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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Jay Fenello 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Esther Dyson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mike Roberts 
Subject: More on Media Censorship
Date: Thursday, February 03, 2000 12:12 PM

Where have I heard this before ;-)


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Dung on All Their Houses
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 11:16:49 -0500
From: enrique <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

excerpted from the article:

Toward Freedom Magazine, December / January 2000
Dung on All Their Houses
by Danny Schechter

Group Think in the "News Army"

In the media business, the mechanisms of censorship are now solidly built
into the editorial and program selection process where decisions are made
on what gets covered and how, what news gets on the media, and what's
routinely spiked. Programming formats, which are increasingly the same
across the spectrum of seeming broadcast choice, tend to insure a
conformity and often seamless one-note editorial flow.

Each day, in thousands of newspaper offices and TV newsrooms, editors and
producers gather to make picks from a menu of story possibilities,
assessing pitches from reporters in the field and news running on the wire.
It is there that they decide what to lead with, and what to downplay.
Increasingly, despite the plethora of news sources and the size of the
"news army," there is a sameness of sources and angles.

Like the word processors found on every desk, there is an idea processor at
work, narrowing down what future generations will come to know as the first
draft of history. More and more, those stories revolve around some high
profile "giga-event"-the O.J. Case, the Death of a Princess, Sex Scandal in
the White House, a natural disaster, and so on. Like blackbirds in flight,
packs of reporters darken the sky, moving in swarms at the same speed and
in predictable trajectory. When one lands, they all land. When one leaves,
they all leave.

At first look, it seems as if all of this happens naturally, as if it's
ordained by some higher logic or the way journalists are supposed to
operate. The idea that there is censorship at work here is all too often
considered way offbase. But today, in the media at least, programming is a
verb as well as a noun.

The programmers and channel controllers from all the stations are part of
the same well-paid elite, steeped in the same values, committed to the
mission of maximizing audience share and profits. They are chosen for their
ability to play the game and not challenge the audience with too many
controversial ideas or critical perspectives. It's no surprise that they
circulate easily within the commanding heights of media power, moving from
company to company and job to job.

Personally, they seem more concerned with negotiating their own exit
strategies and stock options than exercising power to fundamentally improve
the range or quality of viewing options. A kind of group think corporate
consensus, steeped in market logic and deeply inbred by an un-brave news
culture, breeds conscience-free conformity and self-censorship. That's
partly why we have so many safe, middle of the road choices on the air, and
why views considered unsafe are marginalized.

Unlike dictators who jail dissidents, they simply ignore them. The mantra
that guides their rejection letters is "Not for Us."


Project Censored, a group that reports on the new censorship, warns that
journalism as we have known it is sinking ever deeper in a sludge of
sleaze, slime, and sensationalism-news that doesn't belong in the news. The
consequence: readers, watchers, and citizens are drowning in both
trivialization and information overload. Independent producers with
something to say have fewer and fewer outlets through which to say it. Not
surprisingly, the findings of Project Censored itself are, in effect,
censored -rarely reported in the mainstream media.

This makes frightening sense in a globalized economy where consumerism is
more desired than active citizenship, where power is increasingly
concentrated and the public is increasingly unwelcome in a public discourse
defined by the powerful. If your goal is to numb people and drive them away
from active participation, then TV as "weapon of mass distraction" and wall
to wall entertainment makes sense. Shut up and shop is the now the message,
one that makes sense to advertiser dominated media outlets...

As the mainstream becomes a mudstream, we have to try to scratch a bit
deeper to understand why "junk food news," stories, and spectacles are
grossly over reported, sensationalized, and hyped out of proportion to
their significance. The problem is institutional. As Peter Phillips, who
directs Project Censored, explains, "The structure of media organizations
themselves are creating latent forms of censorship that are just as
potentially damaging as intentional censorship."

The type of journalism that this leads to is all too clear. All you have to
do is flip the dial and look at the pattern. The same headlines, the
familiar anchors, the packaged formats with their look-alike graphics and
stirring music. The stories revolve around the very important people at the
top, promoting celebrities that the entertainment industries have created
and marketed. The daily fluctuations of the business behemoths are
reported, the lives of ordinary people for most part aren't. There is an
abundance of business channels, including BBC World, which recently
announced an intention to shift to more business news. They measure the
winners and losers, but no labor channels show the human costs.

In an era when content is supposedly king, the connections that would help
us make sense of what's happening are missing -by design. Information is
everywhere; interpretation is absent.

And covered least of all-the media itself, which has gone though structural
shifts, merging into cartel-sized monopolies which treat information as a
subsidiary of entertainment-oriented mega-businesses. Substance is a
casualty of the synergies that these arrangements produce ... endless
tabloidization and suffocating cross-promotional hype.

This is why I and other colleagues worldwide have created "The Media
Channel" (www.mediachannel.org), a global internet supersite as part of
England's OneWorldOnline (www.oneworld.org) to continue to report, discuss,
and encourage action against the new censors and the threat they represent
to media freedom. Your involvement is welcome.



Jay Fenello,
New Media Relations
http://www.fenello.com  770-392-9480
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