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Subject: News & Views - March 7, 2000
Date: Monday, March 06, 2000 11:23 PM

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Clinton Countdown

Today is March 7 - “Super Tuesday” - 2000.  Still 319 days remaining in the
Clinton presidency.

Activists Swarm Anchors

The major television networks have disconnected their anchors’ e-mail
accounts - and Peter Jennings’ secretary is hanging up on callers - after
Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson gave out their phone
numbers and e-mail addresses to protest the networks’ non-coverage of the
conviction of Al Gore fundraiser Maria Hsia.  Some activists told the RNC
that their first e-mails to the network anchors - Jennings, Brokaw and Rather
- early Monday morning went through, but when they tried later in the
afternoon, they all bounced back.  “I expected they would be mildly annoyed
by the calls, faxes and e-mails, but I never thought they’d hang up on their
own viewers,” said Nicholson.  “I have some advice for them - courage.  True,
viewers are being empowered to express themselves directly to the anchors,
but that’s the way it is.”

Media Blackout of Hsia Conviction

“Asking the media to report negative things on Al Gore, is akin to expecting
Pope John Paul II to say something derogatory about Mother Theresa.”

- News & Views reader Chris Marcoux, 3/6/00

A Very Bad Sign

“The election campaign is going to be brutal, incredibly negative, nasty,
dirty, slimy, sleazy, and one of the worst in history.”

- Unnamed Gore adviser, U.S. News & World Report, 2/13/00

A Very Good Sign

“Despite the personal rancor of the past few days, McCain promised to support
Bush if he is the Republican nominee.  Bush also pledged to support whoever
is nominated.”

- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 3/6/00

Killer Coddlers Heckle Gov. Bush

“At a rally in Oakland, California, a group of anti-death penalty protesters
interrupted Bush shouting:  ‘Stop the ex-e-cutions.  Mor-a-torium now!’ ...
Mullings gave them a perfect 10 points for coming up with a chant which did
not start with the words:  ‘Hey, Hey.  Ho, Ho’ as in ‘Hey, Hey.  Ho, Ho.
Executions got to go.’  Mullings was then forced to take away those points
when a leader of the group admitted to reporters that he was a member of the
Socialist Workers' Party.”

- Rich Galen, “Mullings,” 3/6/00

Bush/Dole 2000:  Playing the Gender Card

“’Sensing that Gov. George W. Bush is having trouble proving he is as much of
a hotshot reformer as slumping foe Sen. John McCain, advisers are again
looking to Elizabeth Dole as the savior,’ Paul Bedard writes in U.S. News &
World Report.  ‘If Bush gets the nomination, he'll need McCain's supporters
to beat Vice President Al Gore. And that's why friends of Dole are pushing
her as Bush's running mate. Bush allies agree that Dole could sell the reform
banner more easily and cherry-pick McCain's maverick backers simply because
she's a woman,’ Mr. Bedard said.”

- Greg Pierce, “Inside Politics,” 3/6/00

OK, Class ... Please Turn to Page...

"That every GOP 'debate' has been nothing more than an extra-credit offering
in the Alan Keyes civics-class campaign, with ‘Huh?’ written full across the
faces of George W. Bush, John McCain, and TV talking heads from sea to
shining sea, should be sufficient evidence of just how high over his
opponents Keyes towers."

- Columnist Erik Jay, "What Next?", 3/10/00

Gay Marriage Causing Separation in CA GOP

“Republicans may be divided nationally between Texas Gov. George W. Bush and
Arizona Sen. John McCain, but that split doesn't approach the depth of the
divide within the California Republican Party over tomorrow's vote on
Proposition 22.  The ballot initiative would forbid California from
recognizing same-sex ‘marriages,’ no matter where they're performed.  ...Rep.
Tom Campbell, the party's almost certain candidate for the U.S. Senate,
opposes the measure fervently. So does University of California Regent Ward
Connerly, the most visible leader of the national fight against affirmative
action. ... But the Republican state leadership firmly supports the
initiative.  State Chairman John McGraw and all current party officers
applauded loudly at a prayer breakfast during a recent state party
convention, when Bill Bright, co-founder of the Campus Crusade for Christ,
equated homosexual lifestyles to Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union.
... Meanwhile, San Diego Mayor Susan Golding and Los Angeles mayoral
candidate Steve Soboroff are among other major Republicans joining Mr.
Campbell and Mr. Connerly in opposing the measure.

- Washington Times, 3/6/00

Umm ... But Isn’t Divorce a Sin, Too?

“The pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church told his congregation Sunday
that he welcomes gay people into his church. But he doesn't want them
marrying.  Dr. John Huffman Jr. said he supports Proposition 22, the
controversial measure on Tuesday's ballot that would bar gay marriages from
official recognition in California.  ‘Love the sinner, hate the sin,’ Huffman
said. ‘I am not prepared to declare that what the Bible says is sin is no
longer sin.’  With the election just two days away, churchgoers around
California struggled with how to vote on a measure that has galvanized and
divided the religious community.“

- Associated Press, 3/5/00

Compassionate Exclusion for Gay GOP’ers?

“(T)he more Bush fills in the blank that was his candidacy, the more hollow
his inclusive platitudes sound. When he refuses to meet with gay Log Cabin
Republicans, fails to denounce the Confederate flag, begs Pat Buchanan to
remain a Republican and kicks off his South Carolina campaign at a university
best known for its racism, Bush is selling a brand of Republicanism that most
American voters reject. Has he learned nothing from the defeats of his father
and Bob Dole? ... Republicans’ general election prospects took a dive months
ago, when front-runner Bush snubbed Log Cabin Republicans. The mistreatment
of gay Republicans is a signal that a campaign’s atmosphere is turning toxic.
Dole’s 1995 return of a Log Cabin contribution, for example, was an early
sign that he would pander to extremists too much to be elected. ‘We tend to
be the canary in the mineshaft in the party,’ notes Log Cabin director Rich
Tafel.  Tafel thinks Bush has made the ‘fatal mistake’ of going too far to
the right.”

- Columnist Deb Price, Detroit News

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Published by:  Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus
“The Conscience of the Republican Party”
Chuck Muth, Chairman
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Phone:  (702) 454-0350  •  Fax  (702) 454-7798

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