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From: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NRA Selling-Out Gun Rights?
Date: Monday, March 06, 2000 4:39 AM

----- Original Message -----
From: Weldon Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 4:57 PM
Subject: NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre gives 2nd amendment rights

NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre gives 2nd amendment rights
By Chris W. Stark - Director Gun Owners Alliance
P.O. Box 1924
Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
Ph. 1-281-787-4111  Fax 1-281-328-7505
04 March 2000
Copyright © 2000 by http://www.NealKnox.com
Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert
is left intact in its original state.

Just more hard proof of how we desperately need to elect
staunch pro-gun NRA Board of Directors that will not
compromise our 2nd amendment rights away. LaPierre &
Heston need to be given their walking papers too. To voice
your disgust with NRA policies, first of all, VOTE the
compromisers out by going to
http://www.goa-texas.org/BoD-1.htm (see list below)
then call the NRA and voice your disgust at:

1-800-NRA-3888  or  1-703-267-1000
or e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Editor's Note:  Wayne LaPierre & Charlton Heston 703-267-
1020 fax 703-267-3909)

Additional NRA abuses can be found at

Time to light up Congressional switchboards and apply the
heat! For a list of phone numbers for U.S. House of
Representatives and Senators, go to:



With Respect,

Gun Owners Alliance
Chris W. Stark - Director

#  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #


March 4 Neal Knox Update - President Clinton has called a
meeting for Tuesday with Congressional leaders to demand
passage of his package of gun laws.

On Wednesday, he was on the NBC Today show and CBS
Dan Rather declaring that NRA has a stranglehold on
Congress and is opposed to all gun laws.

On Thursday, NRA E.V.P. Wayne LaPierre was on NBC
Today detailing what all new gun proposals NRA supported.
He listed last June's House-approved gun package which
included a requirement that dealers sell trigger locks with
each handgun, requiring NICS checks on pawn shop
redemption's, banning importation of over-10-round
magazines not included in the 1994 ban, prohibiting
"unsupervised" access by juveniles to "assault weapons" and
high-cap magazines, a lifetime ban on gun ownership for
juveniles convicted of violent offenses, and mandatory
background checks on buyers from gun shows table

While show host Katie Couric wasn't impressed by the list of
gun laws NRA supports,  NRA members lit up NRA's phones
and the Internet, insisting that many of those provisions
violated the Second Amendment.

LaPierre informed Couric that it was the House Democrats,
with White House backing, who killed the entire gun package
because it didn't have Sen. Lautenberg's draconian gun show
background check bill -- which could kill gun shows due to its
almost impossible-to-meet requirements on show sponsors.

Sen. Lautenberg, during a press conferences with Sens.
Richard Durbin and Charles Schumer this week, stated that
his intent was to eliminate gun shows entirely.  His
amendment would go a long ways toward that goal.

With Clinton declaring that his trigger lock package would
have saved the First Grader killed in Michigan -- which is
patently ludicrous since the murder gun was stolen and found
in a crack house -- most of the focus of Tuesday's meeting is
likely to be directed toward trigger locks.

Virginia Rep. Tom Davis, chairman of the Republican House
reelection effort, sponsored the amendment requiring
handguns to be sold with trigger locks or other security
devices last June.  With NRA's blessing, it passed 311-115.

Gov. George Bush said Wednesday that if such a bill came to
his desk he would sign it, but he felt use of such devices
should be up to the homeowner.  He asked if advocates of
requiring trigger locks to be kept installed wanted Federal
"trigger lock police" to assure compliance.

The sticking point in Clinton's package is, as it was last
June, the NRA-backed gun show amendment by Rep. John
Dingell, which would impose workable requirements on gun
show promoters and allow an "Instant Check" to take no
more than 24 hours instead of Lautenberg's five business

Clinton is again unlikely to allow the NRA-backed package to
pass unless it has the NRA-opposed Lautenberg's gun show
amendment, for he wants to keep the gun issue alive,
particularly "trigger locks."

However, if the press begins to report the political game-
playing over trigger locks, Clinton and the Republican
leadership, at least Speaker Dennis Hastert and Judiciary
Chairman Henry Hyde -- might yet agree to pass the trigger
lock bill and the other NRA-backed provisions.

The reaction of other House Republicans, led by Majority
Leader Dick Armey and Whip Tom Delay, and the 40 or so
pro-gun Democrats, led by Rep. Dingell, is a bigger question.

Clinton may well figure that he has more than enough other
pending gun law demands to take nine-tenths of a loaf now,
but I don't expect that to happen until he's had a few more
months to wring the maximum crocodile political tears out of
trigger locks.

Isn't it amazing that a reportedly recent Houston sharpened
screwdriver murder of one grade school kid by another has
had no national publicity?  And that this week's killing of two
women by three American kids who heaved large rocks off a
highway overpass in Germany, has gone almost unnoticed?

Please use the ballot in your March NRA magazines, and
urge your friends and fellow voting NRA members to double
the power of their ballots, by voting only for these 13

Sally Brodbeck
Weldon Clark
William Dominguez
David Gross
Fred Gustafson
Michael Kindberg
Joe Olson
Frank Sawberger
Tom Seefeldt
John Trentes
Miles Ugarkovich
Glen Voorhees
Neal Knox

The biographies of our candidates can be seen on:

Our gun rights depend on who is at the helm of NRA.

Yours for the Second Amendment,

NEAL (s)

Neal Knox

P.S.  For a copy of LaPierre's Denver speech, or other
corroborating information, send a self-addressed stamped
envelope.  And please, if you can, send a few dollars to print
and mail more copies of this letter.
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