-Caveat Lector-

Nevada lawmakers vote to legalize medical marijuana

By SIOBHAN McDONOUGH, Associated Press

CARSON CITY, Nev. (June 4, 2001 10:26 p.m. EDT) - On Monday state
lawmakers voted to legalize marijuana for medical purposes and relax
penalties for possession of the drug.

The Assembly's vote puts the state on a potential collision course with the
federal government. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last month that a
federal law classifying the drug as illegal includes no exception for medical

The state Senate has already approved the bill, and it is expected to
receive Gov. Kenny Guinn's signature.

The bill would allow seriously ill Nevadans to have up to seven marijuana
plants for personal use.

It says a person with an ounce or less of marijuana could be charged with a
misdemeanor and fined up to $600. A second offense would carry a higher
fine and placement in a treatment or rehabilitation program; three-time
offenders would be charged with a gross misdemeanor and pay a still-
steeper fine.

The Senate amended the bill to add felony charges for a fourth or
subsequent possession charge.

Under current Nevada law, possession of any amount of marijuana can
result in felony charges leading to prison terms of one to four years. But first
offenses involving small amounts are usually handled as misdemeanors,
with no jail time and fines of a few hundred dollars.

The bill would allow the state to seek federal permission to conduct
research into whether marijuana helps ease pain, nausea or other
symptoms of seriously ill patients.

The bill would also allow the creation of a state registry for patients whose
doctors recommend they use marijuana for medical reasons.

Nevadans voted overwhelmingly in 1998 and 2000 to amend the state
constitution to allow marijuana use by those suffering from cancer, AIDS,
glaucoma and other painful and potentially terminal illnesses. The task of
implementing the voters' mandate was left to the Legislature.

Besides Nevada, voters in Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine,
Oregon and Washington have approved ballot initiatives allowing medical
marijuana. In Hawaii, the legislature passed a similar law and the governor
signed it last year.


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