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From: The JPFO


America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

JPFO Blasts AJC for 'Ghetto Jew Mentality' in School Shooting

U.S. Newswire
3 Mar 10:55

Jewish Group Blasts AJC for 'Ghetto Jew Mentality' in Grade
School Killing

To: National Desk
Contact: Aaron Zelman of Jews for the Preservation of irearms

Inc., 800-869-1884;
Website: http://www.jpfo.org

HARTFORD, Wis., March 3 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Jews for the
Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) strongly denounced the
March 1 statement issued by the American Jewish Congress (AJC)
which called for more federal victim disarmament laws. The AJC's
statement, responding to the Feb. 29 Michigan grade school
killing, demanded "tough gun control legislation" as the remedy.
Speaking for JPFO, Aaron Zelman called the AJC's demand an
example of "ghetto Jew mentality."

"Turning to a secular central government to solve a parenting
problem shows how morally bankrupt the AJC position is," said
Zelman, JPFO's executive director. "Judaism is about timeless
moral values and strong family structures -- not about calling in
the federal government every time somebody commits a crime."

"By agitating for more victim disarmament laws, the AJC works
against Jewish values. Jews, like everyone else, have a duty to
protect and defend themselves and their families against
violence," Zelman noted. "Turning to a non-Jewish secular
government to save everyone from crime violates Jewish principles
-- it's making the state your god."

Zelman challenged the AJC to affirm traditional values and
morals. "I don't see the AJC actively working to preserve the
Jewish principles of fundamental respect for human life,
punishment of wrongdoers, and clear moral training of children.
The AJC wants the federal government to prevent honest citizens
from having the tools for self-protection, yet the AJC does
nothing to knit the social fabric around God's laws."

Anticipating a flurry of calls for victim disarmament laws,
Zelman criticized the lobbyists who "advance the political agenda
called 'gun control' on the bodies of dead children." He also
noted that the Mount Morris grade school tragedy would get
national media attention, while the thousands of cases of
children being protected by armed defenders go unreported.
"According to Florida State University Professor Gary Kleck's
research, firearms are used to prevent crime nearly 2 million
times per year. Firearms misuse is comparatively rare but grabs
the headlines," Zelman said.

With the AJC's advocating more federal victim disarmament, Zelman
observed that "the AJC ignores both Jewish morality and the
importance of armed self-defense. Historically, that combination
has been lethal for Jews. The AJC certainly demolishes the image
that Jews are smart."

-0- /U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/ 03/03 10:55

Copyright 2000, U.S. Newswire

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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