-Caveat Lector-



      The National Institute of Health released the results of a
controversial new study today, one that links the drug marijuana
to sitting around and getting high. The study, a comprehensive
five-year survey of drug use among Americans, also suggests a
possible connection between marijuana and getting baked off your

      "We have found that where there's marijuana," explained
Institute spokesperson Roger Krell, "there's also a good chance
of finding stoners on a couch passing around a bong." Krell added
that in such situations, "There is also a strong likelihood of
finding incense, a TV, and some chips, usually Ruffles."

      Krell would neither confirm nor deny the alleged link
between marijuana and Pink Floyd's The Wall. He would confirm,
however, that the album rules. "There is some seriously fucked-up
shit on that album," he said. "Especially side two. Mother do you
think they'll drop the bomb..."

      Marijuana, or "pot," as it is called on the street, is a
harmless drug that helps you relax and feel mellow. Its only
known side-effects are occasional uncontrollable laughter and
mild hunger, or "the munchies."

      Not everyone agrees with the survey's findings. "Getting
high is the least of marijuana's uses," said Matt Henner,
President of Hemp For Victory and a total pothead. "The ancient
Egyptians used hemp to build the pyramids. In the 1930s, the WPA
used it to construct bridges and dams. Today it is used for
medicine and as a non-polluting alternative to gasoline." Henner
then admitted he was "wasted beyond belief."

      According to experts, drug use among 15-24 year olds is
cool. "That's really the cool age to do drugs," said U.S. Drug
Czar Bertrand Seaver. "When you're young, that's the thing to do.
In fact, studies show that teenagers who smoke pot are far more
likely to be accepted by the in-crowd."

      While drug use among young people is cool, experts say
older people who still do drugs are losers. "A young person who
does drugs is healthy and normal," said Harvard sociologist Beth
Henterpen. "But if a guy's like 45, and he's still getting high,
it's like, 'Get a life!'"

      Marijuana also has been proven to have the wonderful
side-effect of enhanced sexual sensations, enabling some users to
achieve transcendental states of erotic bliss. The study found
that this link, however, was severely limited in many subjects
because they had, due to sitting around all the time, never
actually met members of the opposite sex. "But if they did," said
Krell, "then it'd be amazing."

      So far, the study has met with formal protest by only two
groups. The Alabama-based Center for the Christian Family,
claimed the findings to be terribly inaccurate, noting
marijuana's ability to "make users think they can fly and jump
out of buildings, like on Quincy, as well as its tendency to
induce demon possession, homicidal rampages, and homosexuality."

      Another group to object to the study was California rapping
group Cypress Hill. "Marijuana's not linked to sitting around,
man... It's linked to cruising the Barrio with a 40 and a 12
gauge, blowing pendejos away," said group member DJ Muggs. "Hand
onna pump, puffin' on a blunt... la la la la laaaaaaaaaaa..."

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