-Caveat Lector-


Eye Ex-Dem Chief In Clemency Votes Probe

Daily News Staff Writer

A federal probe of possible presidential clemency for votes in
New Square, Rockland County, has zeroed in on a fallen Democratic
leader who was close to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, sources said

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White wants to know whether
former Rockland Democratic leader Paul Adler let Clinton or her
Senate campaign aides know that the Hasidim of New Square wanted
clemency for four of their members convicted of fraud, said two
sources familiar with the probe.

The leadership of the New Square Hasidim had long made it clear
they wanted a pardon for the four men. The town voted 1,400 to 12
for Clinton. Paul Adler

The former First Lady has not categorically denied knowing about
the Hasidim's interest in a pardon before the election, although
she has said the subject was not mentioned when she made a
campaign stop in New Square in August.

In December, she participated in a White House meeting with
representatives of the community when they pressed then-President
Bill Clinton for a pardon, but she has insisted she said nothing
on the subject.

Two weeks ago, the FBI subpoenaed two boxes of documents from the
Rockland County Democratic Party ‹ all of which had to do with

The county's new Democratic leader, Vincent Monte, said he turned
over to the FBI yesterday a raft of documents related exclusively
to Adler.

The subpoena requested "computer records, e-mails, notes,
correspondence, memoranda, calendars, diaries, journals,
correspondence, pickup or delivery receipts, telephone records
and messages authored by and or maintained by or received by Paul

Monte said the records he submitted, however, contained mostly
telephone records and little of substance.

He said Adler did not turn over to the party much of the material
mentioned by the FBI, including written agendas and e-mails that
could show whether party or campaign officials knew about the
clemency issue in the heat of the campaign.

Sources said the FBI wants to know whether Adler or one of his
aides mentioned New Square clemency to the First Lady or one of
her aides before Election Day.

That could bolster a case connecting the request for clemency to
the New Square Hasidic community's overwhelming vote for her.

Adler also is seen as a possible key to the investigation because
he is vulnerable.

Last month, he pleaded guilty to tax charges that could land him
in prison for up to five years.

He is scheduled to be sentenced in May.

If he can provide information to the FBI in the New Square probe,
he conceivably could see his term reduced.

Adler's lawyer, Murray Richman, said, "My client was not involved
in that at all." He added that Adler has not been approached by
the FBI.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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