-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Clinton Countdown

Today is March 4, 2000.  Still 322 days remaining in the Clinton presidency.

Detesting HILLARY! - Plain & Simple

“Rudolph W. Giuliani is quick to brag about his crime fighting, tax-cutting,
welfare-reducing record as mayor (of New York).  But his most powerful
out-of-state fundraising weapon may be the visceral dislike some people feel
toward the first lady.  A random telephone sampling of some of Mr. Giuliani’s
donors produced similar refrains:  ‘I detest her,’ said Gerald Armstrong of
Eagan, Minn., who gave $500.  ‘She’s a pathological liar,’ said James
Cunningham of Shreveport, La., a $50 donor.  ‘We think Hillary Clinton is a
sleazeball,’ said Patricia Johnson of North Falmouth, Mass., whose husband
donated $250.  ‘I just hate Hillary, plain and simple,’ said Louis Kriditor
of Dallas, who contributed $100.”

- Washington Times Weekly, 2/27/00

Born Again HILLARY!

“In her latest incarnation, the former Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was
Hillary Clinton before that, and Hillary Rodham before that, will be known
simply as:  Hillary.  That’s all the signs at her formal announcement said.
She’s been reborn, renamed and reconfigured yet again.  It could work.  Or
the new Hillary could go over like the new Coke.”

- Columnist Paul Greenberg, Washington Times Weekly, 2/27/00

Bush Owes McCain a Big One

“These days, Gov. George W. Bush shows roughly the same affection for Senator
John McCain as he might for a particularly large and repulsive cockroach. But
if Mr. Bush becomes president in January, he might want to use his White
House stationery to send a thank you note to Mr. McCain.  For all the
divisiveness that the Arizona senator has injected into the Republican
primaries, and despite some harm that he may have done to Mr. Bush's
prospects in November, Mr. McCain has helped Mr. Bush in one critical
respect: he has made him a far better campaigner.”

- New York Times, 3/3/00

“Freddie Krueger” McCain

“There is a body of thought, among the traveling press, that the campaign of
John McCain is all but over.  Once you start totaling up delegates, it
doesn't appear possible that McCain can stop George W. Bush from getting the
1,034 votes necessary to secure the Republican nomination.  This mistake has
been made before.  McCain is like Freddie in one of those Friday the
Thirteenth movies.  Just when you think he's done for, the music rises, the
camera moves in for a close shot and he leaps out at the screen and scares
the you-know-what out of you.”

- Rich Galen, “Mullings,” 3/3/00

Who Wants to Be A Gas-Tax Cutter?

“As fuel prices rise, pushing, even passing, $2 a gallon in parts of
California, politicians blame production cutbacks by Arab nations. ... Last
week, angry truckers brought a convoy to Washington to protest the high fuel
prices.  Congress and the Clinton administration could grant immediate relief
to the truckers and to consumers of heating oil in the Northeast and
consumers nationwide by accepting a National Taxpayers Union recommendation
to cut the gas tax by 10 cents per gallon.”

- Columnist Cal Thomas, Los Angeles Times

Newt’s Brave, New Cyber-World

“Welcome to the wondrous, wired world of Newt Gingrich.  In this place,
children would have a personal computer at age 3 and would be able to
navigate the Internet by age 5. And if ATMs are accessible 24 hours, 7 seven
days a week, so should education.  ‘If Pokemon helps our young children read
and write, then I'm all for it,’ the former House Speaker said Wednesday to
more than 1,500 people at St. Olaf College (Minn.). ‘We have the
capabilities. All we need is a whole lot of manpower.’”

- Star Tribune, 3/2/00

Citibank Backlash Continues

Citibank’s corporate decision not to open a checking account for a small
business in Nevada  because the nature of the business involved guns,
continues to rile up Second Amendment defenders coast-to-coast.  Many have
fired off letters of protest and placed angry phone calls to Citibank’s
corporate offices in New York.  But nothing will get stockholders’ attention
faster than a hit where it really hurts: on the bottom line of the corporate
balance sheet.   Cutting up your Citibank credit card and returning it with
your letter of protest is the non-violent equivalent of a 2-by-4 across the
noggin.  Here’s a suggestion from our friend Peter Roff:  “If you hold a
credit card issued by Citibank, you may want to consider the NRA (National
Rifle Association) Credit Card Program as an alternative. To apply for this
card, which benefits NRA financially every time you use it, please call (800)
321-9416, or you can apply on-line by going to www.NRAHQ.org, and then the
page called GIVE/JOIN/HELP, and then selecting Member Benefits & Special

FREE Campaign Training Seminar in Idaho

The Leadership Institute is sponsoring a two-day campaign training seminar on
March 11-12 in Post Falls, Idaho (about 40 miles outside Spokane,
Washington).  Joining me in conducting this seminar will be two highly
competent and extremely experienced instructors, Ron Nehring and Nancy
Bocskor.  Among the topics we’ll be covering:  Developing Strategy & Message,
Opposition Research, Voter ID & Targeting, Public Relations, Dealing With the
Media, Voter Mail, Door-to-Door, Phone Programs, Get-Out-The-Vote, Recruiting
& Managing Volunteers, Building Coalitions, Developing a Fundraising Plan,
One-on-One Solicitation, Direct Mail Fundraising and Fundraising Events.  For
additional information and details, contact Matt Lewis at (800) 827-5323 or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  And don’t forget to mention you heard
about the seminar here in “News & Views”.  If you do, they’ll waive the
tuition fee (which I think is normally a gazillion dollars!).  Hope to see
some of you there.

- Chuck

P.S.  For an even MORE intense and comprehensive campaign training program,
the Leadership Institute’s week-long Campaign Management School will be held
in Arlington, VA on March 19-25.  See details at the end of today’s

Help Spread the Word

If you know someone who does not receive our FREE News & Views briefings,
send their e-mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (NOTE:  Under Bill s.1618
TITLE III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress, political e-newsletters such as
this cannot be considered spam as long as the sender includes contact
information and a method of removal - which we do.   To be removed from
future mailings just reply with REMOVE in the subject line.)


News & Views has a subscriber base of Republican activists, political leaders
and elected officials of over 6,500 ... and growing each day.  If you have a
service, product, web site, or event that you want advertised to a national
audience of stalwart Republicans, give us a shout.  e-Classifieds start as
low as $30 for 30 days.  Go to:  http://www.chuckmuth.com/ads.htm for
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think about it.

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Robert Ashworth, CPAs at 702/734-0084.

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experience.  No campaign is too small or too large. It's the principle that
matters!  Contact Dave Pearson at 303-421-7223 or e-mail at

*  “Unbridled Joy - The Verse of Joy Skilmer”, by Lyn Nofziger is coming
March 15.  This book of amusing and insightful conservative wisdom will be
the ultimate quotable resource.  E-mail orders freight free and billed upon
delivery.  $14.00.  Quantity discounts available:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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*  Help Stop HillaryCare through the back door, and prevent socialized
medicine! Check our website for the Medical Sentinel of the Association of
American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). Visit http://www.haciendapub.com.

*  "BLOOPERS & BLUNDERS: The Clinton Years"  is a hilarious cartoon
collection of the major goof-ups of the Clinton administration's "legacy,"
made into a fun card game.  Our other game is the "IMPEACHMENT" Card Game,
and it was featured in Rush Limbaugh's newsletter (February 1999 edition) and
on FOX News. Very clever game; it will likely become a collector's item.
Only $9.95 each at http://www.PoliticalGames.com.

*  Bill Clinton tried to silence her! (She responded with a RICO lawsuit.)
Find out what scared him!  Dolly Kyle Browning’s thinly-disguised
autobiographical novel PURPOSES OF THE HEART. $25 at www.deardolly.com.

*  NEW “Politics & Campaigns” Newsletter - Real-life how-to tips on getting
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organization delivered right to your door each and every month.  FREE sample.
 Call 1-800-947-2827 or write [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-  John McCain:  www.mccain2000.com
-  Alan Keyes:  www.keyes2000.org
-  George W. Bush:  www.georgewbush.com

*  CAMPAIGN SCHOOL:  The Leadership Institute is holding an intensive,
six-and -a-half-day Campaign Leadership School in Arlington, VA., March
19-25. This school offers attendees the technology required to create and
manage effective grassroots campaigns.  Participants will learn to:
- Develop effective campaign strategy
- Build a powerful organization
- Garner favorable media
- Set and achieve fundraising goals
- Conduct thorough opposition research
Campaign Leadership School graduates will have the tools required to build a
strong, balanced campaign with a solid grassroots organization and a good
media operation.  They'll make a difference in the public policy process.
For more information call David Shephard at 800-827-5323 ext. 205 or:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  And tell Dave you read about the
school in “News & Views” and you’ll get a very, VERY special tuition

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Published by:  Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus
“The Conscience of the Republican Party”
Chuck Muth, Chairman

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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