Re: [CTRL] Nonconsensual Brainwave/Personality Studies

2000-05-14 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 05/13/2000 10:57:59 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Hmmm.  RFR and chemtrails? 

 Fact:  The chemtrails are real.
 But the question is..."Why are they spraying?"
 This may be the answer:
  "...The idea expressed here is that depositing small amounts of
 chemicals in a person's physiological system, in amounts
 below normal levels where negative physical effects are
 known to occur, will ensure they have no perceivable effect
 until radio frequency radiation (RFR) is introduced.  Once
 introduced, the RFR creates physiological reactions which
 are detrimental to the host."

 And so, how is the RFR introduced on a large-scale,
 perhaps hemisphere-wide...or even world-wide basis?
 HAARP and several other known such facilities
 around the world!

 The following are quotes from the book:
 "Angels Dont Play This HAARP" by Nich Begich.
 This may seem like a long email, but it's a lot
 shorter than the book.  I am including here just
 the most pertinent information.


   the "...enhancement of 'anomalous phenomena' in individuals"
"Techniques are needed to deposit RFR (radio frequency
radiation) effects at selected (body) organ sites."

"...We were distressed to read about the idea of using this
   technology to alter the way people think "

 Page l84.  Note that HAARP is the most versatile and the
 largest radio-frequency-radiation transmitter in the world.
 Captain Paul Tyler wrote a chapter in "Low-Intensity
 Conflict and Modern Technology and points to applications
 which may already be somewhat developed. He points out that
 the uses of radio-frequency radiation may include
 enhancement of 'anomalous phenomena' in individuals. these

 Techniques are needed to deposit RFR (radio frequency
 radiation) effects at selected organ sites.These
 studies will require prudent extrapolation of physical and
 physiological data obtained from laboratory animals to
 humans in operational environments.  The l982 Air Force
 report called for the research to be done so that the Air
 Force could develop hardware so that the radiation could be
 delivered  through new weapons.

 A research publication commissioned by the Air Force -
 "Radio Frequency Dosimetry Handbook' described these models
 in time to meet the schedules they had put forward in 1982.
 The book gives mathematics for calculating the dosages
 (Dosimetry) of radio frequency radiation necessary to cause
 changes in animals and humans.  ...This book compiled
 research spanning five decades and contains a bibliography
 which is 29 pages long. ...(page l85).More
 importantly the research behind it is being used to develop
 better methods of killing.

 Purpose;  To change the central nervous system,
 cardiovascular system and the respiratory system  (Page
 l85).  The l982 Air Force report covering the use of radio
 frequency radiation in the new weapon systems contemplated
 by the Air Force was intended to change the central nervous
 system, cardiovascular system and the respiratory system.
 We were distressed to read about the idea of using this
 technology to alter the way people think in order to make
 the "enemy" of the government incapable of waging war. ..

 Page l86:  The fact that these technologies are classified
 and hidden from the medical community denies humanity the
 opportunity to explore these areas for healing people
 rather than for destructive purposes.

 The report speaks about using this technology in a way
 which could interact with biological or chemical
 agentsit states:  "It may be possible to sensitize
 large military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of
 biological and chemical agentsIt should be noted that
 this may require relatively low level RFR.  The idea
 expressed here is that depositing small amounts of
 chemicals in a person's physiological system, in amounts
 below normal levels where negative physical effects are
 known to occur, will ensure they have no perceivable effect
 until radio frequency radiation (RFR) is introduced.  Once
 introduced, the RFR creates physiological reactions which
 are detrimental to the host.  This would allow individuals
 who are not exposed to the chemicals to then enter the area
 of the RFR without harm to their own bodies.  When an
 operator tunes the RFR in just the right way, changes are
 caused in the energy state of atoms, which cause chemical
 reactions in the body, which in turn manifest as
 physiological or psychological changes.

 The introduction of small amounts of chemicals is a very
 important concept when cyclotron resonance is considered.
 The HAARP transmitter uses cyclotron resonance in radiating
 its energy transmissions into the atmosphere.  The
 introduction of RFR causes a change in energy states, which
 cause chemical 

[CTRL] Nonconsensual Brainwave/Personality Studies

2000-05-13 Thread William Shannon


Nonconsensual Brainwave and Personality
Studies by the U.S. Government

I am a survivor of ongoing mind control experimentation by the U.S.
government since 1989. I would like to prevent victims from experiencing much
of the pain that I went through by telling my testimony within the framework
of background information and history on government weapon testing programs,
especially radiation experimentation. I would state the same testimony under
oath in a Congressional hearing or in a court case. I first learned of
microwave harassment and mind control experimentation from Julianne McKinney,
director of the now inactive Electronic Surveillance Project. This is an
overview and does not include the unsavory details as the point is to
recognize the general pattern of experimentation. It will greatly help your
understanding of this paper if the preceding Research Possibilities list of
reputable newspaper and magazine articles on behavior control weapons is read

I would challenge the reader to recognize the "plutonium vitamin pill" of
mind control technology before the U.S. government admits to it's use. This
paper is attempting to describe something that the reader is not familiar
with. This is critical to keep in mind so that this paper will communicate on
the basis of accepted reality.


The Congressional Record states that the U.S. government had been involved in
mind control experimentation from the 1950s up to the early 1970s.1 These
illegal behavior control experiments are similar to the documented illegal
radiation experiments. The U.S. government currently denies that there is
ongoing classified behavior control experimentation. This is debatable and in
my opinion will some day be as undeniable as the radiation experiments are

There were at least 23,000 radiation victims of institutionalized unethical
experimentation.2 There are similarities between radiation and mind control
experimentation because the government bureaucracy is the same, the groups of
victims are the same and it involves weapon testing. But unlike the atomic
bomb, the U.S. public is not aware of the highly classified behavior control
weapons. This fact contributes to the difficulty that victims have in
exposing the experimentation.

The purpose of U.S. government research with electromagnetic frequencies and
computer-brain interface technology is to develop mind control weapons that
meet or surpass the enemy's mind control weapon program, in particular
Russia. The U.S. military's interest in controlling behavior and in using
this on it's enemies in future warfare is well documented.3 The lethal doses
and parameters of radiation were explored and now the limits of
computer-brain interface and emf technology are explored in the same
unethical way. And by using unwitting victims, experiments are conducted
without limits of human subject experimentation committees.

There are strong indications that electromagnetic frequency (emf) behavior
control weapons and electronic warfare has been a classified area of research
since at least the 1960s4, that there are highly classified international
agreements to control it's use, that it is being tested on unwitting human
subjects and that there is an active government program to cover up the whole
situation. Recently, there have been several articles published on nonlethal
weapons, emf weapons, and mind control in the U.S.5

And in the last five years there have been several articles in mainstream
publications about the Russian mind control technology and emf.6 And several
reliable sources confirm that the cover up involves government policy such as
the CIA refusing to release this information to the Radiation Advisory
Committee. Glenn Krawczyk wrote in Nexus, Vo1. 2, No. 22, Oct-Nov 1994, that
the CIA used a trick of terminology to disguise the development of microwave
weapons in the 1977 Congressional hearings on CIA behavior control programs
and has done the same thing with the Radiation Advisory Committee in 1994.

Another example: two top scientists in emf research have discussed government
harassment. Dr. Puharich, well-known for emf and previous government work,
described that his house was burned down and he was shot at for discussing
emf technology and it's development.7 Dr. Becker, the author of Body Electric
on emf, also lost government funding and discussed other examples of
harassment by the U.S. government.8

"The Soft-Kill Fallacy" by Steve Aftergood and Barbara Hatch Rosenberg in The
Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, Sept/Oct 1994 p. 45 stated that discussions
under the Certain Conventional Weapons Convention on electromagnetic weapons,
including weapons that interfere with mental processes and modify behavior
and emotional response, may lead to protocols to control their use. The fact
that behavior control weapons are in the public eye officially could 

Re: [CTRL] Nonconsensual Brainwave/Personality Studies

2000-05-13 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 5/13/00 3:30:06 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Using relatively low-level RFR, it may be possible to sensitize large
  military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of biological or chemical
  agents to which the unirradiated population would be immune.(1)

  Hmmm.  RFR and chemtrails?


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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
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