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E. Europe Leaders Vow United Region

By Magdalena Kulig
Associated Press Writer
Sunday, March 12, 2000; 12:30 PM

GNIEZNO, Poland –– On the 1,000th anniversary of a meeting that affirmed the
first independent Polish state, presidents from central and eastern Europe
expressed their desire to build a united Europe without xenophobia or

The leaders of Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and Lithuania attended at the
invitation of Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and the country's
influential Roman Catholic Church.

"We, the presidents of the five states, solemnly confirm our deep attachment
to the common roots of European civilization," they said in a joint statement
Kwasniewski read in front of hundreds of people outside the Gothic
double-towered Gniezno Cathedral.

Czech President Vaclav Havel was forced to stay home, suffering from
bronchitis. Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma also canceled because of a
weekend coal mine explosion that killed 81 miners.

The leaders attending the event pledged respect for "tolerance, peace and
international solidarity," and appealed "to the nations of Europe to
consistently and adamantly oppose all manifestations of hatred, xenophobia,
racism, aggressive nationalism and extremism."

They also stressed that the present good relations among their nations proved
that "bad and tragic pages of our common history can be overcome if there
exists a will to act in the spirit of reconciliation, partnership and good

Later Sunday, during a one-hour television debate, they shared their concern
about the growing skepticism toward European integration that has replaced
early enthusiasm on both sides of the vanished Iron Curtain.

Part of the debate focused on the inclusion of a far-right party in Austria's

"The European Union is a community of values, it is not only a common
market," said German President Johannes Rau, explaining the EU's decision to
impose sanctions on Austria's new government.

Hungarian President Arpad Goencz said all European nations have to be able to
face their past, because "what happened in Austria can be repeated elsewhere"
without honest reflection about history.

Earlier, the presidents, along with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal
Angelo Sodano and regional church leaders, took part in an ecumenical service.

The meeting commemorates the Gniezno Congress of the year 1000, which brought
together Germany's emperor, papal envoys and their host, King Boleslaw I
Chrobry – the man who first united a group of Slavonic tribes into the Polish

The European leaders gathered at the grave of St. Adalbert, an early advocate
of European unity who traveled through the region as a missionary.

St. Adalbert, who is also known by his Polish name, St. Wojciech, was killed
by pagans in Gdansk and buried by King Boleslaw in Gniezno, Poland's first

In 1000, German Emperor Otto III came to Gniezno to pray at the shrine and
meet with Boleslaw. Under Otto's agreement, an independent Polish church was
set up and given the right to turn directly to Rome for protection, shielding
it from German influence.

In 1997, presidents of the seven central and eastern European nations joined
Polish-born Pope John Paul II in Gniezno to commemorate the 1,000th
anniversary of St. Adalbert's death.

© 2000 The Associated Press

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