-Caveat Lector-


Agents pay visit to New Square


Original publication: March 13, 2001

FBI agents recently visited New Square and may have questioned at
least one high-ranking official as part of their investigation
into whether Hillary Rodham Clinton influenced her husband to
reduce the sentences of four New Square men convicted of stealing
$40 million from federal anti-poverty programs.

The village's chief spokesman said yesterday that he had been
told that FBI agents had visited the Ramapo community, but could
not say for whom the agents were looking.

The FBI agents wanted to speak to someone who lives on Garfield
Road, Police Officer Gerald Ryan said yesterday. The agents had
gone to the Ramapo police about two weeks ago for directions to
New Square Village Hall on Route 45 and Garfield Road.

"They said they were looking for an individual with a street
address on Garfield Road,'' Ryan said. "They also wanted to know
where they could find Village Hall and how they could then get to

One person who lives on Garfield Road is Deputy Mayor Israel
"Izzy" Spitzer.

Spitzer had accompanied New Square Grand Rabbi David Twersky to
the White House on Dec. 22, when the Hasidic Jewish community's
leader met with Bill and Hillary Clinton. It was during that
meeting in the White House Map Room that the grand rabbi asked
the president to consider clemency for the four men sentenced to
federal prison.

The White House meeting between the rabbi and the Clintons came
six weeks after New Square residents voted 1,400-12 for Hillary
Clinton over her Republican opponent, Rick Lazio, for U.S
senator. The grand rabbi had met with Hillary Clinton and many
local politicians on Aug. 7 at his home in New Square.

U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White and the FBI are investigating whether
Hillary Clinton and her husband agreed to the reduced sentences
before the U.S. Senate election in exchange for reduced sentences
for the men. Sen. Clinton has denied any wrongdoing.

The four men were convicted in 1999 of conspiring with other New
Square residents to steal millions over a 20-year period from
anti-poverty programs for education, housing and small business.
They also set up private schools with phantom students. Three
other people, including a former trustee who was a founder of New
Square and adviser to the grand rabbi, have fled prosecution.

Monsey Rabbi Mayer Schiller, the community's chief spokesman,
said yesterday that Spitzer would be a likely person for the
agents to contact.

"It would be logical,'' Schiller said, adding that the whole
investigation itself made little sense. Schiller maintained that
community leaders did not promise Hillary Clinton the village's
bloc vote in exchange for the reduction in sentences for the four

"This whole thing is bizarre and a wild-goose chase to try and
find some evidence of a deal between the Clintons and New
Square,'' Schiller said. "They are not going to find what does
not exist. All this is coming at the taxpayers' expense. But they
call the shots.''

Spitzer did not return telephone messages left at his house or
Village Hall. His lawyer, Sam Rosenthal, declined to comment
yesterday on the federal investigation. FBI spokesman Joseph
Valiquette and White spokesman Herbert Hadad also declined to
comment yesterday.

White's office and the FBI have scheduled meetings with Rockland
elected officials who attended the Aug. 7 meeting between Hillary
Clinton and the rabbi. They include Assemblyman Sam Colman,
D-Monsey, and Legislature Chairman Ilan Schoenberger, D-Wesley
Hills. Assemblyman Alex Gromack, who also attended the meeting,
has declined to comment on the matter.

Prosecutors issued a grand jury subpoena for Rockland Democratic
Party records during the past five years as part of the inquiry.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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