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Independent (UK):

                               Nato accused of violating international law
                               in Kosovo

                               By Andrew Marshall in Washington

                               7 February 2000

                               Nato breached international law in its air
attacks on Yugoslavia
                               last year, a respected human rights body says
in a report
                               issued today.

                               The report, by Human Rights Watch, is
particularly critical of
                               the use of cluster-bombs. The United States
stopped using
                               the munitions halfway through the war, but
Britain continued
                               using them, raising serious issues about the
                               concern for civilian casualties.

                               Nato killed at least 500 civilians during the
Kosovo conflict, the
                               report concludes after visits to the sites of
many of the attacks.
                               "Human Rights Watch has found no evidence of
war crimes," it
                               says. But, it adds, "the investigation did
conclude that Nato
                               violated international humanitarian law".

                               The report says that Nato may have breached
the Geneva
                               Convention in five areas: it conducted air
attacks using
                               cluster-bombs near populated areas; attacked
targets of
                               questionable military legitimacy; did not take
                               measures to warn civilians of strikes; took
                               precautions to identify the presence of
civilians when attacking
                               mobile targets; and caused excessive civilian
casualties by not
                               taking sufficient measures to verify that
targets did not have
                               concentrations of civilians.

                               Most of the attacks resulted from missing
military targets. But
                               "nine incidents were a result of strikes on
non-military targets
                               that Human Rights Watch believes were
illegitimate", including
                               Serb Radio and Television in Belgrade.

                               At least one-fifth of those who died were
killed by
                               cluster-bombs, which spray bomblets over a
wide area.
                               "Overall, cluster-bomb use by the United
States and Britain can
                               be confirmed in seven incidents throughout
                               [another five are possible butunconfirmed],"
the report says.
                               "Some 90 to 150 civiliansdied from the use of
these weapons."

                               It reveals the United States stopped using the
weapons after a
                               hitherto secret presidential order.
"Widespread reports of
                               civilian casualties from the use of
cluster-bombs and
                               international criticism of these weapons as
                               indiscriminate, in effect, led ... to an
unprecedented US
                               executive order in the middle of May to cease
their further use
                               in the conflict," the report says. "The White
House issued the
                               order only days after civilians were killed by
                               cluster-bombs in the city of Nis on May 7."

                               But Britain, according to the RAF's own
reports, continued to
                               use the weapons. "Cluster-bombs should not
have been used
                               in attacks in populated areas, let alone urban
targets, given the
                               risks," it says. "Nevertheless, the [RAF]
continued to drop
                               cluster-bombs, indicating the need for
universal, not national,
                               norms regarding cluster-bomb use." The report
also says
                               there is "some evidence" Yugoslav forces used
civilians as
                               human shields.

                               The body calls on Nato to "establish an
independent and
                               impartial commission ... that would ...
consider the need to
                               alter targeting and bombing doctrine to ensure
                               with international humanitarian law".

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