-Caveat Lector-

>Clearly any reasonable person knows that "Noah's Flood" is a fiction as is
>bible, nothing more than
>silly mythology.
>Can't we rise above superstition and deal with the real world?

Bill, the legends of the Flood are Global and Pan-Cultural - they are Not
restricted to the Christian-Judaeic Tradition.
I know that in the USA - the "Christians and Bibles" meanz problems and that
it is best not to pander to ideologies that give their excesses
substance - however - Ethnologists and Archaeologists have evidence of lots
of Global environmental problems eg. Commis Beaumont 'Britain Key to World
and 'The Comet' circa 1920s, Immanuel Velikovsky 'Worlds in Collision', and
other observations by; John Keel, Charles Fort, and recently Hancock quotes
Einsteins 'Earth Crust Displacement Theory' in 'Fingerprints of the Gods'.

We may have a use for historical precedent and
even strong anecdotal evidence from myth, as most of that can be used
to produce testable inductive hypotheses.
eg. I have a book by Pauwels and Bergier called 'impossible possibilities'
1971  isbn 583 12292 2 - classed as non-fiction/Occult - this is what it says
on the back cover ....

'are there intelligent beings on other planets or in other galaxies, if so,
is there some way to communicate with them ?'   [seti 1999]

Can man become immortal ? [stem cell and genome research 1999]

Will genetic research ever produce a superman ?  [dolly and 'ewe-genics'1999]

Can an electronic brain ever learn to think for itself ?  [current A.I 1999]

Will ESP ever supplement - or replace - speech as a means of communication ?
[our friends from USSR and Remote Viewing studies in the USA 1999]

None of these can now be said to be outwith the realms of scientific
29 years on -
They have traversed the boundary from MYTH to SCIENCE.
The Bible, besides being full of 'begets and begats' has various encoded
eg. the Gospel of St Matthew is a mathematical revelation which is encoded in
the Templar/Masonic Chapel at Roslin, and someone who posted to the CTRL list
on Mithraism quoted the scarlet lady of revelations 17:4 with the jewel cup
full of
abominations - which has direct bearing on breaking - if questionable -
news of
the Illuminati drinking 'Estrus and sexual secretions' aka STARFIRE from
goblets. It may sound a bit non-nutritious to a born again Christian - but
like this secret Rosicrucian and Order of the Dragon practise was known about
in days of yore 232 AD ...
the pre-occupation with Sex - being that the Human Body is a battery of
force which other beings throughout history have found to be substantial.
[eg. tantric yoga, Vril, orgone, aura, chakra, empathic transferance,
voodoo, juju
etc] [scientific equivalents; Quantum EPR effect; Sheldrake, PSI, Kirlian]

I wouldn't dismiss the Bible utterly as an archaeological record.
Try reading Genesis by substituting the word God with Darth Vader
The Tower of Babel, and the Fallen Angels who had created the problem, were
dealt with
harshly by 'God' or darth Vader or some Big Cheese from 'out there'.
God split the colony up and scattered the tribes aka the 'lost tribes' - he
gave them a Babel of tongues - try this -
using a sound engineering programme called cakewalk - try reversing a phrase
in English - it sounds like Polish !
A Bunch of wandering Scotsmen have recently been dug up in Northern China -
which seems a long way to go for a take away ;)
18th Century Study by a Dane called Johnson lodged at Edinburgh University on
Phoenetics - pioneered the ideas of 'synchronicities' between languages all
the globe - using the 'sounds like ..' technique, he developed a system which
illustrated that ALL language - including hieroglyphs could be derived from a
common root language and then used this system as a 'Universal translator'.

Today we look at our 'sources' for clues to the end days -
yet I find that I cannot agree with a book like the Bible Code which alleges
that JFK and the winner of the '2 O'Clock at Sandringham' are 'written' by the
hand of god in the code.
I have researched this kind of 'prophetic Artificial Intelligence' and
conclude that it may be possible to predict an 'event with a loose description
of its behaviour' sometime in the future - to actually get 'Lee Harvey Oswald'
SPECIFICALLY out of that means for me - that's its a scam.

Lets be honest - we have all seen at least a Deep Impact poster and we know
incoming asteroids are very bad news - well if the NWO have antigravity
they could just saunter on out to the asteroid belt and nudge one or two our
way -

but lets not get depressed :( the bad guys have plan A, therefore the good
must have plan B :)
[it helps me get thru the day - in the Words of Mel Gibson aka BRAVEHEART ...
' they can take our planet .... but they canna tak oor Freedom !!!'

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh   Scotland

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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