-Caveat Lector-

Scotsman Online (URL @ bottom)

Thu 21 Feb 2002

Fury as author calls WTC collapse ‘just beautiful’

Annette Witheridge In New York

AMERICA thinks the Prozac Nation author Elizabeth Wurtzel needs to
get back on the happy pills.

In a bitter attack on her fellow New Yorkers, she moans that people
overreacted to the 11 September terrorist attacks and that it
"annoyed" her.

Yet Wurtzel’s real complaint appears to be that no-one asked her to
write about her experiences that day.

Wurtzel, 34, who has made a career scribbling about her addictions,
let her mouth run away with her when she confided to a Canadian
journalist this week she could not be bothered to get out of bed when
her mother rang to say a plane had hit the World Trade Centre.

Despite living near the twin towers and watching them collapse from her window, she 
sneered: "I had not the slightest emotional reaction. I thought, this is a really 
strange art project."

Even when the windows of her flat blew in and plane wreckage hit her roof, Wurtzel 
remained unmoved. The towers collapsing, she mused, "was a most amazing sight in terms 
of sheer elegance. It fell like water. It just slid
 like a turtleneck going over someone’s head. It was just beautiful."

She sniffed: "I cried for all the animals left there in the neighbourhood. I think I 
have some kind of emotional block."

Wurtzel, who does not say whether she was taking drugs on 11 September, says her first 
reaction when her mother called her was: "What a pain in the ass."

In the following days she remained untouched by the tragedy. "I just felt like 
everyone was overreacting. People were going on about it. That part really annoyed me."

Wurtzel, whose "me, me, me" attitude to life has put up countless literary backs in 
the past, then launched into what appears to be her real complaint: "You know what was 
really funny? After the fact, like all these diffe
rent writers were writing these things about what it was like, and nobody bothered to 
call me..."

Perhaps, as happened to most New Yorkers that day, her phone lines crashed. But 
Wurtzel says she only wanted to write about her own experiences anyway because "I 
don’t want to tell other people’s stories."

Wurtzel, who was in Canada plugging her third book, More, Now, Again: A Memoir of 
Addiction, which details her drug habit as she wrote her second book, Bitch, seemed to 
think the conversation was off the record.

Admitting she would never spout such sentiments in the US, she whispered: "You can’t 
tell people this. I’m talking to you because you are Canadian."

Not surprisingly, her comments ended up splashed all over the Toronto Globe and Mail.

New York’s press has followed suit. Under the headline, "Liz, get back on the Prozac", 
the New York Post gossip columnist Jared Paul Stern describes her as a "loopy literary 

When the Welsh singer Charlotte Church complained she had had it with grief-stricken 
New Yorkers and could not understand why people were making such a fuss over the 
firemen, Americans went berserk. She was eventually dis
missed as a childish foreigner.

But New Yorkers are not expected to forgive one of their own. Not
only will Wurtzel be barred from the Manhattan party scene, many will
likely stay away from the soon-to-be released film Prozac Nation,
based on her book.

As the television commentator Michael McMahon sniped yesterday: "She
says she thinks she should join a support group for people who were
there on 11 September. Well, I don’t think any support group would
want her."
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