewen Cameron. Hence legitimate
concerns about Rockefeller funding of so-called "UFO" research (advocating
"belief in E.T.s") and of "alien abduction" phenomena, which some suspect to
be at least in part more cover operations for hypnosis and psychiatric
experiments on unwitting subjects, not necessarily by the United States
government or its agencies, but by former government or government-funded
folks now working outside of government or any of its legitimate
"intelligence charters." (If so, the funding philanthropists may be liable
for damages from "alien abduction" or "UFO related" trauma, once it can be
shown that the "extra-terrestrial hypothesis" was considered and advocated
despite less exotic potential explanations, as this.

2. Author John Marks, whose "In Search for the Manchurian Candidate" is
referenced in the following, reportedly has told interviewers and other
researchers that he "will not touch the UFO issue," vis-a-vis its potential
for overlap in at least some cases of so-called "UFO experiences" and "alien
abduction" recollections (of which not all had to be recalled under hypnosis
for remembrance by experiencers, researchers say). Marks' reluctance to
address the "UFO issues" in this manner was noted by Martin Cannon, in his
research paper and bibliography, "The Controllers," among others. It is also
known that researchers sponsored by CIA and subsequently by non-profits or
foundation money (i.e., the Institute for Noetic Science, directed by a
retired navy officer and former astronaut, Capt. Edgar Mitchell; the
Institute for the Advancement of New Science, in which former "astronaut
wanna-be" and Princeton physicist, Dr. Brian O'Leary, plays a key role, are
two examples of supposed "research groups" having as their public face an
interest in so-called "non-human intelligence" contact and its purported
trafficking with human beings; and several so-called "UFO groups" are also
closely connected to government personell in classified jobs, yet who deal
with purported "alien abductions" and advocate the reality of an
"extra-terrestrial" visitation of our planet, to a public curious about
unexplained flying objects, etc.)

3.  In the "Rockefeller UFO Disclosure Initiative to the Clinton White
House," which took place in 1993 through 1994, agents for Rockefeller
explicitly prohibited "mind influence" references from being presented to the
President for his consideration of the "UFO declassification" considerations
presented by Laurance S. Rockefeller, in spite of published reports and other
evidence of direct Rockefeller involvements in and funding of these types of
activities; in the past for CIA; but more recently out of government through
various academic and philanthropic initiatives and "non-profits," including
several high-profile "UFO organizations" and "alien abduction" information.
(References in "UFOs and Mental Health," by Bob Teets. Headline Books, Inc.,
P. O. Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 26764. 1-800-589-5951, or see Directory
Assistance in Area Code 304. Also online and at various postings across the
Internet, 1995-pres.)

4.  In her article "Microwave Harrassment," (Dec. 1992), anti-mind-control
activist Julianne McKinney alleged that Dr. John E. Mack had some connection
with the "human ecology" work that is referenced following. In a personal
interview in the presence of several of his staff and others, in his
Cambridge office (June 1993), Dr. Mack denied this to me (Dick Farley), i.e.,
that he had knowingly taken part in any CIA-sponsored psychiatric research.
However, Dr. Mack was indeed knowingly at that time (1993-1994) taking part
in "alien abduction research" sponsored directly and almost exclusively by
Laurance S. Rockefeller, such money routed through the non-profit Human
Potential Foundation, Inc., chaired by U. S. Senator Claiborne Pell (then
Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee, (who has since retired), and
at the time directed by a retired naval intelligence officer, Cdr. C. B.
"Scott" Jones. I do not make any supporting comments for Ms. McKinney's
allegations, only that it is "out there," but that I'm unaware of any
subsequent evidence about Dr. Mack's role, if he indeed had one, whether
"knowing" or otherwise. (If you have some, do share it.)


(An online correspondent sent what follows to the newspapers, not I. The name
of the person sending this information to me has been redacted, also by me. /

- - - - +
Subj:    [MC]  Martin Orne
Date:   3/6/00 10:37:16 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:   xxxxxxxxxx
Reply-to:   xxxxxxxxxx

An attorney friend and colleague of mine in Connecticut gave me persmission
to share the following:

Subj:    Martin Orne - OPED

Helen McGonigle put together letters to the editor and proposed OpEd pieces
on the Orne obits published in the Philadelphia Inquirer, NY Times, LA
Times and Washington Post. Here is a sample of what I sent to the
Washington Post. There are word limits so, it all I could get in.

Helen McGonigle
Full-name: AttyMcG
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 18:14:58 EST
Subject: Martin Orne - OPED

                            HELEN L. McGONIGLE
                                Attorney At Law

Telephone 203-740-0074
Mailing: P.O. Box 540  Fax   203-740-1171
Brookfield, CT 06804-0540    E- Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

February 27, 2000

Letters to the Editor
The Washington Post

RE: " Psychiatrist Martin Orne, 72, Dies"
        (Obituaries, February 20, p. C 06)

To the Editor:

Please consider this material for an OP-Ed piece.

The obituary of hypnotist Martin T. Orne, M.D., Ph.D. contained the
conspicuous omission of his past involvement with the Central Intelligence
Agency's project MKULTRA. At least 80 institutions and 195 private
researchers participated in the 149 subprojects under MKULTRA between 1953
and 1966. Not only is this type of testing on unwitting human subjects
prohibited by the Nuremberg code, but it has been banned by Executive Order
No. 12333, §2:10, 3 C.F.R. 213 (1982). Many the projects involved testing
on unwitting citizens and the research and development of chemical,
biological and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine
operations to control human behavior. According to the Kennedy Committee
report on MKULTRA, there were 8 hypnosis subprojects, including 2 involving
hypnosis and drugs in combination. See, Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program
of Research in Behavioral Modification; Joint Hearing Before the Select
Committee on
Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the
Committee on Human Resources, United States Senate, 95th Congress, 1st
Session August 3, 1977. Most of the records from MKULTRA were illegally
destroyed by the CIA in 1973, with the exception of financial records.

In "The Search for the ‘Manchurian Candidate'" by John Marks, recognized as
"the definitive book" on the LSD, hypnosis, electroshock and other
experiments conducted on unwitting citizens under the CIA's MKULTRA, Orne
is described as receiving funding for his MKULTRA experiments through the
Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, a known CIA front

The Society demanded "no stupid progress reports," recalls
psychologist and psychiatrist Martin Orne, who received a grant to support
his Harvard research on hypnotism . As a further sign of generosity and
trust, the Society gave Orne a follow-on $30,000 grant with no specified
purpose. A 1962 report of Orne's laboratory, the Institute for Experimental
Psychiatry, showed that it received two sizable grants before the end of
that year: $30,000 from Human Ecology and $30,000 from Scientific
Engineering Institute, another CIA front organization.  The Search for the
"Manchurian Candidate", John Marks, W. W. Norton & Company 1991, p.172-173.

In 1977, the New York Times identified the Society for the Investigation of
Human Ecology among the private medical research foundations funded by the
CIA, initially under projects Bluebird and Artichoke, which later became
MKULTRA and MKDELTA. See, "Private Agencies Used in C.I.A. Mind-Control
Drive",  New York Times, p. 16, August 2, 1977.  Among those testing sites
was the Massachusetts Mental Health Center in Boston where Orne was the
director of studies on hypnosis from 1960-1964.

Orne was also the Executive Director of the Institute for Experimental
Psychiatry, which also participated in the experiments. The court record in
the United States Supreme Court case of Central Intelligence Agency vs John
Cary Sims and Sidney M. Wolfe, 471 U.S. 159, 85 L.Ed. 2d, 105 S.Ct. 1881
(1985) includes a partially redacted undated CIA memorandum entitled
"Memorandum for: Deputy Director for Support; Subject: Institute for
Experimental Psychiatry". This CIA memorandum on Orne's Institute for
Experimental Psychiatry discussed the flow of grant funds through an
intermediary, probably Human Ecology, to the "Institute":

"We are convinced that our determination, i.e., that the [deleted] is not a
university-related entity, is proper and correct. We are of the further
opinion that the flow of funds from the [Deleted] through [Deleted] to the
Institute does not put this relationship in opposition to current Agency
policy...". CIA vs Sims, 471 U.S. 159, 85 L.Ed. 2d, 105 S.Ct. 1881 (1985) -
Joint Appendix page 62.

According to John Mark's: "Martin Orne's work for the Agency was
described in Subproject 84. He contributed a chapter to the Society-funded
book, The Manipulation of Human Behavior, edited by Albert Biderman and
Herbert Zimmer (New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1961), pp. 169-215. Financial
data on Orne's Institute for Experimental Psychiatry came from a filing
with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Attachment to Form 1023". Described
a "Teaching Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard University Medical
School", Orne's chapter in The Manipulation of Human Behavior, is entitled
"The potential uses of hypnosis in interrogation" and indicates "this paper
is based in part upon work under a grant from the Society for the
Investigation of Human Ecology, Inc.", p. 169.

The Joint Appendix in CIA vs Sims, 471 U.S. 159, 85 L.Ed. 2d, 105 S.Ct.
1881 (1985), also contains the following memorandum on Orne's subproject 84
funded by the CIA:

DRAFT [Deleted]
17 August 1960

SUBJECT: Continuation of MKULTRA, Subproject 84
6. This project has been handled to date in a Government Sterile fashion
and none of the personnel at [Deleted] have been witting of true
sponsorship. It is contemplated that Dr. [Deleted] will be made witting of
the sponsorship and purpose on or about 1 September 1960 in order to guide
his project along lines that will further Agency operational needs.
                            TSD/Research Branch
Research Director
Date: 8-19-60
Statement of Progress
Original only

The date of the CIA memorandum which mentions the "continuation" of
subproject 84 overlaps with the period of time when Orne was the director
of hypnosis studies at Massachusetts Mental Health Center and when he was
an instructor at Harvard.

How mind wrecking were these experiments? In one of the more publicized
subprojects, Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, who like Orne received funding through
the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, subjected his unwitting
patients to megadoses of LSD, drug-induced sleep states of up to 65 days,
and electroshock therapy at 75 times the usual intensity. Congressional
Record - Senate, 99th Cong. 1st Session,  Volume 131 No. 106, Part 2, 131
Cong. Rec. S. 11008 quoting The Experiments of Dr. D. Ewen Cameron,
Washington Post July
28, 1985. In one case, Cameron gave a patient as many as 109 electroshock
treatments, well above the guidelines of between 4 and 8 treatments. Like
Orne, Cameron had been well credentialed. Cameron was one of the most
prominent psychiatrists in North America and past president of both the
American Psychiatric Association and Canadian Psychiatric Association.

Due to the illegal record destruction, less is known about the specifics of
Orne's mind control experiments under MKULTRA. As a purported legal expert
on hypnosis, brainwashing and interrogation however, one questions whether
Martin Orne could truly render an unbiased opinion given his dubious past
connection with MKULTRA. It is unfortunate indeed that we are so quick to
forget the past. Even more unfortunate is that Martin Orne was permitted to
influence legal rulings on hypnosis in the 1980s resulting in the potential
forfeiture of the right to testify for previously hypnotized crime victims.
This effort to suppress critical testimony was carried forward into the
1990s as a scientific advisory board member of an organization known as the
False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF). The FMSF advocates the interests
of those accused of child sexual abuse and has sought to bar repressed
memory testimony from the courtroom. Despite the rhetoric of Orne and the
FMSF, the
phenomenon of repression following trauma (e.g., dissociative amnesia) is
scientifically established in numerous peer reviewed studies and recognized
by the American Psychiatric Association. One questions why Orne was so
motivated to bar posthypnotic and repressed memory testimony from the
courtroom. Could he have been concerned his own past involvement in MKULTRA
could come back to haunt him?

Very truly yours,

Helen L. McGonigle
Attorney at Law
Brookfield, CT

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