-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...
Friday, March 9, 2001 4:58 p.m.  EST

FBI Blocks NBC Interview With Roger Clinton Pardongate Witnesses

In a sign that serious new Pardongate trouble may be brewing for
the Clintons, the FBI has cordoned off witnesses who claim Roger
Clinton's business partners promised pardons in exchange for

Investigators have blocked NBC hotshot Lisa Myers from
interviewing the family who paid two men claiming to represent
Roger, according to two reporters who broke the story last week.

The FBI has also stopped Myers from interviewing Roger's one-time
prison cellmate, George E.  "Butch" Locke, a former Arkansas
state senator who may be involved in soliciting the pardon

"Lisa Myers is on the story and has not been permitted to
interview Butch today," the Wall Street Journal's John Batchelor
told WABC Radio's Sean Hannity.

Batchelor's partner on the story, Bloomberg News Radio's Paul
Alexander, confirmed that Roger Clinton has a long history with
Locke, which includes the two men doing hard jailtime on cocaine
charges in the 1980s.

"Locke was Roger Clinton's cellmate," Alexander revealed.

But according to Batchelor, "The FBI has stopped NBC as of now.
Right now, they've stopped them."

The family of Guy Lincecum, who claims he made the pardon payoff
in the belief it would buy Roger's influence, had also scheduled
an interview with Myers.  They were forced to cancel on orders
from the FBI.

"All they've got is externals on [the Lincecum's] modest cottage
in Texas.  The FBI has locked everything up," Batchelor said.

"I just got off the phone with a family representative and that's
where I learned that Lisa Myers is on the story and has not been
permitted to interview Butch today," he told Hannity.

Ed Hayes, a lawyer for the Lincecums, has turned over to the FBI
$200,000 in canceled checks made out to CLM LLC.  The intials CLM
reportedly stand for Clinton, Locke and Morton.

Lincecum's brother Garland never received a presidential pardon.

Dickie Morton founded the now defunct company, which Alexander
said was involved in a whole host of suspicious dealings,
including mysterious commodities imports from China.

The FBI is seeking CLM's banking records and phone logs to
determine the extent of Roger Clinton's involvement, Batchelor
and Alexander told Hannity.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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