New York Post-August 31, 2000


When should New Yorkers get to hear the final word on Whitewater
- before or after the November election?

If the answer sounds obvious, that's because it is: New Yorkers,
and everyone else, ought to find out what Independent Counsel
Robert Ray has to say on the matter as soon as he reaches a
conclusion - and not a moment later.

If his findings affect the election's outcome - well, all the
better, we say.

The country has waited four years for a conclusion on Whitewater.
It would be a sorry shame if Ray couldn't produce a finding by
Election Day. And, as Ray himself notes, it would be
"manipulative" of the political system to reach a conclusion
before November - but then withhold it until after the vote.

Commendably, Ray now says he intends to issue his findings a few
weeks before the election, possibly as early as mid-September.
His report won't call for an indictment, but it might well cast
yet more doubt on Hillary Clinton's honesty, specifically with
respect to her role as a lawyer for such Arkansas clients as
Madison Guaranty and Trust.

The news would land just as New Yorkers get set to go to the
polls to decide if she deserves to be their senator.

Would the timing be fair? Sure, it would have been nice to have
the report earlier, but to wait until after the election would
deny New Yorkers a complete picture of Candidate Clinton.

Ironically, a pre-election statement might actually help Hillary.
"New Yorkers have already made up their minds about this," Mrs.
Clinton's spokesman, Howard Wolfson, said, dismissing the chance
of negative fallout. He might be right. Voters are weary of the
Clinton-Gore scandals. Ray has already accused Hillary of lying
in Travelgate. And New Yorkers already have caught Hillary in so
many lies they hardly need another report to know what she is.

So more evidence about the first lady's lack of integrity might
indeed prompt sympathy for her.

Well, so be it.

New Yorkers are free to decide whether they want a liar to
represent them in Washington. But the full extent of the lies
ought to be known - before November. Then the chips will fall
where they may.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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