-Caveat Lector-


New York Daily News - http://www.nydailynews.com

Author who claims 9/11 attack was faked coming to NYC

Monday, December 2nd, 2002

A French author who suggests that the Sept. 11 attacks were concocted by a faction of 
U.S. military is planning to promote his book on a tour that will begin in New York 

The English title of Thierry Meyssan’s book is “9-11, The Big Lie,” which also 
suggests that
the Pentagon was hit by an American missile, and not American Airlines Flight 77. USA
Books, a subsidiary of the book’s French publisher, says he could launch the tour as 
early as
this month.

The dates have not been finalized yet, according to Asad Lalljee, of USA Books, but the
publicity blitz is likely to include interviews with several major television news 
shows that
have expressed interest. The tour also may include speaking engagements, Lalljee said.

The French press ridiculed the book, but it became a best seller in France for three 
The English version has not seen the same success on the best seller lists, but 
Lalljee said
5,000 copies have sold “without any marketing” in the past six weeks since it was made

“We do anticipate great demand,” Lalljee said.

In the book, Meyssan suggests that the attacks were schemed in order to promote a U.S.
military agenda that included waging war in Afghanistan.

When asked what did happen to Flight 77 and the 59 passengers and crew aboard, he says
it’s “one of the questions I don’t have a response for.” But he says that the shape of 
gash in the Pentagon, where 125 people were killed, is not consistent with an airliner.

In a book refuting Meyssan’s theories, authors Guillaume Dasquie and Jean Guisnel said 
some French “adore these cranks telling them that they are victims of plots, that the 
truth is
being hidden from them, that one must not accept the official version.”

The U.S. Defense Department has called the allegations in the book “more than 

Lt. Col. Ken McClellan, a Defense Department spokesman, said Monday he was “appalled”
that Meyssan is planning a U.S. visit.

“Certainly there’s a market for any sort of trivialization of history,” McClellan 
said. “That
doesn’t make it less of a tragedy.”

Meyssan, an activist with his own left-wing association called the “Voltaire Network,” 
he did not actually travel to the United States to investigate his theories, but had
researchers working for him. He said much of his book is based on public documents,
newspaper articles and the Internet.

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