-Caveat Lector-

20:10 2001-11-15


“What are you doing for dinner tonight?” the young Nazi girl asked your
humble correspondent at a recent demonstration against Israel. “Feel like
going drinking with a bunch of skinheads?” It wasn’t my thing. But the
invitation alone would seem a mystery – only five months ago I’d reported,
erroneously, that this young girl was addicted to heroin. (I’d been fooled
by a rumor planted by a rival Nazi) But now she was smiling and looking for
a date – and why not? The communists that had come to demonstrate against
“fascism” had dwindled to less than a dozen, and her group was reaping the
fruits of openly challenging a traditional American taboo – in the wake of
September 11, her National Alliance demonstration against Israel had drawn a
dozen reporters, three television stations, and shown Washington’s left that
there was a new force in town. My “cute”-ness and good looks probably also
didn’t hurt.

Call it an unintended side effect of the World Trade Center attacks. Think
of it as a form of domestic Blowback. Since Muslims blew up the New York
World Trade Center and the Pentagon in protest of America’s support for
Israel, it’s support of “moderate” Muslim regimes so they won’t attack
Israel, and it’s blockade of Iraq to keep it from becoming a regional
competitor to Israel, the National Alliance has been the only voice on the
American political landscape to both protest America’s foreign policy,
protest the new anti-civil liberties measures, and to connect those issues
with America’s Jewish minority – the group that all political observers know
have foisted these policies on America, but which no political observers
will speak about. Its honesty has brought it profit. A group that beforehand
had, according to a recent public statement, had 170,000 people a week
downloading its radio broadcasts, now reports that traffic has doubled –
presumably to more than 340,000 downloads per week – and that its
membership, which had already begun to pick up after decades of slump, is
skyrocketing – tripling in new applications since the attacks.

It is also seeing its politics changing. Despite decades of advocating
racial separation and denouncing democracy and the idea of free speech, the
free press, and civil rights, after the 9-11 attacks, the National Alliance
made the following demands of Israel: “Stop the institutionalized racism
which treats non-Jews born in Israel as second-class citizens … Allow true
freedom of religion for people of all faiths in Israel … Allow true freedom
of speech and assembly for all people in Israel. … and Accept responsibility
for the fact that Israel's terrorist actions against the Palestinians and
others are the direct cause of acts of terrorism against the United States!”

Even their leader, Dr William Pierce, has adopted a conciliatory tone,
stating in a recent radio broadcast that:

“I certainly have never been pro-Arab or pro-Muslim, but … we need have no
fundamental conflict with Arabs or Muslims, because they are in their part
of the world and we are in ours. They have their religion and their way of
life, and we have ours. Because we are separate and both of us would like to
stay that way, we need have no conflict. … Really, there is no reason for us
to hate each other … Separation and non-interference make good neighbors.”
This from a man that once write a book describing how all non-white people
in America would be rounded up into canyons and executed in mass graves.

So while September 11 has changed the world, has it also changed the
National Alliance? And if not, will the same policies that have kept
Alliance growth minimal in the past boomerang back against their current
surge in support? To understand these questions it is necessary to first
look a bit into history.

>From American Nazi Party to National Alliance In 1958 George Lincoln
Rockwell, a World War II and Korean War-era Commander in the United States
Navy, launched the American Nazi Party as a statement of his disillusionment
with other conservative groups – like the John Birch Society and William
Buckley’s National Review – which he had dealt with in the 1954 – 1958
period, and which he felt were not addressing the “Jewish issue”. His first
act of protest was a demonstration outside the White House, where his
followers carried banners reading “Save Ike From The Kikes”. His last act
was to drive down to a laundromat in August 1967, where he was assassinated
by a former member. William Pierce, a physics professor in Oregon, first saw
Rockwell on TV in 1963, and in 1964 he joined Rockwell, working on the
production of the National Socialist World newspaper. In 1965, he left his
teaching position in Oregon to support Rockwell full-time. Though never a
formal member of the group, Pierce was valued by Rockwell for his intellect.
Other members of the group saw things differently. Pierce refused to attend
public demonstrations held by the organization, and was viewed by many of
the other members as a pure academic who feared physical confrontation. In
contrast, Pierce viewed most of these other members as “defective” people,
and held their personal quality responsible for the failure of Rockwell’s

After Rockwell’s death, as various factions within the American Nazi Party,
now re-christened the National Socialist White People’s Party, fought for
control of the organization, Pierce wandered off to join Willis Carto in
founding the Youth for Wallace campaign, a political group supporting the
presidential aspirations of segregationist George Wallace. After the Wallace
presidential bid failed, Pierce transitioned the group into the “National
Youth Alliance” and took control of the organization with the help of some
other former American Nazi Party members. In 1971, Carto accused Pierce of
stealing his mailing list and using it to slander him; Pierce’s break with
Carto had occurred.

In 1974 the National Youth Alliance dropped the word “Youth” and became the
National Alliance – Pierce, then 36, was a bit old for “youth”. In 1985,
Pierce bought a 346-acre farm for $95,000 cash, intended as a base for his
Church of Cosmotheism – a religious movement Pierce had started in 1977.
Originally intended as a religious retreat and commune for the religion’s
members, the ADL, an offshoot of the semi-Masonic B’nai B’rith Lodge,
attacked Pierce’s religious tax-exempt status and prevailed in courts,
causing Pierce to abandon the Church idea and convert the property formally
to a base for the National Alliance.

Membership in the Alliance from the early 1980s through the mid 1990s was
essentially flat. A report issued by the ADL indicated that no more than
1500 individuals had passed through the membership of Pierce’s group in that
period, and at least half of those had not been retained. However, in the
mid-1990s, due to the efforts of groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center
and the ADL, Pierce began to attract national media attention, and his
membership figures began to increase geometrically. One of Pierce’s smartest
moves was selling the rights to his 1979 novel the Turner Diaries to Jewish
publisher Lyle Stuart, owner of Barricade Books, publisher of works such as
the Anarchist Cookbook. After selling these rights, a number of Jewish
organizations immediately moved to promote Pierce’s book, stating that it
was the inspiration behind the Oklahoma City bombing. This new-found fame
was the spark of mainstream media coverage of Pierce, which propelled
readers of newspapers to Pierce’s website, http://www.natall.com, where they
began to download his radio broadcasts. Pierce is an intelligent man, and
his broadcasts, which are only carried on shortwave and a handful of US
AM-FM radio stations, began to attract a national audience they otherwise
could never have reached.

Explosive Growth

The National Alliance’s membership numbers are picking up. A group that
attracted less than 1500 in 1994 was issuing a membership book numbered just
under 3000 in year 2000. By mid-2001, it had issued a membership book
numbered just under 3500. According to sources within the Alliance, new
members have tripled in rate since September 11. Pravda estimates that, if
this is true, by the end of the year the group will have had 4500 members
since its inception, of which between 2250 and 2750 will be “active”. In
comparison, Rockwell’s group never had more than 100 “stormtroopers” at any
given point.

The growth has also been reflected in increasing income and increasing
profits from the music label Resistance Records, which Pierce purchased in
2000. Pierce’s group charges each member a $10 monthly membership free,
bringing in about $15,000 a month, or $180,000/year. Sales of Resistance
Records were estimated by the ADL to be approximately $70/order, with 50,000
orders processed per year, for a gross revenue of $3.5 million. Since much
of Pierce’s labor is under-market, and the cost of producing Cd’s is
relatively low, it is estimated that $1.5 - $2 million of that per year is
profit. According to Alliance sources, sales have increased at least 150%
since the 9-11 bombing. Post 9-11, it can be expected that Pierce will bring
in $2.25 - $3 million in profits per year from the label alone. Pierce also
has a substantial income based on contributions from a number of wealthy
individuals that may supplement his income by as much as $1 million,
according to various discussions that have been published on the internet,
and derives some small profits through his book distributorship, National
Vanguard Books. All in all, it appears that Pierce’s pre-September 11 gross
revenues of as much as $5 million annually may have increased to as much as
$7 million as a result of the attacks – with as much as $4 million of that
being netted on top his group’s operating expenses. In comparison, a group
like the Southern Poverty Law Center, an anti-hate organization opposed to
Pierce, draws in $22 million in annual revenue and has approximately $200
million in reserves. Pierce’s growth has both concerned and frightened
groups like the SPLC. In a July interview with the Associated Press, the
Center’s Mark Potok said that Pierce, because of his money, wealth, fame,
and popular support, had become virtually untouchable. Six years before, the
SPLC had won an $80,000 judgment against Pierce, claiming he wrongfully
attempted to shelter a property belonging to a defendant the SPLC had won a
large judgment against. Pierce paid the judgment in cash.

Source of Income (per annum) Pre - 9/11
Post - 9/11
Membership Dues $0.18 mil
$0.30 mil
Resistance Records $3.50 mil
$5.25 mil
Donations $1.00 mil
$1.00 mil
$4.68 mil
$6.55 mil

A late note on these figures: Billy Roper, National Alliance Membership
Director, asked to comment on this portion of the article, states that this
estimate of Resistance Record’s current income is “a bit higher than we
actually bring in currently, but not unreasonably so” and that our estimate
of their membership is “a lot closer than the SPLC's estimates and indicate
to me that you have better sources than they do.”

Hendrik Moebus

To show this new found strength, the National Alliance has launched a series
of highly public demonstrations in the nation’s capital. The response has
been impressive – the anti-racist left, amazed that the demonstrations are
even occurring, have been unable to effectively mobilize against them, and
the Alliance’s choice of high-profile targets has brought them significant

Of the two most recent demonstrations, the first most notable has been
against the German Embassy in the deportation case of Hendrik Moebus, the
German “Satansmoerder” – Satanic Killer – who went into exile in America
after being accused of violating his probation and German speech laws, and
who was subsequently hired by Pierce to help build Resistance Records’
international presence. Moebus and two friends killed a fifteen year old
classmate in 1994. He went to prison in Germany, where he served four years
of a six year sentence and was released in 1998. In 1999, he was solicited
by the police of the German state of Thuringia as an informant. He refused,
and in revenge was charged later that year with violating German
thought-crime laws. In December of 1999 he fled to America, where he spent
some time with the White Order of Thule before making his way to the
compound of the National Alliance in June of 2000. In August of 2000, Moebus
was arrested by US Marshals on an extradition warrant. (for a more detailed
background on Moebus, check out the previous article by this correspondent,
“Satan’s Thule” --

Moebus was denied his full appeals, and the Alliance took to the streets in
protest. On July 29, Mussolini’s birthday and the day of Moebus’ final
extradition, approximately 100 supporters of the Alliance and Mark
Cotterill’s American Friends of the British Nationalist Party appeared at
the embassy waving flags and banners calling for free speech in Germany, the
release of Hendrik Moebus, and the continued legal status of the National
Democratic Party, a far-right German organization. Describing the protest in
the Süddeutsche Zeitung, writer Adrian Kreye wrote (translated from the

“Ropers’ men, the neo-Nazis, right-wing extremists and skinheads, gathered
themselves in a proper and disciplined manner before the German Embassy, in
the wealthy portion of Northwest Washington. Most were in suits and tie.
They carried flags with the runes of the National Alliance, with the
old-English cross of the American Friends Of the British National Party,
with posters supporting the NPD and slogans written in English and German.
For the few passer-bys, who went past on Sunday afternoon here, they looked
like respectable citizens.”

The demonstration was almost immediately attacked by club and tire-iron
wielding “anti-haters” who managed to bloody Alliance Membership Director
Billy Roper before being hauled off by police. But beyond that initial burst
of anger, the left’s response was weak. While anti-racists typically out
number racists three to one or more at demonstrations, here the groups
Anti-Racist Action and Left Turn barely drew and even crowd. The Alliance
was also aggressive and
confident, and as confrontational as the left, something the left was not
used to. Despite their after rally speeches of encouragement, the leftists
were confused.

There were ironies in the left response as well – ironies such as the fact
that the anti-racist rally had been primarily organized by National Alliance
press releases. Though it sounds strange, the National Alliance organizers
had worked overtime lobbying anti-racist groups to come out and protest,
making sure that the confrontation they would bring would bring the Alliance
more press. The tactic worked. The demonstration was covered in both major
Washington papers the next day.

No Jews = No War

If the German Embassy demonstration was a success, the Israeli Embassy
demonstration, held November 10, was a rout. This time the Alliance not only
foiled the tire-iron ambush, conducted by the same group of youths, but saw
a demoralized leftist demonstration dwindle from small to literally nothing
as it retreated from the field in defeat. Such things have never been seen
before in DC. Organized as the American Against Terrorism Committee, the
Alliance brought out 60 people to demonstrate, and were accompanied by about
a dozen reporters, including 3 TV station, writers from Harpers and USA
Today, a German paper, and, of course, Pravda. The leftists quickly seemed
upset that the Alliance forces were getting the lion’s share of attention,
and sent out representatives to contact reporters. Matt Bowles, and
organizer for a Palestinian-support group, had this to say:

Bowles: “Hey, are you a reporter?”

Pravda: “Yes.”

Bowles: “Would you like an interview?”

Pravda: “No, I think I know what’s going on.”

Bowles: “Well, I’d like to make a statement anyway.”

Pravda: “Ok. If you must …”

Bowles: “I just want to say that we oppose the Nazi appropriation of the
Palestinian cause and the attempt by Nazis to align themselves with the

Pravda: “Um … okay.”

The one Palestinian in attendance agreed with Bowles view:

“They want to make it about Jews. It isn’t about Jews. It is about land.
They are just using our cause, and it is infuriating.”

But what was most infuriating for the anti-Alliance forces was the impotence
of their demonstration – so infuriating that within an hour the
“anti-racist” crowd, organized by the Baltimore-based Anti-Fascist Action
and the International Socialist Organization splinter group Left Turn, had
dwindled from 60 in number down to 8, and had little presence left but one
angry blonde college girl from nearby American University attempting to yell
obscenities across the police line – though the aforementioned six youths
with clubs had left only to lie in wait around a corner, where they again
attempted to attack the Alliance as they left, but were this time run down
by the horses of a mounted police unit.

All in all, the day was a victory for the Alliance – and it was interesting
to see how the Zionist press reacted the next day. The Moonie-owned
Washington Times ignored the rally. The Jewish-owned Washington Post ran a
photo of the rally, but declined to use the pejorative “Nazi” in describing
the demonstrators, refused to print the name of their organization, the
National Alliance, and played down the anti-Jewish theme of the rally,
ignoring the majority of signs, which carried statements like “No Jews = No
War” and Ariel Sharon’s quote on “Jewish control” of the American
government. The press didn’t feel comfortable covering the rally for what it
was, and that too was a type of victory.


Despite their recent success, the National Alliance still has challenges to
overcome. One is the nagging attempts by others on the right to recruit away
their membership. Another is the proclivity of some of their members towards
dysfunctional lifestyles. The third involves basic issues of honesty,
internal organization, and the need to expound a positive political program.
All three have hurt the Alliance in the past, and threaten to hold the
Alliance back in the future.

Though perhaps the least of their concerns, the efforts by others on the
right to confront and recruit away from the Alliance have been perceived by
Alliance members as a major issue for quite a while. Harold Covington, a
rival National Socialist and former Rhodesian military man who heads the
modern version of the National Socialist White People’s Party, has this to
say about his former party comrade:

“The … right wing con game the National Alliance … rake[s] in the shekels by
PRETENDING TO BE [AN] ORGANIZATION which [is] actually doing something,
instead of what they are – [a] weirded out personality cult and mail order
business to support William Pierce … Like American society as a whole, the
racial right has become almost completely corrupt. … [I]t has become
impossible for anyone not to acknowledge, at least privately, the near
certainty that William L. Pierce has been a Federal asset and informant for
at least ten years.” Richard Barrett, who runs an organization called the
Nationalist Movement that, admittedly, often puts out press releases
suggesting they are not fully attached to reality, has been another activist
of concern. Regarding Pierce, Barrett has the following to say:

“Mr. Pierce is a terrorist under criminal investigation by the Justice
Department. He has been successfully sued and poses a threat to the security
of anyone who might be in conspiracy with him…. [He] is a terrorist, who has
been involved in sordid undertakings. His associates have been jailed for
criminal activities and he is under investigation, even now. … He is, of
course, also an atheist and a Hitler-worshiper, which has no market among
the American people. … Contacts with him or anyone associated with him would
be like having sexual relations with an AIDS-carrier.”

Both of these individuals, though, have exerted their pressure on the
Alliance mainly through sniping on the internet and over email, and have
little access to the larger mainstream audience that the Alliance recruits
from. If the Alliance succeeds in moving out of the political ghetto of
“hate”-fulness and into the broader mainstream of politics, it is likely
that the influence these groups will be able to have on their Alliance and
their membership will drop to null.

Of greater concern is the proclivity of much of the Alliance’s existing
cadre towards dysfunctional lifestyles. As their Chairman William Pierce put
it in the April 2001 issue of their National Alliance Bulletin, commenting
on their annual national meeting, the “Leadership Conference”: “We have … a
few members who really belong in the Ku Klux Klan instead of the Alliance:
those who primarily see the Leadership Conference as an opportunity to get
drunk with like-minded spirits after the meeting. … I am afraid that the
soft and comfortable living in America has affected our members as much as
it had the general public. … [W]e have no room in our organization for White
trash: for hobbyists, for drunks and drifters, for born losers, for the
immoral and the irresponsible and the weak, for exhibitionists, for the
lukewarm and the wavering.”

Ex-members have had similar criticisms. In 1998 Kirsten Kaiser, ex-wife of
Alliance organizer Kevin Strom, and a woman whom other members of the group
describe as “weird”, told the following to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s
Intelligence Report: “[T]here is something wrong with everybody I know in
the movement. Nobody has a regular job, nobody has a regular
[non-mail-order] wife. They don’t have girlfriends, they don’t have cars
that work, they don’t have any health insurance. They don’t have a real

Petty criminality has also plagued the Alliance. Earlier this year, one
member was arrested in a highly publicized shoot out with the police in
Indiana. Another was arrested in New York for stockpiling illegal weapons.
An associate of the Alliance, the aforementioned Mark Cotterill, came under
investigation for tax and immigration fraud and money laundering scams. One
Alliance member came under investigation for attempted murder after police
found evidence he had cut the brake line in another member’s car as part of
a political ploy to take a state-wide leadership spot. Despite dedicating an
entire chapter of its membership handbook to the identification and
exclusion of “defectives”, it appears the Alliance has not fully managed to
avoid them.

Which brings up the last issue the group faces – issues of honesty, of
organization, and institutional culture. Questions of the group’s platform
and whether or not it wants a mass movement still haunt it.

To the public, the National Alliance claims to not be a National Socialist
organization, but this is an outright lie. According to page 120 and 121 of
the book, in answer to the question is the National Alliance a neo-Nazi
group?", members are instructed to tell “Couch Potatoes” that:

"'No, I am not a Nazi, and the National Alliance is not a Nazi

While instructing members that with non-“Couch Potatoes”:

"We are obliged to explore the question more deeply, and in so doing we have
an opportunity to use one of the catchiest ideas of all: the idea of
National Socialism."


"It is also wrong for us to shut our minds to the eternal truths embodied in
the National Socialist idea: they are the truths upon which our own creed is

This kind of obfuscation seems to primarily be a means the Alliance uses to
avoid putting out a specific political program of any kind. Thought their
literature does revolve around broad concepts such as “racial purity” and an
“essentially religious order” to society, no National Alliance literature,
internal or external, lays out any specifics as to what those terms mean, or
what a future, Alliance-organized society would look like. Concurrently,
Pravda has found many National Alliance members have difficulty in
discussing political, economic, or social topics that don’t directly reflect
to race, and have difficulty discussing the image of the future which they
suppose they are fighting for.

The other organizational defect within the Alliance is its inability to
cultivate and use a broad “supporter” base in supplement to its
“membership”. Hitler in Book II, Chapter 11 of his Mein Kampf (the only
chapter of that book that was both original to Hitler and published
essentially unedited), wrote:

“Every movement will have to sift the material it wins into two large
groups: supporters and members. The function of propaganda is to attract
supporters, the function of organizations is to win members. A supporter of
the movement is one who declares himself to be in agreement with its aims, a
member is one who fights for them. …

“The greatest danger which can threaten a movement is a membership which has
grown abnormally as a result of too rapid successes. … In consequence of
their first victory, so many inferior, unworthy and worst of all cowardly,
elements have entered their organization that these inferior people finally
achieve predominance over the militants and then forces the movement into
the service of their own interests, lower it to the level of their scanty
heroism, and do nothing to complete the victory of the original idea.

“It is, therefore, most necessary that a movement, for pure reasons of
self-preservation, should, once it has begun to achieve success, immediately
block enrollments and henceforth increase its organization only with extreme
caution and after the most thorough scrutiny.”

This appear to be the National Alliance strategy, but it is forgetting one
thing that the German Nazis realized in practice – that there must be
secondary organizations designed to mobilize and utilize the “supporters”,
if only as a source of fundraising and as warm bodies to fill the seats at
rallies and to impress the social-democratic press. Perhaps this style of
organizing is residue from Pierce’s disdain of the “defective”, but it has
left the Alliance with no way to bring the general public into the general
movement. While someone like Morris Dees accepts donations from thousands of
individuals without demanding they take legal training and litigate at his
side, the Alliance often disdains the idea of allowing people who do not
want to be active with them to support them. Short of groups that use
Scientology-like mind-control techniques and devastating financial
exploitation of their membership in order to discourage desertion, large
organizations have not been built on such principles.


The National Alliance has seen explosive growth in the past two months that
threatens to propel them out of the political “hate” ghetto and convert them
into a political organization with mainstream political power and appeal.
Though they face some difficulties, most of these can and likely will be
overcome with time and experience. The transformation from a vaguely defined
body into an organization with a specific program, when and if it occurs,
should be seen as sign of serious political maturity – as should any sign of
diversification of political power and creation of organizations design to
utilize their “supporter” base to contribute to the growth of the

With the future in America uncertain, and the President seizing near
dictatorial powers that are sure to be wielded against American citizens
before the end of his term, the threat to civil liberties and the racial
analysis of that threat has growing appeal. Already, the culture of US
cities is largely divorced from the culture of mainstream American life, and
as a government which already cannot police more than a quarter of any major
city turns against its people in the wilderness, it will find itself
increasingly impotent over remote areas, and thus will be driven to allot
itself increasingly dictatorial powers, which will, conversely, increase the
size and influence of groups like the Alliance. With the nature of the
divide falling largely along ethnic and class lines, and with the government
being strongly identified in the minds of many white working class Americans
with an increasingly alien rule of both “the Jews” and the white
bourgeoisie, the National Alliance movement is certainly positioned to take
the lead in capitalizing on this to effect social and economic change.

The main question remaining is exactly what kind of social and economic
change America would actually see. Is Pierce truly the blood-thirsty
nihilist his broadcasts often portray him as, or are these extreme
statements he makes merely the product of anger and the need for a gimmick
to draw his organization attention? The question is open but important – the
theorists Julius Evola predicted that near the end times there would come a
series of “Titanic” or “Luciferian” rebellions that would claim to uphold
the principles of the Golden Age, but would actually be the mechanisms by
which the final death cycle of civilization were brought into play. He also
predicted a race of Heroes that would arise to oppose them. So we are left
with a question: Is Pierce the Titan or the Hero? If the American government
continues its course, in time we may get a chance to find out.


Nick Tanery

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