-Caveat Lector-

Mood Changes as America Finds War is Not a Video Game
By Andrew Gumbel in Los Angeles

Monday 25 March 2003

All of a sudden, brutal reality is kicking in. Before the Iraq invasion started,
many Americans imagined the campaign in terms of Hollywood movies or
the video-game abstraction of the television coverage of the first Gulf War
– that virtual reality in which we drop bombs and only the enemy dies, and
off-camera at that.

But after the setbacks, guerrilla-style ambushes, downed helicopters and
disturbing images of US soldiers dying or being taken prisoner over the past
two days, the mood has changed abruptly,

"My God, this is getting much messier than I thought," was the reaction of
one young Californian nursery school teacher yesterday. Her colleagues all

Across Los Angeles, the mood was overwhelmingly one of consternation
and just a little dread. "I have a sick feeling about where this is all heading.
They made us believe this would be a cakewalk, and now look what is
happening," another woman, a writer married to an entertainment lawyer,
said. "This can only make the world hate us Americans more." In what is
perhaps a sign of the times, she did not want to be identified by name.

It is hard to know exactly how representative such views are, especially
since southern California has been a bastion of anti-war sentiment. At least
some people who believe in the war were quoted yesterday saying that
casualties and setbacks were to be expected as part of the mission.

But it is also true that the Bush administration massively raised
expectations regarding the speed and ease of the military operation to
topple Saddam Hussein. Before the war started last week, the President
himself talked – in his televised statements, in his 6 March news
conference and in his weekly radio addresses – as though the fighting was
already over and the reconstruction of Iraq had begun.

Earlier this month, with war already looking inevitable and dominating the
news, 43 per cent of respondents in a New York Times/CBS poll said they
expected a quick and successful campaign. By the end of last week, with
the first bombs raining down on Baghdad and ground forces racing to
secure the oilfields in the south, that number had risen to 63 per cent.
More than half said they thought the war would end in a matter of weeks.

Now, however, the trend has been reversed. In another poll published in
yesterday's Washington Post, 54 per cent now believe the United States
will sustain "significant" casualties in Iraq, up from 37 per cent in a similar
poll taken on the first day of the war last Thursday. One respondent in the
new Washington Post/ABC poll, Daphne Nugent, 40, from New York,
commented: "I didn't expect there to be this much trouble. And I'm a little
upset by what I'm hearing in terms of the casualties and the prisoners of
war. I thought it would end pretty easily and quickly, the war part of it
anyway, not the occupation part."

Other New Yorkers, including those who survived the destruction of the
World Trade Centre, have also described their mixed feelings at seeing
similar scenes of buildings under aerial bombardment in Baghdad.

Financial markets are also reacting. After eight straight days of gains, the
Dow Jones index plunged 300 points by lunchtime yesterday, although it
later recovered slightly. Crude oil prices are also rising in response to the
prospect of a longer war.

Several things make this war very different from other recent US military
campaigns. It is much less dependent on air power alone, which has made
the fighting and the dying much more immediate. And it is much more
overtly about taking territory. This is no quick in and out, as were the
Nato campaigns in Bosnia in 1995 and Kosovo in 1999. As several soldiers at
the front have come to appreciate, this is very different from 1991, when
the US-led coalition concentrated on kicking Iraqi forces out of a country,
Kuwait, that had invited it in to do so.

"People thought the Iraqis would be waving little American flags like it was
occupied France in World War Two," Vincent Cannistraro, a retired CIA
counter-terrorism expert, commented. "This is not an occupied country. It
is Iraq and it is run by Iraqis, and for better or worse they are not
welcoming Americans as liberators."

Both pro-war and anti-war voices agree, in fact, that this is likely to turn
into the most in- your-face conflict that American troops – and, just as
significantly, American public opinion – have faced since Vietnam.

"This kind of thing has not been seen on US television screens for more
than 30 years," Sandy Cate, an anthropology professor from San Francisco,
said. "You've got one, perhaps two, generations who have grown up with
no idea of what war is really like, other than the cartoon violence they
see at the movies. Well, now they are learning."

Part of the change in attitude is due to the media. Unlike the first Gulf
War, when journalists were kept well away from the front, reporters are
now "embedded" with army units and equipped with the technology to
transmit words and images from the field. Some media critics have worried
about journalists over-identifying with their units, but they also concede
that the arrangement is providing much more detailed and less sanitised
coverage than in 1991.

These are very early days, and expert opinion is divided on the degree of
public tolerance for casualties. One sociologist, James Burk, told The
Washington Post he thought the public would accept casualties as long as
they are incurred "in pursuit of a mission that they think is reasonable".

But others, including John Mueller of Ohio State University, believe
tolerance will be very low. Nobody in government has so much as
mentioned body bags, he observed.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed
without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving
the included information for research and educational purposes.)

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