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The First Cznt

Hillary Backs Off Over Shooting

"I took care of Waco, but maybe I'm not ready for New York."

HILLARY CLINTON is facing political embarrassment over calls for Washington
to prosecute four white New York City policemen cleared of shooting an
innocent black immigrant 19 times outside his home.

Black activists and civil rights organisations will be seeking the backing of
Mrs Clinton, who is running for the United States senate in New York, to
begin a fresh prosecution of the men under federal law.

Before the trial, she described the killing of the West African street vendor
Amadou Diallo as "murder". She has since tried to distance herself from the
case. In a statement issued after Friday's verdict, Mrs Clinton called the
shooting a "terrible tragedy" and concluded: "We must all work together
towards the day when all citizens and all police treat each other with mutual

Her statement was in stark contrast to the anger expressed by many activists
over the trial which took place in Albany, a city two hours north of the
Bronx, where Mr Diallo lived. The Rev Al Sharpton, who led a civil
disobedience campaign and is a potential key Democratic supporter of Mrs
Clinton, attacked the trial venue, saying there was "no chance of real

In contrast, Rudi Giuliani, the Mayor of New York, who is likely to run for
the Republicans against Mrs Clinton, said it was "an eminently fair trial".
Mrs Clinton, who trails Mr Giuliani in the polls, is anxious not be drawn
into the controversy surrounding the death of Mr Diallo.

The 22-year-old was attempting to take out his wallet, which police mistook
for a gun. They fired 41 bullets and he was hit 19 times.The US Justice
Department has said it will examine the case, and the officers could be
prosecuted for violating Mr Diallo's civil rights.
The London Telegraph, February 27, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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