-Caveat Lector-

Post Number 80: Movies and Money; for profit, or not?

I have been delaying this Post, but in view of Colorado, perhaps it
is time.  I have little to add to the information... except a short

Several years ago, I met a man and his associates who were interested
in setting up a separate and new movie production company specifically
for G rated movies.  To do this, they needed some advice on economics,
so we sat down and discussed a number of issues.  What the bottom line
came down to was, they understood Hollywood and how it worked,
and they wanted to use the same methods to finance their production
company as is used on Hollywood.

This is where my education started.  Most of the movies made in
Hollywood show no profit for the makers, so they use phony finance
programs designed by dishonest men (for reference, see definition of
bankers in Part VI of my series) to finance virtually all of the
of movies (and television) in Hollywood.  These phony programs are
based on worthless paper which banks turn into derivatives and float into
the loan programs of overextended banks for very high returns.

Once I understood what they wanted to do, I knew there was no way that
they would get the financing in place for their proposed company, and,
of course, they have not.  Not surprising.

One more point before we continue: Hollywood.  Where did it get it’s

Well, the Holly is a tree, and throughout the his-story of the earth,
have used the wood of the Holly tree as their wands for the purposes of
transformations.  Thus, Holly - wood; to transform

Ever wonder why they call it “TV programming?”  Ever wonder who is
being programmed?  I still find it amazing the numbers of people who
on watching the news on TV!  It is called “TELEVISION NEWS

After a movie about a prison escape with a helicopter was shown,
an actual event happened.

After a movie about a greyhound bus being high jacked was shown,
an actual event followed.

After the first guy high hacked a plane and the media gave it endless
coverage, dozens of actual events followed.

After the media kept showing endless footage of school shootings
to boost their ratings, dozens of actual events followed.

Yes, Mr. truth, right and justice for all media man ... in exchange for
ratings and money, you will continue to insight and teach millions of
kids how to do the same thing.

Dear Friends
I found something interesting in the Sunday Visitor (a Catholic
newspaper)   I'm typing it in so you all can read it if you haven't
already .

Everybody knows the folks in Hollywood are just in it for the money, and
they only deliver the movies that people want to pay to see. Right?
If a certain type of movie didn't make money, studio executives would
stop making that kind of movie and produce the kind that do make them
money, wouldn't they?
Those are the questions raised by a major new study by The Dove
Foundation, a nonprofit media watchdog group.
Tracking the profitability of 2,380 widely released films between the
years 1988-97, the organization found that the overwhelming majority of
the movies produced are R-rated, even though the least-produced movies,
those rated G, were by far the most profitable.
During the 10 year period of the study, 55 percent of the movies
released were R-rated, while only 3 percent were rated G.  But G-rated
films produced eight times more gross profit and yielded on average
nearly 80 percent greater return on investment than the average R-rated
The bottom line was clear to Dove head, Dick Rolfe: "If corporate
Hollywood's objective  is to make money for its stockholders, it should
have no problem convincing its creative partners to redirect their
efforts form R to G and PG films, and give the public more of what it
wants --for profits' sake."
Dove is not calling for Hollywood to turn to all kid oriented fare,
Rolfe insisted, saying that great dramas, comedies and mysteries can be
produced without   "naked bodies, exploding heads and filthy language."
The study has been delivered by Dove to every major studio executive in
Hollywood. Others can read it on Dove's web site: www.dove.org.

This sounds reasonable to me, do any of you think things will change?  I
wish they would,   the problem is Hollywood DOES have an agenda.

I rarely post to my "entire: mailing list, but this warrants it.
Apparently, the suicide note the authorities claim to have found
includes a dire warning.  Please read this and forward to your entire
mailing lists :

LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) - Police found what may be a suicide note written
by one of the teen-age gunmen that blames this week's bloody rampage at
a high school on parents, teachers and "your children who have ridiculed

The note, obtained by the Denver Rocky Mountain News, appears to have
been written by Eric Harris the day before he and Dylan Klebold stormed
Columbine High School armed with sawed-off shotguns and homemade bombs.

The two killed 12 students and one teacher before shooting themselves

"By now, it's over. If you are reading this, my mission is complete,"

the note says. It warns against blaming the massacre on the music the
shooters listened to or the clothes they wore, placing the
responsibility with teachers and parents.

 "Your children who have ridiculed me, who have chosen not to accept me,
who have treated me like I am not worth their time are dead. THEY ARE
(expletive) DEAD," the note says.

"I may have taken their lives and my own - but it was your doing.
Teachers, parents,  LET THIS MASSACRE BE ON YOUR

"You may think the horror ends with the bullet in my head, but you
wouldn't be so lucky. All that I can leave you with to decipher what
more extensive death is to come is '12Skizto.' You have until April
26th. Goodbye."

These horribly dangerous individuals have proven in the most horrible
way possible that they must be taken seriously.

I pray to God that whatever it is that they, or the others caught up in
their Godless, self centered, anarchic lifestyle have planned, may be
ferreted out and thwarted.

Gee, I wonder who programmed these “kids” to do this?

The Klintonistas want Littleton to be about race and guns. It's not.
about the INTENTIONAL brainwashing of the children.   The NWO plans to
them of their values and the faith which made us strong.

Read the information on this link to get an idea of PART of the
used on the kids through publiK education.

 <A HREF="http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3720ec1832f9.htm">Littleton,
Colorado, Vanguard School in OBE Experiment

Here is the choice of life: Life is about making choices.  When you quit
learning, you stop making choices, but as long as you are willing to
the choices continue to need to be made.  It is when the choices become
more difficult that most people shut down the learning process and
begin “going along to get along.”  When you accept the “system,” you
are making a choice to go along to get along, and you do stop moving
closer to Him, which requires change.

The choice, as always (it’s called free will), is yours.  I do not know
what purpose God had in putting us here; I have seen many explanations,
but that is not important to me.  What is important is that because we
required to make choices, I understand the command to continue to
learn and change.  I will continue to do so, and at some time, I hope to
understand much more.

Meanwhile, what are doing to your children when you permit, and, for
most, encourage them to watch television?  You are permitting them to be
programmed, just as you are when you permit them to be “educated”
in the public fool system.  You are deliberately limiting their choices,
and then you wonder that they are so desensitized by watching 100
murders a week, that such things as happened in Colorado can occur.
YOU are making your choice, America, and judgment shall follow.

Perhaps there is some reason why Janet Reno considers people who do
not watch TV as cultist...  Or is it, just opposed to the New World

I urge you to pass this post on to others, as they may need to
understand what is going on.  We all have a moral obligation
to help understanding and knowledge spread across America.
"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet
to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them,
that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the
accountable for his blood."  Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV)   <p>

The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance  <p>

I am now selling copies of the book “Strategic Withdrawal; the Peaceful
Solutions Manual.”  If you would like a copy of the paper “Strategic
Withdrawal in a Nutshell,” please E-mail me and request it at
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  In addition, various people around the
country are arranging Seminars for the author of this book.  If you
are interested in seeing a schedule of upcoming events, please let me
know and I will supply the information.  <p>

Is information in this post for real?  I assure you it is.  If you do not
I suggest you begin reading the papers that I have prepared for people
just like you (no cost; no obligation).  There are currently 18 papers in
and they cover health, cancer, nutrition, the Constitution, citizenship,
law, case law, nature, and many other subjects.  Currently, there are at
least 5 doctors, 2 lawyers, 1 judge (that I know of), 3
professors and many others reading the information.  They read because
they are learning; maybe you should as well.  Your first paper will be
about United States citizenship, and what case law says about it.
Case law from the Supreme Court, for instance.  The second
paper is on the Constitution.  <p>

To understand the world around you it is necessary to understand
and one piece of information from Scripture is particularly telling; “the
of money is the root of ALL evil.”  Not some evil; not most evil; ALL
Private courts the IRS uses are simply another way to prey on the
please, do not stay uninformed.  Learn what is really going on in
Learn why the United States government (a corporation [in bankruptcy])
allows abuse of people like the fraudulent IRS.  I will be sending other
I consider important; please pass them on to those you consider in need
information.  Please watch for them.  David  <p>

If you are interested, please E-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and let’s
started!  And for those of you who have been reading and stopped for some
reason, any reason, please continue.  Believe me, the real information
after Part X!  There will be a total of 20 parts, and those who are
are learning much more, and this learning is changing how they look at
world around them, in some ways, drastically.  God Bless, David  <p>

"Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump
up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing
had happened." - Sir Winston Churchill  <p>

When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either
quit being mistaken or cease to be honest.  <p>

Lawyers: 99.9 percent of them give the rest of the profession a bad
name.  <p>

I don't think you can make a lawyer honest by an act of legislation.
You've got
to work on his conscience.  And his lack of conscience is what makes
him a lawyer -- Will Rogers (1879-1935)

It can be said better: When do you know a lawyer is lying?
When his mouth is open.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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