-Caveat Lector-

So in this item with regard to the crisis in California, it is said the
problem is so complex nobody will understand it?   Maybe that is what is
wrong?   Time to give them all the boot?

Do not know anything about when a government steps in to "nationalize" a
utility, but it seems like California is sinking and nobody throws a
lifeline because nobody knows what the hell they are doing?

The solution is really very simple  - services lag behind the need and
does not matter why, but how to catch up before the lights go out and
the summer heat causes much more serious problems?

>From what I have read of Colonel Tom Beardon and a new venture by
unknown parties forming Tesla Electric - we could have so much free
energy in this country no need to gouge the public anymore.

All utilities - need government control before Clinton goes into his 8
million dollar a year job as investment broker - for you see this trashy
element is stealing our natural resources and gouging the public is just
now beginning......

No wonder people don't want to give up their guns.......wish I had a

Throw the bums out if they are so stupid they do not understand these
simple problems.
They live truly in the dark ages and at this rate, will soon have


 Davis defeated on Edison bailout plan
Despite months of negotiations, Gov. Gray Davis' plan to save Southern
California Edison, is effectively dead in the state Legislature, leaders
of both houses agree, it was reported today.

Not only has Davis failed to garner support for his more than $3 billion
plan to keep one of California's largest utilities out of bankruptcy —
in part by having the state buy its transmission lines — but follow-up
efforts by leading lawmakers to fashion an alternative are also falling
flat, the Los Angeles Times reported.
Any alternative proposal to bail out Edison will probably have to be
approved on a party-line vote by Democrats, the newspaper reported.

The reasons are complex, according to legislators working to close the
Edison deal, but ultimately come down to simple politics — partisan
response in the state Capitol to the energy crisis.

The stakes are high, because restoring Edison financially and requiring
the utility to temporarily sell power at lower prices are cornerstones
of Davis' plan to get the state out of the business of buying
electricity, the Times reported.
But leaders in the Legislature say Davis' approach has few backers.

"I don't think the governor's plan has support in either party in either
house," Assembly Speaker Bob Hertzberg, D-Sherman Oaks, told the Times.
"The issue is whether we can come up with something else, and I think we

Since January, California authorized more than $7 billion in taxpayer
money to buy power for private utilities in order to avoid mass
blackouts. It is a perilous fiscal situation that has drained the state
budget and led to downgrades of the state's credit rating on Wall
Street, the newspaper reported.

Lawmakers are wary of making an even greater blunder than they did in
1996, when they unanimously approved what is now widely considered to be
a botched scheme to deregulate electricity in California. In both the
Assembly and Senate, most Democrats and Republicans are convinced there
is no way for them to save Edison without appearing to sanction a huge
bailout, the newspaper reported.

Legislators want to get something of value in return from Edison —
high-voltage transmission lines, hydroelectric power plants or
guarantees that the utility will boost energy supplies — but are
sharply split on what is best, the Times reported.

A core element of all Edison rescue programs being considered is a
proposal to use a chunk of customers' monthly electric bills to repay
the utility's huge debt, a solution many election-conscious legislators
find as appetizing as a suicide pill, the newspaper reported.

The deal only requires a majority vote, but without two-thirds approval
it would be wide open to an initiative challenge — a prospect that
frightens politicians. Consumer activists have already threatened to
strike back with a referendum next year, when Davis and lawmakers will
be seeking re-election, the newspaper reported.

Democrats, who hold majorities in both houses, cannot agree on how to
save Edison — or whether it is even proper for government to do so.
Some say the state would be better off letting Edison follow Pacific Gas
& Electric Co. into U.S. Bankruptcy Court. After PG&E filed for
protection from creditors in Bankruptcy Court last month, and massive
blackouts failed to materialize, legislative momentum to save Edison
from a similar fate all but vanished, the Times reported.

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