-Caveat Lector-

I would dearly love for someone to prove me wrong and come forward with
a U.S. media coverage of this story.  Instead, I see the country being
put on "Orange" alert for terrorist attacks while the bellicose war talk
continues unabated and the media reports every bit of foul air coming
out of Washington and calls it "news".  My radio stations commercials
say "we'll keep you informed", yeah, right.

I'm not holding my breath...

>From Mike Ruppert at FTW:

- News of Bogus UK Intelligence Report Sweeping the Planet

- Blair Government Facing Imminent Crisis

- Revelation May Speed Up Iraqi Invasion

Britain's Intelligence Dossier on Iraq was Plagiarized from a Grad

                                      by Michael C. Ruppert

Feb. 6, 2003, 2230 hrs, PST, (FTW) - A story is sweeping the world
tonight and it says a great deal about those who are forcing the world
into a war it does not want. The famed dossier presented by British
Prime Minister Tony Blair to his Parliament was plagiarized from two
articles and a September 2002 research paper submitted by a graduate
student. Worse, the Iraq described by the graduate student is not the
Iraq of 2003 but the Iraq of 1991. So glaring was the theft of
intellectual property that the official British document even cut and
pasted whole verbatim segments of the research paper, including
grammatical errors, and presented the findings as the result of intense
work by British intelligence services.

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell both praised and quoted that same
British report in his presentation at the United Nations yesterday.

It is important that readers see and understand the enormity of this
violation of public trust for themselves. The story was first broken by
Britain's Channel 4 today and it is appearing in more papers and web
sites by the hour. The following links lead directly to the Channel 4
story, to the British "intelligence" report and to the original student

What was also disclosed was that certain portions of the academic report
were altered by the PM Tony Blair to make them more inflammatory. In one
cited instance Blair changed "aiding opposition groups" to "supporting

The Channel 4 story is at:

The Official UK intelligence report is at:

The original student research paper is located at:

In the context of merely preventing or slowing a war with Iraq this
would be earth shattering news. But in a world that is slowly beginning
to feel the pressure of and admit the reality of dwindling global oil
supplies the fallout from the story may actually accelerate hostilities.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair will be, by tomorrow, facing
monumental challenges in both Parliament and from British public opinion
that is overwhelmingly opposed to an Iraqi invasion. The event could be
enough to topple his government and cause new elections which might well
result in a new government that is not mind-melded with the Bush

The Bush administration, faced with its own embarrassment over the
issue, cannot wage a successful war without England. The first thought
that came to my mind when I saw the story was that George W. Bush must
pre-empt this story and make it moot to save not only Blair but himself
as well. The only way to do that is to have the war begin before the
justified outrage of the electorate which has been treated with utter
contempt can make itself felt.

I noticed tonight that the Associated Press and Yahoo news had reported
that the 101st Air Assault Division based at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky -
the Army's premier "door kickers" - had been given their deployment
orders for the Gulf this afternoon. As I have previously reported, the
101st, along with units like the 75th Rangers can be deployed and
operational within 96 hours, anywhere in the world. When the 101st heads
out you know the war is going to start very soon.

These are incredibly dangerous times, made more so because there is no
turning back for the Bush administration. This story is incredible proof
of the cynicism, dishonesty and callousness of the tyrants pushing the
world toward destruction. And Iraq is merely the first stop on a
sequential plan for control of the last remaining oil reserves on the
planet. I encourage all who read the information contained in these
links to spread it far and wide and also, by whatever means at their
disposal, to tell the mainstream press, members of congress and the
White House itself that we will not follow; we will not obey; and we
will not kill on the orders of those who lie to us and who demonstrate
the integrity of thieves and intellectual cowards.

This might be our last chance before the bombs start falling, before
young American men and many innocent Iraqi civilians are reduced to
blood and ash.


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